IEM discussion thread (Part 1)

yep 10k is probably my max now…need to re-do a Youtube frequency check again :smile:

Wait for reviews on Simgot EA1000

Kinda affordable if you squint - Dunu Vulkan

If you’re a moneybags - Sennheiser IE600, 7th Acoustics Supernova


…or if you lie on your back and kick your feet in the air, then choose the natural upgrade of IE6oo → Prest LTD…

youtube compresses the sound and cuts the higher frequencies, use sites like these or high frequency sample tracks.


Wow. Just about heard 15k. I thought it’d be worse than that.


+1 to the IE600 rec. It’s definitely on the upgrade path from EA500. It adds a nice sub bass boost to that signature. Prestige LTD is also great although less neutral bright and more balanced


I always though it’s so set-dependant that this kind of test can’t really be relevant for anything, really.

That brings me to the question: with what set do the specialists measure your hearing capabilities? are they calibrated devices? Why aren’t these kind of thing chased by (at least some) members of the community?

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Ok. Question for the group…

Knowing that I can only hear up to 15khz, is it still worth spending kilobucks for an iem or will I pretty much get the same/similar experience from something considerably cheaper?

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I gave my Magma a little boost for treble extensions. Now the build-in ESTs shine as intended :slightly_smiling_face:

Thanks @thoohil for the measurement!

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Great work! But one concern. Electrostatic drivers (ESTs) in multidriver IEMs are intended to spice up the treble / air regions only as they are separated from the other driver types by a crossover network. Yet I haven’t seen a single driver EST in IEMs to work for all frequency ranges. So that’s why you can’t characterize this driver type for bass and mids apart from real electrostatics in headphones. :slightly_smiling_face:


Right, AMT drivers is what I meant.

Next step would be to characterize the different Balanced Armatures by Sonion and Knowles as some users prefer certain models :face_with_monocle:

Didn’t even know Spirit Torino made IEM’s :open_mouth:


I wish I was that moneybags, but nope unfortunately I am not. Though I will keep those in mind on what you have recommended and thanks.

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Got a nice BA battle going on here, all of them are super nice.
Supernova 6BA - Butastur - 10BA - Neon Pro 10BA - Alita 12BA - Ljoma 5BA


Still no SR8 :cry:

Yeah, I might get one on loan onetime. I bet I would like it.

Still my preference will always be with a set with a DD for low end.


That said, my low-key point is there is no upgrade on EA500 below Vulkan. So save your money and don’t go chasing waterfalls


:thinking: :smiley:

(10 of those characters)

IMO, the Vulkan is not the upgrade to the EA500. They are pretty damn different.