IEM discussion thread (Part 1)

I always meant to get a hold of a pair, but never ended up doing it because buying something else always got it the way. When someone offered me their Teas plus cash in trade for the Serials, I figured it was time to take a crack and I’m definitely glad I did. Their reputation is definitely well deserved.


:rofl: “To be honest, everything stood out to me.”
Haha I feel that!

I feel like people new to “soundstage” give the most relatable descriptions of it.

Ha the instant “disappointing” vs. his brother’s opinon…

I’m really impressed with their price ranking chops!

9:08 for some badminton racket action

:laughing: : “If Olina are selling this for $99” (makes complete sense, if you’re told it’s the “Olina SE” it sounds like “Brand, Model”

I was genuinely surprised with how they feel about the Olina SE. I feel the bass isn’t at all muddy and the complaint about its clarity wasn’t expected. I don’t know if there was bias from the shell etc clearly putting it at a lower bracket. No issue with that being their opinion though.

Man, when he connects the Hype 2 with the Monarch Mk3 for being similarly tuned. Nice! And it didn’t throw off his theory about the Hype 2 being 299 and the Mk3 being 1299.

I enjoyed the stroll through Switzerland. :+1:

That was awesome, thanks!


It’s a hard sell at its price even if it’s good. It’s in the wrong bracket to succeed. I saw one used lately and was confused because I thought they were asking more than the new price. The new price was just much more than I would have thought.


To be fair they started with monarchs.

It’ll be like going from A5 Wagyu to a really good hamburger.


Ya they’re a funny bunch hahaha - was likewise impressed by their pricing guesses :eyes: as well as the take on the Hype 2 vs MK3

Also I think I kinda did ruin their ears with the LTD first :joy:

Glad you had a blast watching~


I love these kind of videos and this one did not disappoint. I do think you ruined their ears with the LTD first though cause I agree the Olina SE is a great IEM for the price but I totally get their comments when its following up the LTD, MK3 and Hype 2. I agree with Max’s take on the MK3 compared to the LTD matches my experience.

@VIVIDICI_111 next time you shouldn’t even give them the different prices to match to the IEM and just have them guess what they think it costs. I feel like they probably would have guessed all of them to be under $1k


When I tried them I found that there was a treble dip somewhere that made the treble/upper treble sound unnatural.

I agree the stage is very holographic though.

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Watched it just now, really fun to follow their thoughts and reactions. Also kudos to them for guessing the price brackets so well. Them commenting on the Olina SE cracked me up though xD

Although that is to be expected; when they experience a set like the Prestige Ltd or Monarch Mk3, that’s a very high bar having been set for most other sets coming after them :')


The Olina slander sorry Chris :sob::joy: but any publicity is good publicity right…? But ya that is a VERY high bar to clear - glad you enjoyed it~

@cal_lando I’ll take your recommendation that’s a great idea. Would be funny if they guessed the Storm to be $500 or something lol.


About to close the deal on a set of Michael Bruce’s Glamdring. Trying not to get the high praises to my head, but I am pretty darn excited! Curious to see if the staging and imaging can come close to TGXEAR earbuds lol. I’m certainly expecting more visceral bass, and a…more dense sound sphere


I have a pair in my possession and it’s on the long list of IEMs I’ve wanted to try badly in recent months. Good luck with closing your deal! Mike Bruce seems to be a master at his craft for sure.


Are you talking directly to him or buying 2nd hand? I tried to contact him with no success via his website form


He’s much more responsive on Discord! It took him maybe a week to reply to my Headfi message.

I’m buying one second hand (happened to find one in the UK), but if you’re looking for a new Glamdring, I heard there’s a long queue.


I’m not so sure I’m concerned about them getting the “best” first - because it would be a good way of showing up whether they were only the “best” as far as audiophiles were concerned. They could have heard them first and not liked them as much as cheaper sets.

I know I very rarely enjoy the whole package of a super pricy tribrid better than sets that aren’t heralded as “god tier” and are hybrid or only have one driver tech. I often don’t enjoy the tuning or overall experience. They rarely pull off “natural”, rarely actually have a nice bass (not even talking about quantity), and can have issues with coherence or being too engaging for ordinary listening.


Is Discord also the best source of information about the various mods he does? My Google Fu is coming up short - curious about the differences between Glamdring/Fat Earth/Fat Glam/Eru (sp?), etc.

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Has anyone graphed them?

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I just saw some squiglinks - let me see if I can re-find the link…

…here it is:,Shortbus_Glamdring_Foam


Yes, he’s very active on Discord, and lots of regulars on there as well. In terms of a proper review, I think you’ll need to check Paul Wasabii’s YouTube channel


Yeah Mike has, but not on squig. He posts multiple graphs a day lol


Don’t do Discord or Reddit…my loss and gain I guess :smile: