IEM discussion thread (Part 1)

“Do you need an anti-lost earphone hanging chain?” :rofl:

From the description


What’s funny is they have plenty of pictures with guys wearing them or wearing an earphone. But never together lol


FiiO Launches FX15 Six-Driver Hybrid IEMs: 4EST+1DD+1BA IEMs!!

800 dollars :open_mouth:


Let’s get this night started! Supernova has landed and the second pour of beer has started.


Let’s bring you into my night. Just got a ring a the doorbell to my surprise. Wonder who it could be because the family is gone for the night and mail doesn’t run this late. Checked the Ring Camera and there’s a cleaning lady. I won’t post her picture for privacy reasons but you get the idea from below.


She’s dressed just enough to be professional but, show you some details. She could clean your bosses office and come straight to your house when the kids are home. A little lace showing off her smooth shoulders, a very present but petite mid section and just a little push in the bust. Hair that’s not to extended but flows naturally and had a little wisp to it when the breeze blew outside my door.

Not expecting her I was put off for a minute before asking via the camera who sent her. I’m not sure the irony but, no damn lie, his name was Mr. Clean.


Yes, sir the dude from your childhood commercial memories. Whose appearance is so clean you could run a white glove over his head and not get a smudge of grease or hair. A shirt so white even bleach couldn’t get it that fresh looking. Strong but not juiced up he’s confident with his smooth forward projecting voice. He smells of nice fresh lemon scent, not overly powerful like Pinesol, like peeling an orange and little whiff of zest hits you.

Alright back to the cleaning lady. I asked her name and she so confidently and with a beautiful non sibilant voice says, “Supernova.” I’m flabbergasted as the way she belts it is usually a turn off for me. Something, something about her overall appearance and voice is just mesmerizing. Yeap you guessed I want more so I let her in. She’s currently cleaning my eardrums while I drink some fresh sours relaxing on my coach.

Edit: Gentleman what do I do? She’s cleaning the lower book shelf now. As she went from the highs to the low she just told me she’s from Indonesia and gave me a wink. She wasn’t that authoritative or present with her mid b’ass but, she let it show. Her voice was so forward and smooth though when she said her home country. Is she flirting and riding the line of professional but, sassy.


Just remember that you’re married, for God’s sake!

[and enjoy]


:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
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@Sonofholhorse Ya, married to the game :sunglasses:


It’s okay the Panda brought chocolate and wine. My wife had a lot to worry about that night. Tonight is all about cleaning house. She’s flirtatious but, professional it seems. It’s a fine line she’s walking but, it’s resistible. Unless later she’s starts whispering in my ear like the Panda.

On a serious note though. Panda is way more intimate in approach for me. For instance it doesn’t do metal or punk well. Supernova really does represent all genres well and gives the flair to each genre when needed. Never to much or to little it’s well in control of its presentation and throws some zest on each.


Absolutely nothing beats a night when @MMag05 makes a connection with a new IEM. The way you set a stage and tell a story is without peer, my friend :slight_smile:


Thanks. She got a little loud with me few minutes ago when she switched rooms. Its the room in my house with all the higher areas. Had to ask her to turn it down a bit before she fatigued me and I kicked her out. It only seemed to come out when she used her higher register voice. So far since she’s arrived she’s been a great house cleaner. My house isn’t grandeur though with the largest stage presence. My friends cleaning lady Aurora does his house as it’s bigger. Mine is a modest middle class house but, it’s got room to display our family heirlooms with enough separation they each stand on their and add a nice layer to the room. She’s hitting the detailed areas well where they’re not to clean and make them unnaturally stand out with the rest of decor. She’s a keeper though for how well she cleans overall and presents herself but, I don’t think I could convince ya’ll to hire her with her wait times and hourly price.


Meanwhile @domq422: Challenge accepted :rofl: :joy: :rofl: :joy:

I’m pretty sure I’d be okay with a trial cleaning, but I definitely am not in the tier of her normal clientele


Yeah just asked her and she says her schedule should be free in the coming weeks.


I’m not sure my wife would be in agreeance.


Luckily for her Supernova didn’t come on as strong as Panda. We almost had to go to marriage counseling after my night with her. Still not sure my wife trusts me alone with her.


Can I just say that this has been one of, if not, the most unique ways to review an IEM I have ever experienced, and what an experience it has been. Bravo to you, @MMag05 - this is such a memorable way to describe how an IEM sounds. It’s perfect because doesn’t the music really effect our emotions? Because it does for me and at the end of the day, if an IEM can cause some kind of emotional impact, isn’t that what it’s all about?

Nicely done, @MMag05 enjoy your night brother! Also, @GooberBM what challenge am I accepting?! :rofl:


Not having the Supernova all up in your dreams, with Mags describing it’s vocal prowess


Thanks man! Really appreciate the kind words.

Yes 100%! When an IEM hits with me it, especially paired with an amazing song, I’m literally transcended into a story. My stable now all have a mood and world they sucked me into. You throw a few good beers in the mix or in rare occasions some whiskey and a cigar it’s go time to strap in and take a ride.

Sweet Dreams @domq422 ! I’ll do my best to stay out of your dreams. Doesn’t help that you know what I look like lol. Maybe you should sleep with one eye open.

@GooberBM I think y’all in the tour group especially @VIVIDICI_111 are way better at and possibly more strict on judging vocals than I. Dom had me test tracks they are way outside what I normally listen to. Did they sound great for sure. Not sibilant and the most forward I’d ever actually liked when paired with the tuning as a whole. As mentioned in our private chat usually when an IEM is this vocal forward it’s always paired with some troubled area in the treble. I can adjust to and appreciate different levels of bass however, the treble in that particular area is an instant no go. Supernova has lower bass levels that I appreciate and paired with the treble did a great job at bringing vocals forward and extremely enjoyable for the majority of songs listened to.


What do you think about that in relation to Glamdring @MMag05?

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Going off from his description here’s how’s I’d adjust for Glamdring.

Glamdring comes across as a warm thick blanket of sound, but instead of weighing you down it’s hovering over you, it’s space all around you, many feet away. You have a flaming wood fire giving you this lovely crackling detail of sound within your blanket cocoon.

It’s completely surrounding you as if your flooding in an endless space withiut making it feel to warm or unnatural but rather, surreal and out of this world.

In my definition of enveloping yes it is extremely enveloping. As for sets I’ve heard, like EJ07 or Panda, that I’d call well enveloping or holographic it’s the most midbass slamming and punchy set I’ve heard.


Speaking about IEMs, I wonder what newer IEMs that I should give a shot since I am just getting back into it again and it has been a while since I got a new set that I can enjoy (I blame my Simgot EA500s for making me content about IEMs in general, for I cannot seem to get unhooked on the stuff.)

Thinking about getting the KZ PR2 X HBB pair since I have been told though I am not sure, closed to the Heydays tuning and sound, and it’s kind of funny that my Heydays are becoming the 2nd fiddle to my EA500s, even though I know for sure that the Heydays are just better in terms of technicality, but there’s just something about the EA500s that makes me want to keep on using it.

Feel free to suggest, as long as it is within reasonable budget, for I am not exactly one of the folks who have that financial capability to just buy an expensive IEM quickly.

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you sure there’s beer in there? looks like they just canned the yeast starter :thinking: