IEM discussion thread (Part 1)

Can’t remember if I already asked, but have you had a listen to the Symphonium Audio Meteor yet?

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I highly recommend checking either out. The Twilights are my current favorite single DD even over a handful of more expensive models. The Szalyis have this authority and power in the low end that’s addicting and, despite being a tribrid, they are incredibly cohesive with accurate and life-like timbre. Quite impressive IME/IMO.


Szalayis on my radar. But first I’m waiting for my Thieaudio hype 2 for my e-library. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Szalayis were really special when i demoed them and stood their ground against IEMs twice as expensive.
Would love to revisit them again and do some proper tip rolling because fit for me was not the very best.


I have. I did not like the treble, it was dark but muffled for me. I didn’t get the sauce someone like @MMag05 gets

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uh… if there are 3 wires there, then it looks like the red one (R) is actually disconnected. Which should not be the case.

If that is how it looks, take a close pic for me so I can see if it can simply be resoldered.

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I see I see. Well maybe now I can have my trigger finger not be so itchy for it from now on lol

Good news is Shenzhenaudio completely changed their tune. I ended up with two options: Keep with a significant partial refund or send to a US address for full refund. I’m content with either solution, just wanted to put out there that they did up their game.

In other news the DB Monroe are completely different to me (at their best) with very deep insertion with small tips. Even a little less deep with M tips changes the sound, to my ears for the worse. Really do hope I have the time to write up a review, with the tip magic down, they’re a much better than average set.


So I have a question to those of you that have tried the OG ThieAudio Prestige and the LTD version: Am I the only one who prefers the OG version? To me it’s just more aggressive and unique so I just agreed to trade my new LTDs for a 2 month old pair of Mest Mk2s and keep my OG Prestige instead and that’s not at all how I was expecting to feel. I’m definitely not saying the LTDs are bad. They’re actually very good, just not as unique and I think I have other IEMs that do what they’re striving for better than they do it. That’s all. I seem to be the only person on the planet feeling this way so I thought I would ask.


I haven’t tried them but from what I can hear on YouTube and the internet I think the OGs are better/unique. I’m considering buying a Prestige, but I’m torn between LTD and OG. I think I’ll pull the trigger on the OG. Otherwise, I’m now waiting for my Thieaudio Hype 2 to arrive for my e-library and modest collection… Then Prestige OG :grinning: :v:

I have to be honest, the OG Prestige did not mesh well with my ears, but consideing that J loves them, I think they deserve at least a second chance. You may dig them, @SoundEater ! It’s an expensive chance to take tho…


Yes. I have never tried Thieaudio products. So I decided to get the Hype 2 first and then possibly the Prestige OG if I liked the Thieaudio house sound. But I’m almost 100% sure they will become my favorite IEMs. I don’t mind the OG treble extension, I think people complain about it :wink:.
And yes, J likes them, and he listens to metal and is a professional drummer, and I’m a guitarist. :face_with_open_eyes_and_hand_over_mouth: :wink:


I think that was my main gripe with them, to my ears they came off as a little hot in the treble and upper mids. But everyone has different ears of course! The fact that you both are musicians helps with your opinions potentially lining up. I love ThieAudio and their line-up. They rarely miss the mark.


Gonna be interesting to see your reception of them. ThieAudio make some amazing IEMs; the original Oracle and Monarch Mk3 being personal favorites of mine.

Had a chance to try the Hype 2 and it‘s quite good imo, but I found a couple of flaws in them. Then again, I am greatly biased anyway since I own the Monarch Mk3, so that isn’t really all too surprising :melting_face:


I don’t expect Hype 2 to be perfect, but I’m sure they’re very good. I get them because of the tuning and the bass section. otherwise I will do a detailed review of them with different genres of music when they arrive. The star of the show will be Prestige, but he will be after that. :beers:


so do you think the monarch have better sound quality apart from the tuning? like do those 4 extra bas matter?

why don’t you auto eq your ej07 or olina se to find the one that suits your tastes better? hbb got all the 4 iems graphed on his squig so its just the easiest thing to do. ej07 and olina se you have got smooth fr so they eq well.


The Hype 2 is like a „Baby Monarch“ which primarily shines with Genres like Metal or Electronic Music.

The Monarch Mk3 replays pretty much every genre excellently; when I initially got it I just threw whatever genres and songs at it, hoping it would fumble somewhere along the way - it didn’t. It‘s a step up in every metric. Has some of the most hyper detailed Treble I have ever heard, so much so you could call it „unnatural“, but I don‘t mean that in a bad way. It somehow avoids sibilance and unnatural timbre to my ears despite that; the opposite even, it has some of the most natural Timbre of sets out there, taking after the Oracle in that regard.

Just one example, I‘m still collecting my thoughts for my Review, but the Monarch Mk3 is nothing short of excellent. Endgame Set for 1k in my humble opinion, and I personally like it more than more expensive sets I had the chance to listen to (like the U12t, Z1R, MEST MK2…)


The OG Prestiges are more aggressive at both ends of the spectrum so some find the treble a bit to hot. My hearing test is September says I can hear up to 19khz which is amazing for a 37 y/o combat vet and drummer, and I don’t find the treble to be too much at all. It makes splashes, hi-hats, and Chinas come alive and the bass matches it’d intensity well. The LTD just sounded like a safer, more mainstream retune and I understand why some people like it better, but when I put on my OGs and listen to Freddy Mercury belting out Bohemian Rhapsody or Chris Cornell dominating my ears with Audioslave, I relish that extra aggression so my LTDs went bye-bye and now I’ve got some Mest Mk2s experimenting to do… :thinking: