IEM discussion thread (Part 2)

I agree, I highly doubt they can do anything about it legally. I tried it and 15 trials is pretty fast and works well for beginners who are just starting the hobby. I don’t think we should be gate keeping helpful tools that improves the hobby. This whole thing just seems personal from Crin which I can understand why :joy:


I’m just surprised that the tool doesn’t just take all the results, disregards them, and tells them to buy the Truthear Nova.


Works pretty well

Red line is the 40 trials
Green is 15 trials and sounds very smooth, better than Harman 2019 and stock DF to me


Still tedious. But I admit it’s good for EQ noobs.

You just won the internet today with that one, Wayne! :slight_smile:


Just FYI. The 2nd release of the HiFi Guides internal end of the year poll’s thread below. I would really appreciate you joining in - it should not take more than 3-5 mins unless you actually need to count to more than 20 :slight_smile:


Merry Christmas :sparkles::mushroom::sparkles:

This tiny boy arrived today, for some testing

First impressions are very good, what a cute little couch setup that is

Currently comparing against BTR15 fighting for the crown of most clean sound reproduction :boxing_glove:


Propeller tips giving your MP145s a glow-up? Love to hear it! Sounds like they’re taking the soundstage to a whole new level. Now the real challenge choosing between them and the W1. Maybe it’s time for a tip-off battle to see who wins haha

Well since I have been trying the Propeller tips for a while now on my Performer 7s. It did got even better on the soundstage and overall the clarity on some tones particularly the guitar parts for me have been improved, but as time goes on as I use the tips, they have been uncomfortable for me, for my ears starting to hurt a bit and it’s a shame since I am loving those tips so far.

So yeah so far in terms of having a much safer fit while maintaining the same tuning for me, the W1s are the clear winner for me, for those haven’t hurt my ears.


Ah too bad the Propellers didn’t work out long-term. Glad the W1s are stepping up, though. Comfort + great sound? That’s a win-win you can’t ignore!

I mean there might be an another solution more than just the tips of it being uncomfortable. I think the stock cable plays a factor as well when it comes to the comfort and fit, particularly the ear hooks. I have recently reordered the Dunu Lyre Mini cable for my P7s just to see how it goes, and yes it’s reordered since I have already ordered it previously but they have sent me the wrong item, hence I filed it for a return/refund.

I will see how it goes once it gets here, in fact I might be able to use the Propeller tips once the cable has changed, and I hope it’s a cable this time not some cheap ass earbuds. xD

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Audio with Leo 2024 IEM list

I have compiled a list of what I find to be the best sets of 2024, some sets I bought and some where reviews samples or even loans/demo from friends. I will focus on sets I heard for the first time this year, some sets are not from this year but I heard them in 2024. This is a very subjective list, it is also very nice to see that most IEMs that get released is good now. We live in a good time where we can get good sound at every price range.

Merry Christmas to all of you :beerchug:

High End ( from around $2000 )

  1. Noble Audio Chronicle - I adored this one, balanced and warm with one of the most beautiful designed sets
  2. LETSHUOER Cadenza 12 - balanced and technical, just enough warmth to be an allrounder. Titanium
  3. Noble Audio Onyx - spacious, warm and dark, one of my faovorite high end sets
  4. Alpha Omega Omega - bassy and smooth, if comfort was better it would maybe be my top spot
  5. Campfire Audio Astrolith - energetic and very technical, best planar set out there
  6. Aroma Audio Fei Wan - Lovely midrange, bright
  7. PMG APX SE - Overall very great with warm and balanced tuning , very technical
  8. Elysian Annihilator 2023 - energetic and fun, technical
  9. Grand Oriveti Supremacy - design is beautiful in wood, midrange and treble focused
  10. UM MEST MK3 CF - holographic and balanced, clean transients and technical

Dynamic Drivers

  1. 634ears LOAK2-TX02 - technical and energetic with strong bass, very unique wood/titanium design
  2. Campfire Audio Cascara - bassy and dynamic, just a very fun set
  3. QDC x Fitear Superior EX - warm and soft, super ergonomic metal shell
  4. Timsok TS316 - a better tuned EA1000 with more bass and less pina
  5. FIIO FD15 - midrange focused, decent technically
  6. SIMGOT EA500LM - most refined Simgot, softer transients than EA500/1000
  7. Sound Rhyme SP01 - would be higher up my list if it had better ergonomic design(short nozzle), fun and thick sound
  8. Oriveti OD200 - thick and warm(mid bass focused), ergonomic metal shell
  9. KZ EDC Pro - super cheap single DD, not the most technical but good balanced tuning and improved KZ shell/design
  10. KZ Trio - analoge and lush, not the most technical

Hybrids with DD $500 and up

  1. Thieaudio Origin - An absolute faovorite of mine, bassy and full soudning. For me Origin can compete with many high end models
  2. Campfire Audio Bonneville - Warm/thick and bright, less pina. Either you love it or hate it
  3. Unique Melody Maven 2 - Natural and warm tuning, beutiful titanium shell
  4. Thieaudio Oracle MKIII - My top choice for a clean and dynamic set, clean and transparent
  5. DUNU Glacier - Dynamic and energetic, V signature done right
  6. AüR Audio Aetha - A very versatile set from AüR, safe tuned and can be warm or more neutral
  7. Penon Voltage - A warm and smooth set, good technicalities and lush Penon mids
  8. Hisenior Mega5EST - Neutral warm, perfect for people sensitive to upper mids
  9. Alpha Omega RA - The flagship Omega little brother, less technical and darker. Smooth and warm sound
  10. TSMR Shock - A very versatile set, some issues with timbre depending on switches

