IEM discussion thread (Part 1)

I can’t give you any comparison with the STARFIELD OG (I’ve never heard them),
but I can give you a (my, personal) comparison with the STELLARIS:

there’s no similarity between the two sonic signatures at all.

The STARFIELD2 sound much more ‘normal’.

I judge them as good IEMs, with a bit of a tendency to exalt the voices over the rest, with enough detailed sound as far as I can perceive.

I don’t hear any ‘exaggeration’ in the highs or lows that I do hear in the STELLARIS.

This is my unprofessional opinion.

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Aww god, Herbert’s voice is less cringy. :sweat_smile:

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:rofl::rofl: yes. LittleWhite’s v1.0 was Herbert’s system voice

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Saving money 101 :rofl:

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I see, also the tuning of it seems to be on the niche category, basically for people who are into the SSR’s “shouty” tuning and I think someone mentioned that the Starfield 2 should have been named the SSR 2s. I don’t know man, I am contemplating for it’s been a while I have owned something niche of an item, also I think I can tolerate IEMs that are on the bright side, but not to a degree that those IEMs are just “nails on a chalkboard” treble tuning.

You know what guys? for a safer and much worth for the money purchase. I have decided to go and get the Simgot EM6L, because I love the EA500 and I want an another one that is similar or at least an upgrade from the EA500. Been reading and watching more Starfield 2 videos and so far they have not been good. I have to save up again for the EM6L, but it will be worth it.


There is a very respected guy on a polish audio gear forum who is selling Mest MKII (and Dunu SA6 OG for 250$, but those I just bought) for like crazy 750USD which is probably the lowest I have seen in EU.

Please someone buy it already, as I never been so tempted in my life especially since I am borrowing my MEST OG for some time now…

P.S - as usual I can help in contact and shiping from Poland if needed


I’ve never listened to SSR, so I don’t know.

However I wouldn’t rate the SF2s as shouty IEMs, although they certainly don’t have a warm sound.

They are not very aggressive, as the STELLARIS are.

Of course these are OPINIONS, just subjective opinions.


Controversial, but I rather enjoy the Stellaris with my 70s-80s rock music catalogue the bass is terrific (I am 58 so hearing sensitiveness may be in play)


Oh yes, I like STELLARIS too, in some moments and with some music.
But I don’t classify them as natural sounding and balanced IEMs.

I personally love the Z12s too, but those too are a a bit exaggerated and not too natural sounding (I like the contrast between sharp highs and powerful and fast bass of their sound).

They are IEMs that don’t always meet people’s taste, who on average find them tiring to listen to.

Well, I find the SF2s less ‘exaggerated’ and tiring, and I wouldn’t call them sibilant, even if certainly not ‘warm’.

My judgment on the SF2 probably differs from that of others who, being used to the sound of the SF OG, expected a different sonority.
But I’ve never tried them, so I wasn’t disappointed or surprised.

If the sound of these SF2 is so different from the originals, perhaps it would have been more appropriate to name them differently.

But we all know that a winning product name is comfortable to use because it drives (or should drive) sales.


IEM of the day!! AFUL performer 8 being used for my home recording. Sounding within bounds of natural timbre given that it is a pure BA.

What is your gear on hand right now?


Still burning in qdc Superior

It has somewhat soft yet resolving timbre that somewhat reminds me of Sennheiser’s Momentum 3 TWS’s driver.

Also Floauduo’s Bluelover got some of ear time today.

So well implemented 6BA for $60.

This IEM has a similar film capacitor used on highend IEMs like DUNU’s SA6 to tune treble timbre and it actually works nicely.


