IEM discussion thread (Part 2)

IMHO…beats many of the sets I have above the 1/2 K price point…it actually is a better value at its price than my Mk 3…I hate to say

My sweet spot use to be about 1.3 to 1.5 k but I’m starting to reevaluate my mindset…uhhhm…maybe not


Oof even I, newb tho I be, know about Linsoul shipping. Hurry home boys…

Wait. That didn’t come out right. Not trying to say you don’t know about Linsoul shipping, just that it’s so consistently long, ALiX long, that I’ve already learned firsthand about the wait.


srry. :eyes:

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I knew what you meant…probably wished you a Happy New Year already but wtf…Happy New Year again

ah - okay, gotcha - face meet palm

I’ll let myself out


Just finished cleaning my tips! :smiling_face: Was gonna take a before pic but thought probably a good idea to not subject you guys to that haha :nauseated_face:


Just FYI I made a poll on the IEM of the year per local forum users :slight_smile: feel free to fill this in (should be less than 5mins) - after some data would be gathered by the end of the month I would publish the results after statistical processing.




Any idea on what the name of the IEM is?


5.8mm planar driver for high frequency
6mm DD for middle frequency
6mm DD for Low frequency

Neo 5 was very great, only dislike here is 6mm bass driver.


I’ve read multiple reviews saying the Neo5 had a remarkably slow bass driver.

Neo3 seems rather zippy on paper.

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Wouldn’t say slow, its rather average in speed. But if your used to BA or Planar bass then yes.
Of the ISN and Penon line-up its among the faster DDs they have for bass.

I sold it as Okavango did the job better for me at similar price range.


btw, the latest hype iem discovered by @ToneDeafMonk (PULA PA02) seems to be going the same way the old Urbanfun ISS014 hype train went, where as soon as people noticed them they went and raised their prices. If it goes exactly like the Urbanfun, this is only the start of the prices going up the roof…

That Urbanfun started at 20-30 usd ish, then up to 40, then 60 and lastly around 80-90 at the end of the hype (and coupled with QC issues…).


Have been thinking about going for a pair of CIEM - what would be the bang for the buck options right now? Have even been thinking on getting my GoldPlanar GL20s reshell(I like those open and nice with EQ) have a love for planar and was therefore looking at the CA Supermoon.

Going to be used as the main pair for the office so means going to be used for everything from music to gaming over conference calls. :wink:

I chose Craft Ears as my go-to CIEM provider, mostly due to the fact that I could visit them, see their work, try a variety of their models - this gave me confidence that I can trust those guys and let them make something as personal as CIEMs.
They are okay with reshelling many third-party models, too. And it’s quite affordable compared to what different companies offer.

Actually, they have a planar based IEM in their catalogue - The One.

I can’t really agree with some of the reviews stating that it’s a bright set, since I’d mostly think of it as a mature V-shaped earphone with a marvelous soundstage. The bass is there and it’s a powerful one. Slightly thin mids were not to my liking.

Either way, I recommend CIEMs to almost everyone I talk with. In my experience, no ANC can compete with them. And you can forget about fiddling with tips, trying to get a perfect seal, etc.
It’s a very relieving thing.


Thanks - will take a look and being in Europe is even better.
Which model did you choose? and have you tried “The One”?

The biggest problem is that there is close to no resell value in CIEM and you cannot know for certain up until the last moment how it would work for you in the end. Or do they allow for some reshellings corrections free of charge?


No prob!
I got to know them only by chance, too. The audiologist that made my first earmolds used to collaborate with them and she recommended visiting their office.

Yes, I gave The One a spin - and just like I said: they’re definitely energetic, with great fun factor.

My history with Craft Ears began over two years ago: in Nov 21’ I opted for Argentum.
And to this day they’ve been my daily beaters used whenever I’m outside - leisure walks, commuting, etc.

Recently I indulged myself with their TOTL - Omnium. Should get it in a few weeks time…

Yep, you lose plenty if you ever decide to sell CIEMs and that’s the hard truth. They can be refitted for you, sure, but still…

If something doesn’t work out of the box and you don’t feel comfortable - minor corrections are free. They take time, but I wasn’t charged anything extra for a slight re-do.


Wow, custom or Uni? 2500Eur - that is really a commitment for something that widely unknown knowing all TOTLs existing in this price range :moneybag:


Customs. Universals were quite tricky to fit - no surprises here.

Well, not really €2500 - I made use of their BF sale and traded back Aurums, so in the end it didn’t hurt so bad.


The other caveat people overlook about CIEMs: Your ear anatomy changes, from the day you get your molds done. It’s like eye tests; your prescription probably doesn’t change too much from year to year, but looking back 5-10 years, there’s probably a bigger difference.

If you want the ideal fit and best sound, you’d have to periodically get remolded and reshelled.