IEM discussion thread (Part 2)

Sorry I was just overtook with imagening a Penonesque review of these after your avant garde comment

“A new dawn…? A8 no… Not even A5 Wagyu is this delicate and delicious… They must have meant 8 x A Grades. I mean, just observe the use of negative space to round out tonality… Has this been done? Am I imagining things… These will be remembered… through the juxtaposition of an external bass cavern ripe for sonic exploration, my ears are assaulted in a way that feels enticing but never wrong… jutting irregularly aginst luxe liquid metal formations used to dampen the extension of brightness and harden note signature… Everything is revealed… Mark my words…”

Then you go and talk about belly buttons…


Been sober for 50 months. I would have loved to do that years ago!


Congratulations…best thing I ever did…or anyone can ever do…for king…for country…that’s why you men should join this fight

I mean for family and friends…seriously


alright my second ibasso dc04 pro shit itself within months once again. what’s my next dongle? :thinking:

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Congrats on your sobriety! Same to you, @Toecutter!


Yo guys, got a new review out! I didn’t pull any punches with this one :saluting_face:


Strange, mine has been daily driving for almost a year. Next is EPZ TP50?

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I don’t think I’ve had a harder time deciding between two IEMs than the Kefine Delci and Artti R1.

Very similar in sound signature, build, timbre. It’s going to be a fun challenge to find distinctive characteristics that will make my choice.

Both are VERY good for $60. I’ve also been testing the CCA Trio, and it’s very good for $40. But the Delci and R1 are at a higher level, for sure.

More listening and analysis to come!


For me, the Delci came and went. Male vocals can suffer, especially those that are naturally a bit thin, I found some painful moments. Never a one on Artti.
Because of the slight thinness, Delci can come across more detailed, and was a better lower volume listen.
Definitely one of the best lie in bed sets you can find.
In the end though, Artti held its place scoring a bit higher…

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Ah, my ears hear them differently. I hear more sub-bass on the Delci. They’re warmer. The R1 are less forward in the mids, which matches the lower-mids dip you can see on graphs, but are a bit less rolled-off in the lower treble.

Both are really nice. Will need to listen to a lot more tracks to decide.


Really have no clue where to post this…but @Andy_Pickard I think it was you that posted a picture of some goats(not sure is they are yours)around Christmas,I think??? But since the weather is nice out I was outside hanging with my goats Trixie and Cletus. Snapped a picture​:goat::sun_with_face:


fwiw, my 2 cents having gone back and forth with the delci.
I found myself in complete alignment with your initial impressions of it but also with the caveat that @tybt mentions above.

For my tastes, It’s a very pleasing profile that’s almost perfect to me but I’d say it lacks a little refinement, which will present itself from time to time across tracks with hints of sibilance and mud. Not enough to ruin it for me but enough to notice. I’d love to see an iteration on this tuning in the future from Kefine. There was a lot done right here for musical enjoyment and I’ve found myself not wanting to take them off.

And I know EW200 is a very different tuning altogether to Delci but for the price I do think the driver in the EW200 is a little better/faster as I perceive better bass texture. When put all together, it’s quite a nice package (shell design, colour, cable and case all done very well) and tuning for $59 and I think that’s a fair price for it in today’s competitive market. In fact I’ve bought 3 of them and all found happy homes!


Aww!! :blush: Do you own a farm??

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Chris I had no idea you owned goats, dude!!! I f’n love those little guys, such a funny animal haha thanks for Sharing that


No we don’t. We have about 7 acres. We have an old barn that I turned into a spot for the goats on one side and are to store hay and what not on the other side. The have about an acre to roam in while there fence in. But we let them out daily and they get to roam freely. The are fucking rad animals. So gentle and loving. Remind me of dogs. The female is about 2 and the male is about 1 1/2. They are the best🤙


There rad! Part of the family. My little homies🤙


Right?! I’m from the city and I’ve always been a city boy, but every time I’m around farm animals I feel so comfortable.

I grew up taking care of horses since I was a kid, but they were racing horses at a local race track that isn’t there anymore… totally different beasts. I grew to love how beautiful and gentle they can be for being 1000+ pounds. They could kill a human so easily, but instead, they’re patient and so incredibly smart. Goats are just goof balls and I love em’ for it hahah


Not strictly IEM related, but still very interesting vid from a perspective of Golden sound (who is source enthusiast). In the end I am not sure about the conclusions, but the approach was good


Andy also did a blind test this week. (Not double blind though)


I’ll have to hide mine then… :stuck_out_tongue:

Disclaimer…it’s a joke