IEM discussion thread (Part 1)

Oof, good to know! I’ll might to grab myself some BT over-ears for traveling. It hasn’t gotten too bad, but I think it’s something I need to consider from now on.


Never happened to me and get motion sickness from cars and sometimes even from gaming.

Have you tried open-back iems? Maybe the seal from an iem is doing something you dont like.
Or you could experiment by blocking the vents on a random iem and see if the increased pressure will affect you negatively, if it does then open back iems should help.

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When you eat whales :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

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These finally came… just waiting until the end of robotics elective to finally hear them. The unboxing promises to be fun.

I’m not getting my hopes up, it’s an older set by now that never broke obscurity… but at least I’ll have closure on a set that’s lived in my AliExpress cart for years now. If it is good, they do make other models more recently…

Yeah I went for yellow.


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That’s always been the only graph I’ve found.


I somewhat remember that iem being talked about years ago.


Hisenior Okavango

What a fun and enjoyable set. Full foot tapping factor for me.
Anyway posted my review on it for Hisenior, feel free to read if of any interest.
Just have to go over to Head-Fi to read :sweat_smile:



From what I have, I agree with most your opinions. One were I sharply disagree, though, is the CCA CRN. Loved it then, still love it now. Came out the same time as the OG DQ6, and was significantly better. The CRN is a worthy successor to the OG ZST, which was a historical classic.


Its been a bit but I finally got to listen to the Performer 8 which I really like! If you want to read more about my thoughts I posted them here; TL;DR is this set is really good for those who love a highly refined, neutral sound


Hmm, since I got both CRN and ZEX Pro, basically same IEM, I found they’d offset the timbre too much with that in order to hit the target curve.

Crin’s target curve shall sound clear and crisp, but CRN was muffled and mushy. Maybe those drivers need a burn in? I gave up at first 30 minutes.

But MST of other KZ devices sounds pretty nice, like ZES. So I don’t know what happened🤔

Hi Leon!

If you ever have an opportunity to speak with Hisenior marketing rep, could you tell them that “American Spirit said please consider rebranding the name. “Hi-Senior” is not a smart sounding name, it’s like being rudely referred “hey old man”:sweat_smile:

I’m sure they have good meaning, but the way I take their name is that “hey old man”.

I know they make nice IEMs, but the brand image, is very important on top of good stuff.


Dang I’d better rethink names I was considering…







And “Fat Girl”

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Ok guys this is maybe just me but I wanted to say this after discovering this. The EM6Ls that I have when I put the Dunu S&S tips on it? They got fucking better and overtime the sounds are just a different experience comparing it at the time when I was just using the stock tips that came along with it. I can clearly hear the exact sound cues and design every time I boot up Phasmophobia and the EM6Ls pick those up very accurately, hell even more accurate with the S&S tips, I thought these tips would have a weird fit and won’t fit me at all but man I am glad I gave those tips a try for myself.

Of course the music, the MUSIC! is just excellent they became better, I guess you just have to turn off your analytical brain for a bit and just let it flow for it to eventually be more like wine, it gets better when you use it a lot.

Also yesterday, since getting the HOLAs as a new set, those performed surprisingly well though the tuning for me, they played it safe, a good point to those who are just beginners and doesn’t know their preferred sound yet. Now that I have the Holas, I’ve decided to gave away my original Chus to my family friend’s daughter who has been borrowing the Tin T3 Plus of her father which I also gave as well. It sometimes just feels good to give something back for a change.


We will not save the whales with these reviews :grin:

so i have to warn anybody who maybe wants to buy galaxy buds 2 pros also because i shilled them alot here its very unethical to not mention the situation here i found myself in it, but today i found out i actually had a custom eq enabled on my samsung music player 3 years ago and i didn’t know about it until now(a boost on 16k+ by 4 dbs and lowered any frequencies from 500hz to 70hz by 3 dbs) so you can expect the upper treble of the original graph to be more extended/boosted and the low end to be more tamed. when i turned it off the sound became much more dulled out and disappointing. im in shock how low quality to my ears the sound is now, like comparable to 10 bucks wired in ear buds .this thing just sound mushy and very low fi actually. i can’t pin point instruments clearly in the mix like i could before and transients are just very soft and dull sounding. called buds2pros brighter than the oracles before( thought its the fit or the drivers fault) but these are actually very soft and warm sounding out of the box and not a good quality one either. the resolution is absolutely off and the treble extension is just utterly bad compared to before.
the bright side is, they respond to eq pretty amazingly however since by the tweaks i had on the player
made the sound quality pretty clear and acceptable to my ears.
its actually amazing how the boost on upper treble makes the perceived sense of imaging, resolution and clarity much much better to our ears but at the cost of listening at lower volumes for obvious reasons.

so yeah, if you want to buy them you have to use eq for them to sound like an acceptable iem otherwise the sound is pretty garbage and low fi out of the box and i can’t recommend them the slightest.


i always thought why he puts it below budget iems but now i fully get it.


Thank you for your feedback bro.The design of Cantor the flagship is still undergoing revisions according to what we heard from the market. But have to say there is no perfect IEM in the world, and we can’t make sure everyone loves it. AY, still big thanks to your valuable comment and your attention to our brand. :heart: