IEM discussion thread (Part 1)

Let’s see how moondrop pushed down Nekocake to $25 TWS with ANC.


Oh wow. Pretty aggressive pricing

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I had no idea these would be this cheap… looking forward to the impressions, good sir. Thank you for bringing the discoveries over!


I’ve tried all but the penon, and I kept the iBasso.


Thinking of buying a U12t, but I only have a 250€ DAC dongle and I know how important source gear can be when it comes to over ears. How badly would I gimp it using that dongle, would I even hear a big difference between my IE600? (dongle model is a&k hc3, it’s a clear step above hc2 and m15 in terms of resolution/transparency imo).

U12T doesn’t need much. It was designed to not sound different between sources by avoiding impedance swings like Andromeda 2020.

Not to say that sources does not matter, as I do have a tiny DAP and some dongles that make the U12T sound pedestrian. But that A&K you have unlikely to give you any problem.

Difference from IE600? Definitely. Good difference? That’s up to the debate.


You can run U12T from anything. You do not need a new source! You can use apple dongle if you want.

U12t had 64a’s flat techonology (i just forgot the name and too lazy to google) that makes it imparcial to sources. I ran it from anything I have on hand.

(when did I became this guy?)


Niice, thanks for the quick answers, I’m gonna try to find a good used deal.

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I’m sending a warning message to an undisclosed recipient who conducted an extremely unethical act in regards to reviewing activities.

Please behave yourself.

I saw the communication logs and the action a certain reviewer took in related to recent ongoing local disputes.


Do you know that the reviewer in question will necessarily understand you are referring to them? Not trying to make you say who it is, cause it would clearly open a massive can of worms, but it’s important to know whether the message reaches


I know it will start dramat, but i tend to listen watch reviews before buying iem. If he is blackmailing producers/shops then he isnt being honest to us.

I would like to know who he is because it effects the whole community imo.


I’m almost certain, we have use same platform and my first warning message already hit 4k views. It’s a small community and it will reach to the YT reviewer.

  • I’ve spoken with IEM brand owner, and the owner knows the reviewer in dispute earned trusts through his dedicated reviewer activities and decided not to disclose the chat logs, for this time.

-I’ll respect the merciful decision made by the brand owner.

-I wasn’t asked by brand owner to send a warning shot, this is solely from my ethical belief that I can’t stand let this blackmail, a crime, taking place.

-The recent development caught my attention thru online forums, and I directly asked the owner, then saw the logs. So I happened to know the recent development from the consequences then reached to the root cause.

It is very sad, that we don’t have unlimited budget to try all products, so that we rely on trustable reviewer’s output instead. But now seeing this kind of misdemeanor, now I feel we need a tier2, derivative , the appraiser of reviewers. The fact-checker of reviewers.:weary:

Amazon kicked out factchecking app though. Sadly.


There’s definitely a discussion to be had here since anyone with any hearing capability is able to go on social media and claim to be an IEM reviewer.

As far as I know only two IEM “reviewers” have shown listening capabilities and those are Sharur from YouTube and Amir from ASR. But I know even Riku has a musician background and HBB has a car audio background. Most reviewers I see don’t even have any background in audio/music whatsoever outside of purchasing gear!

A good start would be to at least show a blind test in maximum audio frequency perceptibility to show their measure of hearing loss!

But if I’m honest, even though this hobby is very niche, it doesn’t strike me as something that’s going to happen as you can just look at video games journalists/reviewers and balk at the lack of their credentials through a billion dollar industry no less!


I never agree with most reviewers! Especially with the music they choose to review! :sunglasses:


LOL awww! I usually find some nice new tunes from reviewers so thanks for that guys and gals! :slightly_smiling_face::sunglasses:

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Has anyone found a good way to make the dongle dacs more portable?

I have looking at 180 degree usb c to usb c adapters but they aren’t supposed to support audio or video.

A clip on for dacs behind the phone had been ideal. Strange no one has made it yet, at least i cant find it on ae.

So any suggestions?

Double side tape + magnet on phone back side
double sided tape + magnet on dac side


This, or depending on phone/case/dongle, people have made a lot of 3D printed “clips” and brackets to create a solid placment & orientation for such things.

Is there any for sale? For the most popular dongles i mean.