IEM discussion thread (Part 1)

Honestly mate, your wallet thanks you :sweat_smile::sweat_smile: I just bought a Glamdring even after telling myself that I’m out of the IEM chase :sob::joy:


Also, more info on the new Qudelix DAC amp dongle:

FYI, it’s in Korean


Cool look forward to your thoughts and findings :+1:


gave up on the glamdring; cant get an answer from the guy on any platform. think maybe he doesnt like shipping abroad


Seems like a simple enough mod to buy the foam inserts off of AliExpress and just replicate his actions in his Youtube video.


He does something on the inside vent that requires some real precision (he recommends a microscope and cactus needles).


This may be simple minded of me, but on the vent thing I wondered if it might work for the less precision-oriented of us (Exhibit 1: me) to just poke out that vent completely and then experiment with filters/mesh/micropore tape applied externally until a satisfying response is achieved…just seems like it would take super steady hands (way steadier than what I have) to go the cactus/insulin needle route… By analogy, doing sculpture by building up clay as opposed to chipping away marble. Of course, having the one who actually knows what he’s doing perform the mods is also a valid route :stuck_out_tongue:


I’ve done simple, reversible mods to P1 Max to get about 90-95% of Glamdring’s special sauce. It’s Mike’s methods that bring home that last 5-10%, so it’s a matter of do you want the full vision or “close enough”…



Personally, I kinda want both - I definitely want to hear what he achieves uncut because I do think it’s a product of both his ears and his technique, and he’s the one who had the vision to go there.

But I do have this (non-novel) idea that more than just frequency response changes when you alter venting, and I don’t really understand why that is, and I also don’t understand how different driver types and materials respond to such changes, and I further don’t understand everything I don’t understand :stuck_out_tongue:

I can probably get a little closer to understanding by studying speaker enclosure design (although the response characteristics of tiny drivers in tiny enclosures may be different) but I also believe that I’ll understand just that little bit better if I go through the iterative process myself, even though I might just be following a recipe at first (combined with a lot of fumbling in the dark).


V1 = nothing on the inner vent, just a driver soldered and glued into the shell
V2 = blutack on the inner vent, just a driver soldered and glued into the shell

Bass shelf is ironically pretty similar to the legendary 16mm DD and this is just a 10mm.

(along with a lot better upper-treble. )


Is it just narrowing the bore with silicone, and put some tuning foam in?

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No, no. I did a (easily) reversible mod adding a nozzle filter and taping the front vent off. It gets Panda to Glamdring’s tonality and most of its FR, but it doesn’t have the soundstage and sense of 3D space Glam does


My tour group has them over on our Squig. My personal sets are the Fat Earth and Glam. The other two were loaned to me for demo and graphing from @rattlingblanketwoman and @GooberBM. I should have second sample of the Glam up in the next few weeks hopefully.


@John_W_Clark and @Merhumblegrumble I demoed and graphed Goobers mod. If you have a P1 Max and want to know if Glam would be your thing his mods will definitely give you a really good sense of it. If you like the overall sense of it Glam will be a real pleasure for you.

It’s code named the Flatland on the database if you want to compare


This is great - thank you!


I finally heard a single DD that beats the Twilights: the Dita Perpetua. Granted it retails for $2200 of something like that, but I have been offered a trade for my Burson Timekeeper 3i for the Perpetuas and a Hiby RS6 and I took it. They aren’t as much of an all-rounder as the Twilights, but they make love music, classic rock, jazz, and vocals sound as good as I have ever heard and their technical prowess is several levels above the Twilights as well. I’m super stoked that I got them in a trade because I never would’ve been able to convince myself to buy a single DD for that much. All of that said, they’re only a 10% to maybe 15% improvement over the Twilights (probably closer to 10) so if I was advising someone as to whether the jump is worth it I would say no unless a deal like this one presented itself. They’re also coming with some super expensive unicorn hair and pixie dusted Effect Audio cable supposedly worth $1k (:roll_eyes:) but regardless of my thoughts on price it looks gorgeous. I’ll give you guys impressions and a Twilight comparison once I’ve had time with them. I’ll be picking them up tomorrow since the guy I’m trading is in my circle of audiophile enthusiasts.


Fantastic, I just got some micropore tape on prime day, and have some extra filters lying around too.

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I never would have thought the Perpetua would over throw the Twilights. I’ve heard so much of the twilights and their popularity but I haven’t heard much on the Perpetuas, that’s interesting.

I appreciate your feedback, J that’s interesting stuff!


There was a MusicTeck warehouse clearance a few months ago and the Dita Perpetua was priced at $1300 if I remember correctly.
For the price - $1300 - I think it’s a good deal, especially since it upgrades Twilight by about 10%, but $2999 - definitely not!
BTW I don’t like the design, especially for the price point :slightly_smiling_face:


Hey guys, so, I woke up to Elysian using my video without contacting or asking… but that aside how shameless can you get :man_facepalming: Yes, it looks stunning, but how about we address the elephant in the room LEE? Fix your godam quality control and customer service.

As some of you may know my Diva had a pretty bad imbalance, so I sold my unit with the imbalance to a friend at a discount (since it still had warranty) - she sent it to repair, tracking says its stuck in malaysia needing address confirmation, lee response saying he’ll check it, and then never checked it conveniently to delay it past the warranty date (this took 2+ months btw), and then now it got sent back because no one picked it up

so ya please AVOID these mofos