IEM discussion thread (Part 1)

KZ’s official statement
KZHIFI auf Twitter: „KZ OFFICIAL STATEMENT @dms3tv“ / X

Back to the drama. I used the info we know so far and fed it into ChatGPT (with fake names of course) and asked for a wild speculation what’s going on. So if you are in for a good laugh read on:

D is DMS
M is Moondrop
C is Crinacle
K is KZ

Disclaimer: This is only for entertainment purposes and doesn’t reflect my view on the matter.


Hey free Krila ($1usd) for 100 lucky promoters!

Even admitting their loss, KZ is very tough😆

That’s a second round of marketing campaign going on after getting spotlight😉

Hope that DMCK’s M’s initial was “I” so that would’ve phenomenal


I want a 1 dollar Krilla!

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A bit flashy for my taste but still one of the best looking iems under $150 IMO.


Interesting thought perspective on the Venture Electronics Bonus IE. First thanks for the demo @rattlingblanketwoman and the great deal on purchasing it.

This came to me today after switching to the Q5K as a source and using Type E tips. The set is an absolute banger for old school club hip-hop. It just is has this live sound. I don’t mean a concert live sound either. And not a sound a analytical audiophile would find idea. Let me set a scene though.

You just arrived at the club circa late 90’s. Fresh Polo ironed crisp, gold chain around the neck and slathered in your favored cologne. Todays event is the epic freestyle battle of two local legend lyricist. As you walk in the DJ drops a phat beat. It’s loud but tolerable as your buddy is still audible without yelling. Then the DJ drops a phat beat on the wheels of steel. Minute details of cognac toast are still present but the focus shifts. The club starts swaying and feeling the beat as the lyricist amp themselves up ready to drop some fire. The battle is about to start. Lyricist are absorbing the beat and the club is flowing to the beat. The verbal attacks begin with 50% vibes to the beat yet the remainder of the focus on the nasty lines being exchanged on stage.

That’s the scene the Bonus IE sets for me. It’s got a great punch and slightly slower decay that fits early to middle age Hip-Hop. Where most would say it’s recessed for me it sets the stage of a lot of what hip-hop is in my early memory of really diving into it. Vibing to the beat yet still not stealing the show from the lyricist our taking the energy from the DJ/beat. Details are audible but, you’ll never really be able to analyze them. Lyricist is placed in the bass but, bass doesn’t steal the show or make the lyrics misunderstood.

It’s a killer IEM that at $20 is a great choice for those that might want a similar approach and might see where I’m coming from. Though it’s an older release in todays market it’s still able to drop the mic at the newer V-Shaped GOATs of today. Looking at you Penon 10th Anniversary you just let an old head wipe the nasty alcohol and dirt filled floor all over you.

@GooberBM Id like to get these in your ears and see what you think in comparison to your modded Rosefinch.

Dropping my favorite Wu track here in case you’re reminiscing of the golden ages


Off a distant memory it reminded me of the TFZ Tequila, that was never as cheap though.


Have been lurking here as of late since my schedule has been hectic. Always love to see these posts!

This one hits me since I got my 10th a few days ago, and I was really expecting them to be the perfect set for my library and taste. So far, I’m not really feeling it… I’m at the point currently where towards the end of this post, I was rooting for the lil Bonus IE :joy:

PS: What went through my head when I read “middle age hip-hop”

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I got one last night, and did a quick head fi review. The Phoenixcall is pretty dope for the price. Packaged like a 500 dollar iem, looks fantastic and has good detail and a cable, *that is nice.


This is a very fun IEM, got it as a gift from a friend. Not biggest fan of bullet style IEMs, but the sound is awesome :sunglasses:

In honor I need to take them forth for some hip hop this evening.


I wasn’t expecting them to be perfect but, I had high expectations for them. They easily sit in my Top 5 disappointments since entering this hobby.

What’s genres/decades is your listening mostly geared towards? What sets have you found so far that have closest to hitting your preferences. For me it’s as follows. Though I find them suitable for all my listening enjoyment as all arounders.

Reggae/Dub: Aurora - Bass is elevated and has good punch but not so elevated it shines over details or seems to forward. Has a fairly wide stage and excellent holographic imaging that plays well with all the positional ques and sounds. Has a very organic warmth to it.

