IEM discussion thread (Part 1)

Stop with the impressions damn it.

Your going to make me buy it and I am saving for the serial or something dark like it!


Iā€™m the one that talked him into the Panda so I vouch for it:

If you donā€™t have your flavor of planar yet, and have tried any of the others, the Panda is wonderful.


Thanks for the brief comparison. Looks promising. Do you think it sounds similar to the DM? Others who heard both can chime in too since I recall Mag saying he couldnā€™t get the right fit. Iā€™m assuming the staging on the DM is bigger?

Graph of Hola (yellow) vs Zero (blue) and Hexa (pink):

Will graph the rest (wanā€™er/DSP/Khan) once I get them back :slight_smile:

And since weā€™re talking about DM, hereā€™s how the Hola (yellow) is vs DM (orange)

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Dark Magician and Panda share the DNA of the mid-centric style. From memory:

  • Dark Magician has a complete different tier of texture in the bass/lower mids. Itā€™s at least top-3 and probably top-2 in IEMs Iā€™ve heard off the top of my head

  • Panda is going to have brighter treble. Not that Dark Magician is super dark or lo-res at all, but Panda is closer to bright in itā€™s smoothness

  • Planar technicalities stomp all over DM, even though DM is fantastic at that

But for a mid-centric tuning, I donā€™t know if thereā€™s anything in price between Dark Magician and P1 Max even worth considering. P1 Max is like a step behind DM, at worst, in all the objective kinds of things we can judge. Dark Magician just has that something extra thatā€™s special.

Itā€™s not worth the $80 vs. $600 price tag, but itā€™s there

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Cool cool. I think I might just hold off for now then if theyā€™re that similar (and spend it on some of the new stuff coming out). Now I just need my man Ethan to update it with a better driverā€¦ if heā€™s still active. Iā€™d totally be down for a 3DD DM.

Absolutely love them pandas. I truly believe that Planar technology is the way to go for my kind of tuning, essentially been looking for that Susvara experience in an iem (haha might not find it but itā€™s an enjoyable journey). Tried 7hz timeless, s12, s12 pro, pr1 hifi, Tangzu Wu zetian, raptgo hook-x, and campfire audio supermoon. So far the only one that I kept is the p1 max for that lush relaxed experience.
However I do find that they need good amplification to really bring out what they can do. I have tried them on the mojo / Hugo 2 but I find that they truly shine in the Singxer sa-1 or audio gd master 9 (some more than others, like the 7hz it was a night and day difference between the mojo and the SingXer).


Thatā€¦ Is a very efficient EQ!


Thank you, I really try. I can give you an even more efficient EQ, as long as whatever the pre-amp is, you do -4.0 dB on top of that

I was almost ready to buy the Heyday, but after your experience with the Pandas I think Iā€™ll give them a shot.
I prefer a mid centric sound with smooth treble, so looks like sheā€™s my jam.


The panda could be bought at $80 during sales. So I would advise those who want it to look for such a price (isnā€™t there sales in February in China?)


Exactly my thoughts. I own the Timeless and S12, and donā€™t listen to either very often, so I donā€™t have time for another. Tea, Tea2, and Olina SE, get most of my serious listening time.

I dabble with some budget sets, currently the QKZXHBB and Cadenza for travel and in office.

Or get Panda in 2-4 weeks on saleā€¦ :wink:

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Iā€™m not feeling too hot, boys, not sure Iā€™ve come down with the Rona or not but I have the energy of an 87 year old man the last 2 days :smiling_face_with_tear: But I wanted to come through and slide into this thread right quick and say the Pandas are such a good rec for under $100 that If I didnā€™t have the Timeless already, I would have picked them up immediately after I listened to them with @GooberBM. I never would of thought theyā€™d sound that natural - Hell, I never would of thought a planar could sound that natural period.

They also scale so well, thatā€™s something the other planars canā€™t say, I can assure you. Anyways, Iā€™m hyped for you, @MMag05 ! I hope itā€™s a long, loving relationship between you and Big Panda :blush:


Hope you feel better soon :pray:


Thank you, brother :pray:

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I might not know them, if not for them having a few songs in the ā€œRock Bandā€ games. They have some serious talent, and are about the most pop rock I get.

Get well soon. I have done both Rona and the flu in the last month, so I get the feeling old part. Of course I have a IRL head start on being old.

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Oh no! Sorry to hear that. Hope you feel better soon! :hugs:

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The cool thing about Paramore for me is that theyā€™re evolving their sound and image with every album lately, but instead of going so far out of the box that it lands flat, theyā€™re last 2 albums have been great imo. This new album is shaping up to be great as well.

Thank you, guys! Unfortunately Iā€™ve had COVID as well as the Flu in the past and from memory, Iā€™m feeling very similarly atm but dialed back about 4 notches. Iā€™ll be good! Give me 2, 3 days and Iā€™ll be tip top magoo :sunglasses:


Gotta get you in order, so that we can get some Ripples in your earholes!


I hope that you feel better soon!