IEM discussion thread (Part 1)

If you had tried it and didn’t like it, your use of that experiment to back your point would actually mean something.

Being ignorant of the actual point of that experiment doesn’t prove you’re smarter than me. It actually proves you’re lacking.

  • For those who don’t know

The Ashe Conformity experiment was conducted to show how people will follow along with the masses, in spite of the truth of their own experience. The problem with @sovran invoking it is that they are using it from the position of rejecting something without ever experiencing it at all.

Basically, @sovran wants to reject groupthink so badly that they’re willing to expel themselves from even the potential of being caught in the group by not even engaging in good faith


You have the linky?

Love my Variations for subbass-focused music and female vocals.

Fat Earth has amazing guitar tones. Plenty of bite and aggression in the upper harmonics that aren’t harsh and sound natural. Best of all the elevated bass shelf of this set plays AMAZING with all the distortion in a lot of metal. Separation and staging are top notch as well and kick drums are a beast. For me FE absolutely chews up and spits out any other IEM for Metal, Thrash, Hardcore and all the likes of aggressive fast authoritative music. Don’t sell yourself short just going off from graphs.


Sure Just found this amazing item on AliExpress. Check it out! £21.95 30%OFF | 4 Sizes Multi Functional HIFI DAP Cable Digital Products Storage Bag Internally Freely Combinable With Lining Flocking Case

I think these go on sale pretty often so might be worth waiting a little - for context I picked up both the 2 & the 4 compartment cases for around 45% off this price around 3 weeks ago.

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A colorful parcel arrived today :star_struck:
First listen for me of these two classics
Thanks @thoohil :sunglasses:


Those are OG 07s?


Yes sir. I do like them quite a bit so far and they are not as lean in the bass as I thought they would be


Looking forward to hearing more, about both of these!

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When i compare EJ07 to my Kinda Lava with Bass boost the OG seems to be more spacious which I think is the special sauce everyone is talking about when describing OG.

The (mid)Bass steps back and creates more space for the rest of the frequency range and this sense of more space helps for a more holographic presentation of sounds within that room.
Don´t know how to describe it better and it is also funny how we all perceive and describe sound differently.
@n00kie described the sound of OG as somewhat “tinny” and I think I can understand what he hears to some degree
And I described it as a bit “hollow”

On KL the bass fills that room with its presence and some of that special sauce gets lost. Also some of the bass texture gets lost.
I had the same feeling with my KL before and after retuning…I now have more Bass but less special sauce…I guess that´s the trade off


Probably the set even in todays market that I’d most like to listen to FACT.


After everything I have heard so far I would say it is still very relevant in today’s market.
Not saying that I heard much of the market but quite a few kilobucks.
EJ07 OG and also EJ07M (KL) are definitely bang for your buck options imho


Just listened to the Serial for a while…very quick impression so far
To describe it in one word: “cozy”

I like the mid centric presentation, it just pulls you in and let´s you forget about chasing the hi-fi dragon and all the little nuances for a while.

The treble is enough to not be boring but it is clearly rolled off/rounded
Mids are the star of the show but not that detailed. Still great for vocal centric music
Bass is really nice too, good amount for me and also very good texture

To me this seems like a set for music lovers who place musicality over hi-fidelity and every bit of details




I can finally see (hear) now why you love that set so much :slight_smile:
It´s definitely very enjoyable and is no slouch in the technical department either
Check this out


It’s a fact lol


Sir, this is an image.

Don’t worry, found it and I’m listening to it on the Serial.

Man the decent technicalities plus how well the Serial handle the timbre of percussion thanks to the biocellulose… really nice!

YT Link

EDIT: Using NF Audio NS42 tips thanks to @ctjacks336

EDIT: Also the Whizzer ET100 in small


The drum sounds more realistic than KL.
Very bouncy and lifelike, the slower decay helps here.
This i fantastic aswell, I LOVE the bouncy bass presentation :heart_eyes:


After hearing most of the endgames, the OG 07 are still my favourite IEMs even in today’s market. Not saying they’re technically the best, but the stage/imaging and scaling together makes it irreplaceable :v: Highly recommend you to crank these babies up - that’s where their true potential lies as they just take you on a journey :notes: