IEM discussion thread (Part 2)

Well how about that, I work all over Iowa too (Clinton, Eddyville, Keokuk, Council Bluffs) and the Van Ness’ summer house is literally across the street from me. We see a lot of Hawkeyes merch along with The Pack haha.

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Axl Rose used to have a place by you i think. LVN was a great player to watch.
From Iowa City originally, but lived a few places. If i could afford IC i would move back there. Might move to Peoria Il soon.
If ya find yourself driving between Nashville and Memphis, my property backs up against i-40.

We Hawkeyes spread out, we are everywhere just like Grateful Dead fans ( who i didnt like until 96- turned down a show in 94- slap myself for that). Speaking of iems, i fell in love with them because they make the live shows come alive and i can transplant myself to a show by popping in the iems and closing my eyes. Last night i was literally dancing as much as one can dance whilst laying in bed. Gf said she complained about me shaking the bed but i didnt hear her.

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anyone order from linsoul ebay before?

how long does it take, I just bought the EW300 DSP from there and it says latest is September 12 and that’s crazy lmao but understandable

I cannot compare them directly, I took a decision to let my AüR collection go. Had almost every realese and paid almost full, my issue was not with the sound or quality but more with how stuff is handled.

By memory:
Oracle MK3 have better treble thats more extended and airy.
Bass is different, both are great. Aetha faster but maybe less texture. Quantity depends on switches.

Midrange is also a tough one, and also can depend on switches.

Soundstage on Aetha was more spherical and 3D but probably less wide than Oracle MK3.

But again going totally on memory here.


Finally I bought a set that I loved during my SG trip earlier this year, the IceLab Prismatica.

Love the speedy bass here(doesn’t feel like an All-BA), then I have this fuller midrange and crispy treble. Since yesterday these have not left my ears at all(apart from the time I went off to sleep).

In recent times, I have been amazed why do we still write, for an all-BA, IMO, All-BA sets have now got good bass to them(gone are those days when they use to miss the slam.

P.S. I am not saying this beats other DD driver Bass at all, I am just stating that the Bass here is quite good now(don’t hit me please, I am a good soul).


Looks like a really pretty set, man. Nice and congrats!

Ps. Sick photo, brother. I can see your progression!


Likely to be shipped from china, same as Aliexpress probably.

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god give me the strength to wait the actual amount of time most people wait when they’re not spoiled by Amazon

Haha yeah, 3 week shipping is standard for me when i buy from ali.


Thank you so much for your kind words man!! Means a lot!!

I hope I am heading in the right direction haha.

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I reckon you are, brother just continue on forward!

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man am I glad I didn’t see that when I was deciding to buy my first all BA set lmao

that sentence gives me the same feeling I have when I slip on my bathroom tiles and think “so this is how I go, the news is gonna have a field day with this one”

sheer terror


Haha well, what can I say man. I have owned many different multi-BA sets to date, this one definitely find a special place in my heart.

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Hey if you order something every week, you will continously get new toys pretty frequently. :joy:


Man Ali is banned in my country. I could only buy directly from Brand Websites or via retailers only. And I never opt for Postal, they always take 15-20 days to deliver. So I stick with third-party couriers that usually take anywhere between 2-10 days.

Imagine getting a parcel from China to India delivered on 2nd or 3rd day. It feels unreal sometimes haha.


I waited two weeks to get the Origin from Linsoul just for me to end up not liking it lmao. I’m never ordering from anything but Amazon again, i’ll be damed if I deal with that with every IEM I buy

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you know, that idea is so unbelievably financially reckless for me that I’m honestly considering doing it lol
I’m honestly glad I don’t have too many sets I wanna buy currently

I wish those sets were easier to freaking demo, I wanna try some of those

Doesnt have to be expensive stuff, the ali choices deals are pretty good and sometimes u find some interesting gem.

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I’ll probably give it a whirl yeah, I’ll start it when we know whether that Ker Weng BC is bogus trash or something respectable enough

if it does suck, then I guess it’s time to replace some of my cables

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Same. I don’t understand why there’s not more audio stores where you can audition these things, I live in the deep south and we have absolutely nothing here

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