90s-Early 00s Hip-Hop: Bonus IE - Read above

Vocal PsyTrance/Trance/EDM: Glamdring - It’s slams hard and also has the imaging and holographicness of Aurora. I’d say bigger stage though. Imaging seems on par. Vocals are clean but bass takes the show on bass elevated tracks so not the best for wanted the vocals more clear as on Aurora. Overall cooler sound than Glam while still being a warm IEM.

70-Modern Rock/Folk: Supernova - Vocals baby is where it shines and gives a nice pleasant appeal to stringed instruments presenting great feel to there presence with great upper harmonics for details to pull through

Country: Panda all day. The whole tuning just works for me and can’t explain it much. Just has the nice clean presentation. Staging isn’t as large but overly large staging makes country seem abnormal to my ear

Punk/Funk/Ska: Meteor - For placing emphasis on kick drums and bass guitar in the midbass. Makes them feel phat for me. However has good extension to also allows cymbals and horns to come through without being overbearing.

80s-90s R&B: UP all day. The intimacy of the staging. The tight firm bass and the warmth of the vocals just play well to my ear for it

80s-90s Metal/Grunge/Alt Rock - Neon Pro in Bass Config - Has the energy emphasis towards guitars. Kind of does the opposite of Meteor and shifts the focus from bass guitar and cymbals and gives the show to guitars with a pinch of bite but not aggression.

Best All Arounder for Everything - Twilight - Just handles everything so well and in control. It’s like it’s post processing the music and knows exactly when I song needs emphasis without taking away from another. Oh and the timbre is to die for.


Oh man drop a quick comment on if you still enjoy them. As “Bonus” maybe throw a link to the track that you found the most enjoyable during your listening session.


Hmmmmm that twilight description…

I’ve been super happy ping ponging between EN1000 and GT12X lately though. I’d have to question whether my available listening time justifies an “all in” set.


You want me to send it your way for a demo on return of your sets? With what was said it’s meant in the best way possible. I’m sure there’s genres that Twilight absolutely is a beast for. Especially in my opinion if timbre is something you pay attention to. For me though the tonality and how it adapts so well to multiple genres, for my preference, is it’s highlight. I’d love to have another respected forum member, who isn’t a reviewer per se, thoughts on it.


This is a great post! @MMag05 is a god damn treasure dropping knowledge like this. Its super interesting that you have quite a few bass heavy sets (NP, Glam, BIE) yet somehow each one still has its place with different genres. How would you say the glam is with hip hop/EDM?


Its a bit to technical. The stage is to large and separates the bass to much. It sounds unrealistic to how I’d imagine or have a experienced Hip-Hop live. Has this large hall sound with what seems like reverb that throws it off a bit. It works and the technicalities of the set shine just doesn’t seem natural. It also seems rappers like DMX, with huskier voices, sound a bit absorbed in the bass. Still clearly audible just not quite right. Think it’s probably due to the very mild pinna gain so the upper harmonics don’t pop or come through on a voices that don’t register as high in that area. Who knows though maybe my thoughts above will be someone else’s preferences. Again it’s not a deal breaker and I easily find enjoyment in Glam with Hip-Hop. These are really pulling strings at some small critiques compared to other sets. Glam is amazing for setting the vastness of space for Trance or heavily produced modern music and why just based on an IEM per genre is the winner.

Here’s some great tracks that really demonstrate the vast staging, holographicness/spaciness and slam of Glam. And best of all for the most part due to Glam having a much lower treble shelf over bass and letting ear gain come into play with shorter tips you can CRANK! It. Get that bass pumping hard and letting the details open up more.


that makes a lot of sense. Older hip hop definitely benefits from a more intimate soundstage although my perfect replay will always be a car setup with big dedicated sub woofers. I have accepted that I won’t get that experience with IEMs I prefer to optimize my setup for more modern mixing

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Man I feel ya. I love music, in this case Hip-Hop, to much to only limit listening in my car driving solo cranking it. Wife’s not a big fan of the excessive bass and of course the noise levels and lyrics in a lot of cases aren’t idea for my littles. IEMs will never duplicate that even if Konoka wasn’t gimmicky but, they’re all I got for in the house.


Ain’t that the truth! The lil ones are always getting in the way :joy:. But for real while it’s unfortunate I can’t listen to certain genres with the girls it’s great to see them and be a part of their first experiences listening to music