IEM discussion thread (Part 1)

This is a great idea imo. Thieaudio has one of the strongest house sounds I have heard and the Hype 2 is right inline so if you dig that then you will likely enjoy the higher end ones. For me, I just don’t like their house sound


the problem with using EQ to assess how another set sounds is that the graphs you use aren’t really exact. For instance, auto EQing EJ07M KL to Monarch MK2 gives you two different EQ settings if you use Nymz db vs HBBs db and the settings are pretty different. Im pretty sure that KL is the same actual set (IIRC nymz sent his to HBB to graph)


Also, different driver counts, configurations, and implementations will sound different as an EQ versus what a set actually sounds like.

Graphs can tell you part of the story about sound but the only way to know what a set sounds like is to hear it with your own ears.

Ask my tour group how they feel about Dunu Vulkan compared to me, for example…


So two days ago I took a pair of OG Mangird Teas as a partial trade for my Penon Serials and I have them in my ears right now for the first time ever after two whole days of anticipation as they travelled across the state. These certainly live up to the hype. Instantly, I find myself enjoying the authoritative, but not over emphasized or overpowering low end. The layering and imaging is really quite amazing, especially considering that this IEM originally retailed for like $300. They aren’t detail monsters, but they still give you plenty of detail to avoid leaving you feeling like you’re missing anything. They are also easily in my top 5 for seamless DD to BA integration with only the slightest hint of BA timbre up top while retaining the tonal and timbral characteristics and accuracy of the DD for all but the highest registers.

The soundstage is quite holographic for me which is impressive, but even more impressive is the dynamic presentation. Macro and micro dynamics are present in spades making for a lively and engaging, but somehow still very mellow, musical, and relaxing overall performance. I’m only thirty minutes in, but it took less than that to hear that these are a truly special set and definitely a keeper.

Obviously, I’m still tip rolling so any recs on tips would be much appreciated. I have damn near every kinda tip out there (at least that I have heard of) so fire away. Even if I don’t have them, if they sound intriguing, I’m more than willing to grab some since the Teas seem destined to grace my collection for a good long time to come. I’m super stoked I stumbled across these! :metal::sunglasses:


I’m so happy you have your hands on a pair of the OG teas, brother. They blew me away on first listen as well and they’re one of my most beloved sets I own. I did extensive tip rolling and found that a small pair of JVC spiral dots with a deep fit work exceptionally well. Give em a shot if you have em laying around!


We got him boiz tea cult strikes again :tea:


Another one sees the light!!

Yeah tea really are a special set. The tuners ventured off of the beaten path and met quite a tremendous success.

As tip go, I use spinfit cp100 and love it like that. Some members of my community selected azla sedna tips. My own tests showed me the sound can vary much with insertion depth, so don’t hesitate to try and fiddle by yourself.



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Jesus I know these sound demos aren’t the best way to judge the sound but when the MP145 switch back to the Melody the Kiwi ears’ mids immediately sounded more hollow and pushed back.

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Damn and you’ve heard a lot to so that’s some big praise.

Very well said. You’re making me miss my pair and wishing I still had it. Either way it went to a good home where I’m sure it gets used more often.

We need @nymz our humble leader to be called upon. You must be anointed into the Cookie Cult :cookie: and receive an offering of the flesh.


Hey guys,

So I invited my non-audiophile friends (with little experience with audio) to try some VERY EXPENSIVE IEMs, and blind tested them with some “cheaper” ones. I think everyone has their own perspective regarding diminishing returns and how much one should pay for a set, so honestly the results/their reaction regarding it was very surprising as non-audiophile, and super funny as well as being informative.

Come take a look :sunglasses:

And special thanks to @Sonofholhorse for lending me his Prestige LTD - legend :pray:


Love those kind of vids! It also looks like you guys had a lot of fun and so had I watching your buddies’ comments :slight_smile:
One question - you said in the disclaimer that the test was done on the same volume settings - do you mean same settings on MacBook or volume matched with SPL meter?


Ya it was really fun seeing their reactions haha - and volume matched with a volume meter app :+1:


Can’t wait to watch this later!


Yeah, this video was super fun to watch. I did a similar thing with my co-worker a few weeks ago and watching his face when he hit play with the Monarchs in his ears was entertaining to say the least lol.


All these positive comments makes the 4 hour doing subtitles all worth it hahaha - “I NEED TO GET ONE OF THEEEEEESE”


I mean you hit the nail on the head: What makes something worth it is completely personal to each of us.

I’m literally having a conversation with @domq422 about how I’m too cheap and picky to justify spending $1000+. Dunu Vulkan is truly one of my favorite IEMs and I wouldn’t justify spending $380 on that.

Meanwhile, there have been times he’s heard an IEM once and felt something, with a strong enough emotional pull, to impulse buy on the spot. Both are valid experiences.

All the stuff here is about feeling things. I think if you can feel something, then you’re doing this hobby right :slight_smile:


Anyone getting the Canon 2? I’m personally not a big fan of MK2, MK3 and MK1000…but I did love the Canon OG!


Agree 100%. I think the best way to enjoy this hobby, and just music in general, is finding THAT set that gives you the emotional experience/connection - so immersive and grabbing that it brings you to a whole different world… but ya some of these companies do be getting away with murder with what they’re charging :joy:


Yeah, I noticed that tips and insertion depth effect the sound more than pretty much any other IEM I have ever used. I have found that I really like the sound I get from Radius Deep Mounts and one of the pairs yconical foam tips I have and I have tried dozens of tips on them so far.