IEM discussion thread (Part 1)

They claim that the email did not come from their official social media and demands apology if they do not match with DMS email.

I dunno if I’m making sense. But who in the right mind will try to bribe someone using their official social media? Maybe kids? That will be a marketing suicide.


Seems like they’re digging their own grave :man_facepalming:

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Woah what the hell is going on with a chinese IEM brand?

Tanchjim One

These are a great budget beater set. They had a pleasing smooth timbre and punchy bass as long as they lasted. Fit is also lightyears better than the Ola. After unpacking and graphing I went to the gym to test them out. As I’m a heavy sweater the buds were drained after 15 min. cardio and played only the underwater serenade.
Now after 4 hours drying only the right bud plays sound. At least I now know why they’re named “One”. I’ll check again tomorrow if they recover.

Tanchjim’s DMT drivers are quality performers. I wouldn’t be surprised if the same driver is used in the Kara.

These are a recommendation for the HBB style tuning crowd. But only if you don’t use them in the gym or in sweaty situations blink blink

Strangely my set graphs different than Gizaudio One’s. Even after changing tips and remeasuring 3 times. Giz has presence range over bass peak, mine has bass peak over presence range.


Actually I don’t think paid reviews are actually against YouTube TOS just that if it’s been paid for you need to mention it
At least that’s what I see video game channels do :thinking:


Sound Rhyme DTE900 is being sold now!

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Try removing the nozzle filter on the left one and see if it comes back.

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Even if it isnt against Youtube´s TOS, its the lowest of the low you can go for an audio company…


I never liked DMS, I think it is not competent enough for IEM! And yes, I guess he was getting better offers. I would personally judge him. :nerd_face:


Oh for sure just saying like keep in mind it’s probably not the first time they’ve done this :grimacing:

Is there a difference between “paying” a reviewer for a review vs a “sponsored” review?

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Exactly, that is the problem. Once they are suspected to have been trying to bribe someone, the next question is, how long have they been doing this? And who has accepted it?

“Paying” = getting paid for a (positive likely) review

“sponsored” = could just be that you get a free review unit.

Or you could see them as the same, which is why a clear disclaimer is so important.


its like the difference between fat and plus sized.


Sponsored may not always be anything to do with the actual product you are reviewing.

You could do a video sponsored by CocaCola and review a kitchen sink, it’s more that you throw CocaCola publicity in there.

As for paid, I guess that receiving a free set could be considered paid but usually I would associate “paid” with receiving money in exchange for a review (usually positive as you say).


Of course, but this is found more on other hobbies. Dont remember seeing this for audio reviewers.

Zeos is a prime example, he will have a video sponsored by Linsoul and review something from Apos. Or sponsored by Triangle and review a set of IEMs lol.

I think the Cheap Audio Man does this kind of sponsor also but I don’t really watch his stuff so I’m not sure.


I don’t really like KZ as a company any more since they seem to have bad practices making silent revisions and drivers that are just for show and don’t produce sound.

But I think there’s a big difference between contacting an influencer and offering to pay them to do an honest review (which is fine and happens all the time) vs paying them for a positive review.

Does anyone know exactly what’s happening, are they’re just paying for an honest review or are they trying to buy his positive opinion?


KZ is not the only company that engages in this practice (if true with concrete proof which I have not seen yet), just so happens that a “respected” voice in the industry made a video about it. I do own KZ iems (DQ6 & EDX) and for the money pretty good imho. A couple of years ago Campfire Audio got caught using bellsing drivers for one of their kilobuck iems (Solaris I think) but they have seemed to have recovered from that (US vs China bias?), so…


Haha Drama EP2! New comer