IEM discussion thread (Part 1)

They look like BAs…


Yeah this looks like false marketing…


Cool, somebody get one for the team.

Well, I know you speak highly of it, but I need to have good ANC and good mic as that should work as my hands free in car + otherwise I use mainly Spotify streaming, so there is this problem with volume control

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aa yeah right, then TWS is the only way.

Forget about the BT20XS then…that mic is shitty enough that I have to switch over to my phone mic in calls…


You got it brother. If the Excaliburs leave my collection, they’re yours. You have my word. :sunglasses:


I have owned almost every IEM on your graph list and prefer these to all but the Prestige. I think the Annihilators are obviously much better, but I can’t stand the presentation. I would take the EST112s over either Oracle version, the Clairvoyance, the Variations, they’re neck and neck with the Excaliburs, and several other est based tribrids. Sometimes it isn’t all about how the drivers are being used and how that translates to a graph. The tuning on the EST112s just works. It’s cohesive/coherent, detailed (macro and micro), dynamic, has plenty of depth and punch from sub and mid bass, and has a cool laid back, but not technically deficient presentation that I quite enjoy. Makes for a nice contrast with the more aggressive Excaliburs and Prestige that I also have in my collection.

That’s just me though. Plus, I got them for peanuts so as far as I’m concerned, they’re a big win. :metal::sunglasses::+1:


So I played around with EQ and the low end takes EQ quite well, but anything beyond very modest EQ on the upper mids and treble quickly destroys the timbral/tonal cohesiveness and it just doesn’t sound right.


hello everyone.

i have an ifi nano dsd black DAC . I want to couple it with a iFi Zen air can. My intended arena of use for the stack will be within the framework of IEM use Only. The x bass and X space are the two USP of the stack.
Will it be an overkill or will it really add something to the table?
Please give your views. Much obliged.


It’s been a few years (I think?) since I had a pair, but I have to agree with this sentiment. They were very well balanced and didn’t seem to lack on either end of the spectrum.


[This Post contains Promotion]

The Penon Turbo is a unique and powerful earphone that offers four switches to customize the sound. Unlike the KZ series, the Turbo switch does not just boost the bass, but transforms the whole sound signature into a more explosive and dynamic one. It is like driving a Porsche with a turbocharged engine that can accelerate instantly.

The other three switches are for adjusting the low, mid, and high frequencies, and they also have a significant impact on the sound. They are not just for fine-tuning, but for changing the sound character completely. You can create different sound profiles to suit your preferences and mood.

The earphone also features a special low-frequency BA driver from Sonion, that has an exhaust port to deliver an ideal bass performance.

The Turbo switch is described by Penon as a “bass boost” switch, but I think they did not fully understand the intention of the creator. The Turbo switch does not only increase the bass, but also raises the gain level of all frequencies. It is like switching from a comfort mode to a race mode in a sports car. You can go from a relaxed listening to an aggressive attack on the Nürburgring track.

There is one thing that I found strange about this earphone. The manual says that turning off all switches, including the Turbo switch, is “invalid”. I was curious and tried it, and I heard a horrible noise that sounded like the end of the world. I was shocked and quickly turned on some switches to make it stop.

Sound Profile:

The Turbo is a versatile and fun earphone that lets you switch between different sound profiles. Depending on the switch settings, you can enjoy a neutral, spacious, bass-heavy, energetic, or vocal-oriented sound. It is an all-rounder that can handle any genre of music.

However, my favorite setting is to turn off the 123 switches (0-0-0) and turn on the Turbo switch. This makes the sound truly amazing, like a Porsche 911 GT3 RS reborn as an earphone. I can hear the ultimate evolution of the V6 turbo engine in the sound. I have tried the DUNU SA6, which is a 6BA earphone that has a warm and beautiful neutral sound, and I thought it was a balanced and versatile earphone. But the Turbo can match the SA6 in normal mode, and surpass it in Turbo mode. It shows me the “real power” of 6BA.

They say that cars have souls and personalities, and I think the Turbo also has a good sports car soul. It has a sound that is tuned to the hardware limit, that attacks the corners with precision, that has clear contours, impact, and imaging. It has a sound that tells me “I can make music fun with 6BA, let’s go for a ride together”. It is a great earphone that I enjoy very much.