BA sets are getting better ridding that BA timbre. The SA6 mk2 is my benchmark for proper timbre for pure BA sets. (to my subjective ears orcourse)


Thanks to the amazing people around I’ve got some time with Penon Fan 2 in past few weeks and from today onwards I have Kiwi Ears Quintet with me. Below short impressions of mine:

After time with Fan 2 I was generally very content with this set. It is build very well, the case is the best I have seen (like a small velour coffin for IEMs <3), the music replay is also very universal (meaning it can play through my library with ease). If I had 2 nitpicks it would be the lack of the sub-bass (for my taste) and very (and I mean VERY) congested scene. Other than that it was really hard to say something bad about this set - it was also fitting my ear like a glove, so first checkbox was ticked immediately. It seem like a very nice recommendation for the discounted price especially (not so for the full price, but follow me on that in next paragraphs). I was even wondering if not to buy it, and if not for having MEST I would probably do it. With MEST at hand this set does not bring anything to the table apart from the fit.

BTW in the meantime I bought Dunu SA6 OG that I would have time with starting next week, so my IEM dog days are back :see_no_evil:

Then today I had like 2-3h with Kiwi Ears Quintet. And man! What a stunning set it is. As I borrowed MEST back I cannot directly compare, but it is quite spectacular how this IEM can replay every type of music I can throw at it - from slow ballads, to hip pop, to fast paced rock like 15 Steps from Radiohead and even my set-killer Spoon - Rent I Pay (it disintegrates driver easily). It is reeeaally hard to say anything bad about this set. Maaaayybee, just maybe there is a bit too little sub bass (as well as in Fan2). That is surprising since from the graph it looks very in line with what MEST has and what is my golden standard. Mayyyybee it has the leading guitars a little bit too recessed to be ideal, but that is only if I try hard to hate on it. It sounds like it has a lot of resolution - I guess I don’t loose a single detail due to the number of drivers implemented. Also I don’t have a problem with coherency - it just sound like one very nicely tuned driver. Fantastic job. From stuff apart from SQ - the stock cable sucks and the choice of mat anodized faceplate finish is just asking for a trouble (scratches etc). Comfort and build quality overall is also very good.
To sum up - I cannot imagine how TOTLs of today need to sound to justify even fraction of the price difference as it definitely does not feel like MEST is having a lot of edge above this 240$ IEM. And full price FAN2 << Quinted for me for sure. Wow , just wow :fire:

Edit: typos and formatting update


I recieved my fan2 today too, and the first impressions are good. The iem is prettier in reality than on pictures. The cable if not memory/kink prone, will be out to good use.
The box is very cool, although to big to be transportable.

For the sound, the set is way warmer/darker than my references (Olina, dunu Talos). But the rest of the FR is detached enough so I don’t detect many downsides to this fact.
Imaging seems very good, and stage seems to be fine by my standards: I don’t feel it’s congested at all. Could it be a hrtf thing? Maybe, I don’t know.

One thing though: when I tried to unplug the cable from the set, the metal part went, but the plug itself stayed in place. I could screw the metal part again and with good attention, I managed to unplug the iem from the cable, but it means something is to tight here, and it seems to be the iem… I shall find a good cable and don’t move it ever again by measure of safety.


Venture Electronics SiE or Shozy B2? Both on sale on Aliexpress after a number of hybrids and ba sets fancy a DD to waste my money on

HRTF or some of my biases. I am not sure, maybe I read it somewhere Fan 2 is congested and I subconsciously fixed on it? But indeed I heard it on busier tracks - like all instruments are there, but there is literally no “pseudo” separation, air between them :thinking:

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the feel of congestion comes from 2 thing imo

  1. bass that extends after 200hz
  2. lack of air that makes notes lose their last edge of detail and sense of good resolution.
  3. too much eargain makes the sound heady and artificial without the treble and upper treble extension.

based on this graph fan2 does have the first 2 things i mentioned earlier, and the 4 to 6k area is recessed to to avoid sibilance but results in a less perceived sharpness and bite. all these combined together makes the sound kinda congested, closed in sounding with less dynamics compared to something like variations or monarch for example.


Fan 2 seems to be a set that is tuned specifically to be listened to loudly, at which point its virtues start to come online. No it will never compete in separation but it’s not trying to either - It’s painting a coherent musical whole with no chance of offending the listener.

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I just figured that myself. In that sense, it is like the OG mangird tea: you always can push the volume a little more; and at the end of your session, you realize you reached indecent levels of loudness.