IEM discussion thread (Part 1)

For sure. My daughters like a lot of modern Pop EDM or whatever it’s called. The likes of Marshmallow and a few others. Whenever the bass stuff comes they are aware of my sub dial and ask me to turn up the back massager lol. Subs are to directly behind them so they get a good thump. I even dialed in a rear passenger profile to my head unit with proper time delays for them. Most of the time it’s set to the driver profile so I get good center imaging for vocals and proper panning. Gotta give them a bit of the taste of the car audiophile bombastic sound because the driver profile sounds horrible in the back. Even when I don’t particular care for their song choice the vibe is great and I love how happy they are belting out lyrics. Even more so when it’s a oldie i like and know and we sing together.


Had 10min, then my work called for emergency late shift… Almost weekend so will say some words then :+1:

Read you description of what sets for what music, interesting and I have clearly preffered genres for some sets the similar way.

For example when doing some heavy and slow doom metal I won’t use the Super charged BC2023, and rather use something slower like Serial or SiE with big note weight.

Or on technical IDM I go for fast sets again.

Maybe we are insane that use different sets for different music , at least people would call us that :rofl:

First album for BiE while working now is, jazzy hip hop. BiE hits a home run on this for me.


I’ve heard a lot of praise for the glamdring and the descriptions have been peaking my interest a lot. Is the glamdring a letshuoer s12 pro with some modifications?


Folks, I have finally done it. I pulled the trigger on the Simgot EM6Ls and I cannot wait for it to hear it for myself. Heard some great things about it and I hope it’s not going to be a redundant IEM like I had with my OG Aria and Starfield back then for they both sounded similar, plus I wanted an IEM that is an alternative to the Starfield 2 since the reviews of it so far were underwhelming and not much an upgrade from the OG Starfield.

Man I really hope this one is an upgrade from the EA500 or at least a tweak from the EA500’s shortcoming parts, but for me I cannot say there is such shortcomings for to this day, I still love using my EA500, hell I even use it more often than the Heydays which is more technically advanced. I don’t know bros, maybe it’s just that I am so easy to be pleased.


Have you done any mods to your EA500? Compared to stock with red nozzle, EM6L will sound more balanced. If you done any filter mods to EA500 then EM6L will be side grade.

EM6L got better instrument separation, great imaging and tuning that works on most music. Overall positive impressions. Will I peak EM6L up over my retunned EA500? No! Getting EM6L reminds me how insanely good EA500 is.

EA500 gives me more immersive music experience. It has wider and more holographic presentation. With EA500, Its like applying an extra reverb, like sitting in huge auditorium with nice reverbration. EM6L stage is slightly smaller, sound is dryer, its like I am in a smaller auditorium.

EA500 bass hits with more impact and authority, maintaining transparency and cleanliness of the midbass. The bass quality is just better on EA500. EM6L has more sub-bass, but it doesn’t vibrate my eardrums as much, and midbass is not as clean, compared to EA500. Cello and bass guitars sound thick, impactful, but still very clean and textured on EA500. EM6L just can’t match the bass replay.

Keep in mind I am enjoying RETUNNED EA500 more than EM6L. If you are sensitive to treble or to 5 kHz area, then EM6L will sound better for you.


Use instrumental version. :joy:

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Holy shit, this is fantastic!!!

Just watch out when they tell you how much they need their foot massagers in a few years :rofl: :joy: :rofl: :joy:


Hey guys,

So I’d just like to give another huge WARNING to anyone thinking of buying from Elysian Acoustics. As many of you may know my relationship with Elysian is… let’s just say not the greatest given their poor quality control and customer service experience:

Basically, I ended up selling my Diva to a friend on a discount due to the channel imbalance as it was still under warranty. They sent them in about a month ago around July, but the delivery was never confirmed. Apparently the address Lee (the founder) gave them was incomplete and was held in Malaysia, and when asked of him to check what was going on, he agreed he’ll do so after he gets back, but was delayed and never did, which led the package to be sent back due to inaction after being held for around another month.

My friend addressed this and told Lee they will try and send it again, but wanted to know if it will still be covered under warranty as the date (August) has now passed, however the communication has suddenly stopped after they asked him this.

I didn’t want them to go through the BS so I bought the Diva back from them, and I’m now currently looking for any third party resellers that can hook me up with a new unit or fix my old one.

Be careful folks!!


WTF. This is disgusting. I have no words. I want to troll them everywhere. Freaks! :triumph:


Do they have a refund policy on new sets? I wonder if buying a new set and getting it refunded, but sending the old imbalanced set back would work.


Not sure, but dunno if that’ll work as every unit has their own unique number/coding and label so they’ll be able to find out right away if I sent back a different unit, but most importantly not trusting their return policy if they ever have one lol.


Man that sucks :cry: hopefully you can get something sorted :crossed_fingers: and there were folk thinking KZ sucked with their shady approach to business ethics etc…then BAM here comes Elysian Acoustics, high end with what seems like a no fucks given approach to their quality and customer service?..companies need to be accountable or folks will walk away.


:100: :100: :100:


F Elysian


This is such a big F u move from them…and considering their iem prices…jesus this should be illegal…


Thanks for giving me the heads up about the comparison between the EA500 and EM6L, and overall though, I just wanted an IEM that is like a better alternative to the Starfield 2s since the reviews of it were not really that impressive when being compared to its predecessor, and yeah it sucks it’s not an upgrade from the first Starfields for the Starfields are still special to me, Moondrop dropped the ball on the 2s.

But we gotta agree, I made a smarter decision getting the EM6L instead of the Starfield 2 when it comes to that bang for your buck. Also I got to be honest, I haven’t tried modding my EA500s because even in stock, I already love these though I think it won’t be too bad to give it a shot, though if I did that, I might just get disappointed from the EM6Ls lol. Also when you have mentioned better instrument separation, imaging and tuning for most music? Enough said, that’s all I needed.

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Perfect title for them.


Aaahh where’s the dislike button!! This is an absolutely dumpster. The first go around I could have very mildly seen where they were coming from with shipping. This scenario is 100% unacceptable and they should be covering it past the warranty, given the circumstance, and pay for shipping both ways on return.


634ears MIROAK-II Cocobolo arrived just in time for the weekend, the whole experience from the small details in the unboxing to how well built this IEM is made is perfect. Can clearly see the maker putting much thought into his craft here, I guess its often normal from Japanese makers having nice craftsmanship.

Sound is natural organic with some warmth, an allrounder. Will come back with more after having used them longer, for now straight out the box I love the MIROAK-II.

Enjoy the weekend folks




Nice wooden plugs you have there… :wink: looks sharp but most of that designer stuff is out my my reach. I am curious for everyone though if you have seen any headphones or iems use osage orange(bodark) as a tuning wood for its density. It should absorb alot of unwanted reflections, but I don’t know what what frequencies etc. Its so beautiful i just feel its under utilized in this industy etc. :frowning:

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Nice. Are you wearing those down, or over the ears?