The Turbo is priced at the same level as the SA6. It is not an easy recommendation for beginners, but it is a gem that I would recommend to gentlemen and ladies who are interested in the limit of 6BA, and who have a high-end audio system.

Overall, I think the Penon Turbo is an amazing earphone that offers a lot of versatility and fun. It is not for the faint-hearted, but for those who love to experiment and enjoy different sound signatures. It is like having multiple earphones in one. If you are looking for an earphone that can surprise you and challenge you, you should try the Penon Turbo.

0| 0-0-1 : 55 Micro 45 Macro
0| 1-0-0 : 45 Micro 44 Macro
0| 0-1-0 : 50 Micro 50 Macro

1| 0-0-0 : my fav 35 Mircto Macro 65
1 | 1-0-0 : 30 Micro : 70Macro
1| 1-0-1 : 32 Micro : 68 Macro
1 | 0-0-1 : 40 Micro : 60 Macro


Man…I want this Pearl drumsticks, oops no, Chopsticks so bad.

100% Made in Japan, handmade by master craftsman.

As a drummer, I wanted this so bad. It was released as of 8/21.

Price only $18USD!!!

All sold out​:sob::sob::sob::sob:

Man…that all handmade pearl chopstick for only 18USD is insane.


Sorry but I’ve been wondering about this. What does this tag at the start imply?

If you mean promoting something in the sense of saying good things about something based on genuine opinion, I wouldn’t think you’d need a disclaimer. Everyone will speak well of what sounds well to them. So does the added [promotion] entail you were asked to write something by Penon, or asked to include certain text portions? Or were not given any directions but were provided a sample, and that’s what you’d like people to be aware of?

It’s the internet so I’ll clarify: I’m not upset and I’m not accusing anything, an extra label was added to help with communicating something so I want to make sure I’m understanding what’s being communicated.

Good theme choice with the green sports car!


Haha what a nice easteregg! :rofl:


I have never tried the Vulkan. How are the two different?

When I make a review I generally disclose the means of acquisition, not that because of that I’d hype a certain product, but from consumer’s standpoint it is beneficial to be aware that the review is purely based on personal acquisition or it was a review sample.

It’s similar to youtube, if the video contains a certain interest that will benefit the sponsor we see “This Video contains Promotion” tag associated with it👌

There are certain group of people would consider positive bias from the review samples, and I’m fine for that portion because as a human with free-will there is no objective guarantee that the means of acquisition would set a bias toward sound evaluation.

From my personal experience, it’s actually a positive bias (endowment effect) may be associated with personal purchases (the hard earned money spent on a thing should’ve value more) though.

For something given at free of charge or discounted price, or even a review touring, auditions, or store-front (at least long term sessions), people tend to evaluate more objectively. (Well…I see exceptions on head-fi. For that case.)


Ok so it is classed as a promotion because the Turbo were provided free or discounted?

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I probably can qualify myself as someone started dealing with TWS from its very beginning (back in early 2000), then seeing raise of hi-fi wireless attempts by KLEER technology adopted by many, including Sennheiser’s expensive toy MX W1.

Since then I’ve tried many TWSs, stopped counting from 30, including those ear hooks, and neckbands.

For best overall: cost performance, sound, usability, fine-tuning
You probably should consider Sennheiser Momentum Wireless 3.

For strongest noise cancellation: (but the noise cancellation pressure is fatiguing)
Bose QC Earbuds II

For strong noise cancellation with smart pressure selections:
Sony WF-1000 XM4 (or XM5 that just came out )

For best sound quality:
Moondrop LittleWhite neckband + IEM

For best comfort :
AirPods Pro 2, or cheaper choice FIIL CC PRO2

For gifting to people, or easy pick
Moondrop Space Travel ($25)

Below are some of my current go-to wirelesses.


Yea it is a free review sample unit.

It is amazing IEM regardless though.

Penon did great job beating SA6 IMHO.

Not sure about upcoming SeeAudio Neko that goes for $699, but that’s quite expensive.

Not sure if people would value EA Cadmus that much.

Space Travel is even down to $19.99 with AliExpress’ current sales.

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