IEM discussion thread (Part 1)

Sometime I’ll have to get you a chance to hear Fat Glamdring. It is the ultimate “crank it up” set I’ve ever heard.

They are “putting your life in their hands” in IEM form


I agree to you I would describe them as “hollow”, too. Eventually they started to sound “tinny” for me so I couldn’t resist to EQ them to my liking. Result has been a wider treble extension so the 4 ESTs are able to shine :melting_face:

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YES!!! The OG07 was one of the first IEMs that really hit my CRANKING preference without fatigue. Also the louder you crank it the more it opens up. Fit ultimately ended up being the main issue I sold it or it would still be with me today.


My condolences :pensive:

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I am curious about the Hexas and I have this in me that I want to get them at some point. But a bit of a problem, I think it would be redundant of me on getting the Hexas if I already have a somewhat similar set like the Simgot EM6L already in my daily drivers of use and I am liking it so far though there are some nitpicks, like its lack of nozzle lips (my S&S tips were still slipping off of it before taping the nozzles with micropore tape.) and the QDC style connectors (yes I know the drivers won’t fit without it but I am more comfortable with the standard 2pin format, therefore I ordered a cable that is a 2pin use.)

I don’t know man, might get it since it might be good for mixing as well.


At least you’ve got your Shortbus iems to fill that void! :smiley:
Plus single driver equals best coherencey :sunglasses:


EM6L is a better Hexa - you don’t need it trust. The FUDU would be better if you want something different.


Yeah I have figured as much, I have decided to go for an enitrely different item altogether and it’s not related to this topic. For now a cool cable on my EM6Ls would make it even better, for it’s now already better with the S&S tips on and man those are one of the best eartips I got.

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Is the fudu similar to anything? Most of the reviews seemed very mixed about it, but everyone seemed to think it was quite warm. It seems not that far from Kailua.


these people weren’t wrong after all :joy:


On the contrary, I think they were wrong. Audiophile FR is different from general tuning. Budget IEMs strive for a more general, non-committal FR and succeed! If you let them listen to the IE600 they will probably run away, but for me the IE 600 is oil for my ears… So. :wink: :grinning:


I find it funny and interesting that all three had the Meteor at the Bottom of their rankings when you consider that its warm-ish and mellow tuning is closer to your usual v-shaped consumer headphone than the other IEMs.

Not saying it‘s bad btw; the Meteor is excellent and a great set, together with the Helios which both basically are two sides of the same coin. (If I didn’t already had my Bravery I would have gotten the Meteor myself)


I also thought that would be a hit for “the average person” because of the bass, I noticed they seemed to think it was bass light - which makes me wonder if they had a bad seal. I hope out of the silicone tips they had to use they at least could pick the right size for their ear?

What I’ve heard about the meteor suggests it has plenty of bass as well as warmth. Never heard it btw.


Most people likely dont even know what a seal is…


Yeah true, I think in the end it’s why headphones are easier for anyone to get into since they’re basically plug and play. IEM’s you need the right tips and with most people’s recommendations it usually seems like IEM’s don’t ship with the best tips. Even outside of tips it can be hard to tell the comfort of IEMs due to size.


yeah, hps indeed much easier for people to use.

Iems, definitely have that learning curve in terms of fit, unless you are damn lucky and can fit everything. (foam tips helps but only so much.)

Buds, normies consider them the same as iems (when big companies call everything earbuds…) or shitty…


Yeah the terminology really shoots IEM’s in the foot. Outside of the Hifi forum and YouTube audio space no one even knows what an in ear monitor is when you say it.

The two brands that seem to have found n IEM fit that works for practically everyone is the apple AirPod pro’s and nothing ear1/2’s. I wonder if that’s a blueprint that IEM manufacturers must look into

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Surely, it’s this one.