IEM discussion thread (Part 1)

how is that tube amp treating you?

Havent had any issues since my post about it. But tbh, I rarely use all these toys I buy, its mostly to calm down my Pokemon syndrome lol. :rofl:


For any of you adventurous tuning folks in here todays latest graphing is the Meaoes Eagle. Definitely not close to being suiting for my preference or even a fun unique tuning. Only gave it maybe a full 5 minutes and every one of those was excruciating.

I’ll go let my ears recover now.


However, if you’re a treble head and really into upper energy it may be well suited for you. Seem that it might suiting for those of you fall into the former category and have a non vocal EDM heavy library. I’m onto the EDM but, I’m far from a treblehead.


Try this instead.



They can make DACs and amps and even DAC/amps that are great. But that magic sure didn’t translate to their IEMs, did it?


Im looking for a cheap basshead set. Up to 200usd. Thinking maybe i should go for Legato but is there any other altarnatives?

I already have est50 which does bass and high well for low mid fi iem. Im thinking about pure bass head set.


Sony MDR-EX800st + Tape. THE basshead king.


The original CCA CA16 is quite good at bass and general low-end warmth and thump. Still available for less than $100 USD.

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So i had a look amd tje only place i could find them was on amazon and ebay. Sent few sellera on ebay if they could value down the package but they refused since japan har strict rules.

If i pay them the custom, then it will end up costing me around 300. Not sure if i want to use so much on them.


Focus EDM if you can find it. Crazy amount of bass.


Get the Legato imo. I find myself reaching for it all the time lately, especially for movie / TV shows because I find it gives real cinematic levels of bass and nothing about it’s sound signature offends me. For the price I doubt you will find anything better, not even up to 200.

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@Vafler if you decide to buy the Legato I got a set Im about to up for sale if you are interested


What sorts of “bass head” are you thinking about? Big, woolly, large bass “wave” slamming your body? That’s the Legato type of bass.

If you are after impactful bass slap instead, you should wait until 11/11 and pick up a discount ThieAudio Hype2.


I have the iBasso DC04 Pro and it’s been great so far.


Legato + iBasso DC04 Pro = :fire: :fire: :fire:


Waiting for some reviews on this one! Heard rumors of it having slamming sub bass, but not so much midbass?

If you’re looking for an ex800st I have a pair I am no longer using - happy to work out a fair price / send me a PM if you’re interested - I am based between UK & Europe.


Ironic, on an neighborhood forum those banshees were considered fine :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

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I skipped Legato favoring Kbear Rosefinch. Beater for the gym. Leaving spend $100+ for better technicalities sets


I probably wouldnt use anything that expensive for gym as well. Since its probably damn likely to die sometime from all the moisture (Sweat).