Hybrids with DD $1-499

  1. Letshuoer Cadenza 4 - A balanced set tuned close to Harman, super ergonomic
  2. DITA Audio Project M - beutiful ergonomic shell, tuned neutral bright
  3. Thieaudio Hype 4 - Warm and dynamic set, just very good balanced hybrid
  4. ISN H60 - A very great set from Penon, warm and engaging. Lacks a little technically
  5. Ziigaat x Jays Audio Estrella - A good energetic V shaped set, a more energetic Hype 4
  6. TSMR X - A warm and fun set, also with switches to change up the tuning some
  7. Kiwi Ears KE4 - A more bassy Mega5EST in a cheaper package
  8. QoA Adonis New - A smooth and bassy set, packed in a beutiful purple pinecone shell
  9. Sound Rhyme SR9 - Bassy/thick and well extended treble
  10. Penon FAN 3 - Neutral warm set, while I didn’t notice the BC the set itself is good


  1. Canpur CP54E - excellent BA bass, warm and smooth
  2. AüR Audio Hermit - One of the most fun BA(also BC) sets I’ve heard, bassy and smooth
  3. FIIO FA19 - Just a very clean and naturally tuned BA set, technical also
  4. Campfire Audio Fathom - An updated Andromeda, fast transients and technical with midrange focused sound
  5. Letshuoer S15 - Faovorite planar after Astrolith, smooth and warm sound. Least planar character and more like DD
  6. Symphonium Crimson - Energetic and technical
  7. Campfire Audio Ponderosa - A smoother and more warm Andromeda, in much more ergonomic shell
  8. Letshuoer S12 Anniversary - More traditional planar sound, refined warm tuning packed in beautiful gold design
  9. Kiwi Ears Orchesta Lite - A smooth and midrange focused BA set
  10. Hidizs MP145 - Almost as good as S12 Anni, more spacious soundstage

From what I own, my 3 favorites :beyersmile:





Absolutely! Stock cables can totally change the comfort and fit, especially with ear hooks. Fingers crossed the Dunu Lyre Mini cable does the trick this time—no more mix-ups, just perfect sound and comfort hehe

Comfort is king :crown:


DUNU Glacier

Hey folks. I have had the DUNU Glacier on tour for some weeks now, this titanium IEM packs some serious energetic and fun sound. This is a tribrid IEM, it packs some good drivers with 1DD 4BA and 4EST.

I did not want to open all the accessories since this is a tour unit, so I have no photo of it. But it is presented in a nice box with lots of accessories, from modular cable to adapters or just the protection pouch.

The shell is in stainless steel, I really love metal shells and this is among one of the most beautiful ones I have seen. I was surprised by how solid and heavy they were, I had to weigh them and they are 18g per side. The Cadenza 12 that is also metal but titanium and is only 10.4g and a resin model like Thieaudio Oracle MKIII is 6.2g, but even so the Glacier is super ergonomic and the weight doesn’t bother me. One downside of metal shells is the scratches and smudges you will get, but this is kind of some of the charm.

The tuning of Glacier is what I would call V shape or warm Harman, definitely more bass and upper mids/treble that is in focus. It is not recessed in the midrange, just that the highs and bass take more focus.

As measurement shows, the bass is clean early and it’s no bleed at all into the mids.

Bass has very good qualities in both slam and texture, definitely on the more fast side.

Treble is also airy and clear, but also not the most shimmery I’ve heard. Some of this is since the upper mids and low treble is pushed more on Glacier than the upper treble, this is great for resolution but takes away some focus of the air.

Then the technical side, Glacier is more than average technical and is great for folks who love resolving sound. Soundstage is also wide with okay depth forward, great imaging capability and should please most soundstage enthusiast’s.

I find it weird we have not heard more talk about the Glacier, it’s one of the more impressive sets I’ve heard this year. Perfect for an energetic and fun music session, most music plays well on Glacier. For me music genres it excels at is electronica and hip hop, has both good punch and clarity that make this more fun.

Thanks DUNU for arranging the tour of Glacier, it is now packed ready for shipment to the next participant in the UK.


indeed, one of the fundamental foundation of an earphone/headphone. Was it the point of sounding great when it’s not comfortable? But yeah I am going to wait for the cable to arrive to see if it’s gonna improve it.

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Nice one Leo! The Glacier shells are actually stainless steel, which explains why the Cadenza 12 (titanium) is so much lighter :blush:

Looking forward to hearing more impressions of this as the tour progresses!

Merry Chrismas! :christmas_tree:


Thanks @yogurt, explains it. Can update my post :pray:


Are you able to compare the Glacier and Cadenza 12?

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Cadenza 12 has a more natural tuning and sound more balanced, less energetic and has some smoothness to it. They are quite different and I could see both work well together in a collection, or if one only could have one maybe look at what sound signature you preffer. Both are excellent sets.

Took some photos late at night of both, exaggerates the scratches and dust :sweat_smile: