IEM discussion thread (Part 1)

If I were an IEM company I would never pay $1000 to this dude. I would have chosen someone else :smile:ā€¦


Thatā€™sā€¦not the lesson to take from this though

:joy: :rofl: :joy: :rofl:


the lesson is to pay more, 1k is just too little and makes people mad they got priced that low :joy:


Haha KZ intentionally or unintentionally learned ā€œflaming internet marketing ā€œ.

There is a saying, ā€œbad fame is better than no fameā€, and maybe KZ is experimenting that.

Using explicit wording to bring people attention, whether good or bad, and for the most cases bad reputations.

Anyhow, as a result, you end up in internet spot light.

14k views on Youtube for just 20hours is impressive for this wired earphone hobby community. KZ ended up in spending zero marketing money to drag peopleā€™s attention (again in a bad way).

All best views Butastur earned was 24k launch post on ā€œXā€.


Iā€™m guessing this is how Krilla is competing with 1k sets by trying to pay 1k to reviewers lol. I do wonder who might have said yes to that 1k offer.


:thinking: letā€™s just see the reviews and from what reviewerā€¦should be pretty transparent I reckonā€¦


Oh Glamdring there was darkness without you. Now we are together again and I have entered the door to another universe. Let the trippy space floating journey commence.


Been without for a few weeks and got plenty of time with Aurora, NP, Supernova and few others. Glam still has that special sauce it did on day one. Itā€™s an absolutely psychedelic journey for reggae and dub that plays with a lot of positional ques and trippy sounds. Glam really shines at imaging and endless stage depth. Just puts you floating in an endless void if you close your eyes and let the music guide the journey.


ā€¦more fuel into the fire

Pics from Delta

My response?
Take a look at the legal information for the ā€œKZ official storeā€ on ali and compare that with what is written on the KZ packages.


What are we looking at here exactly buddy?..

Thisā€™s mint too :rofl:ā€¦

Screenshot 2023-08-14 at 14.10.32


Their mail to DMS is claiming that the ā€œKZ Official storeā€ on ali is NOT connected to them and since the ones that tried to bribe DMS was ā€œKZ official storeā€ on ali, the ā€œrealā€ KZ is saying it was not them that did it and wants DMS to apologise for being ā€œwrongā€.

On aliexpress, you can view the legal information for stores.

The address and company name written there and on the KZ ZEX Pro packaging that I have, are IDENTICAL.


:thinking:ā€¦still down with theā€¦

Though lol.


Yaassss I cannot wait until I get mine!

Whether of not this or m specific instance is true KZ has been involved in too much shit to the point where I decided a whole ago I wonā€™t buy or even try any product of theirs


Internet drama going on!

Show time for audiences.

Anyway a big established company and its affiliates conducting shady practices with eye-catching promotions are rather old school. (Like 80s TV commercials with 120% volume, and repeating same catchy phrases over and over again)

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Yeah those are some interesting choices of words I would never expect to hear from a professional in any manner much less on social media. Like holyā€¦ :scream::upside_down_face:




Hm, this sounds fishy. Donā€™t stone me Iā€™m only having questions.

  • DMS says Theyā€™re trying to PAY reviewers (in plural). Does he have evidence that other reviewer got the same offer or has he multiple personalities?
  • Whatā€™s the exact wording in said email?
  • He could have made the same video and be $1000 richer. Nowhere did he mention that KZ wanted a positive review. Maybe they only wanted a promotion where DMS says something like ā€œHereā€™s KZā€™s new Krila. It plays sound in your ears. Wowsers.ā€
  • Why oh why did he conveniently place two IEMs from the Moondrop brand in this ā€œrant videoā€? Did he get a better offer from Moondrop?

KZā€™s rep is right about the slander if they were located in the US this would be litigable. Donā€™t get me wrong Iā€™m always suspicious about KZ since the past incidences but this is all very intransparent. Until then ā€œInnocent until proven guiltyā€ and we didnā€™t see any hard evidence.


Donā€™t think DMS is that kinda guy.

I think this has been mentioned before (on social media)? but the first time on YouTube

Or wrong? then all KZ future product reviews should be blocked on YouTube as a breach of their ethical guidelines.

I think KZ are playing a high risk game tbh :man_shrugging:t2:


I guess we never find out unless DMS releases this outrageous KZ email.

Would it violate the TOS if such paid reviews are marked as ā€œAdvertisementā€?

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You can obviously pay for adverts but I canā€™t see KZ funding that :smile: you canā€™t offer financially incentives to reviewers without being transparentā€¦ie KZ sent me this set foc and asked nothing but my honest opinionā€¦.I donā€™t think anyone would take any heed if you said KZ sent me this $20 set and paid me $1k for my thoughts :joy: