IEM discussion thread (Part 2)

Glad you took my words in the spirit they were intended. Just trying to help. You have interesting takes on headphones.



Indeed, now go buy a VPN subscription promoted by someone who has no background in IT or cybersecurity.


i totally understand, also thank you.

i tried uploading a vid now and it only let me choose one title, do you need third party app for that?

get an ad blocker, add tampermonkey extension and install the “remove adblock thing” script. i remember 8 years ago ads were 5 sec max and if the vid was very long the creator would put either 2 5 sec ads or 2 long but skippable ads and that would be it for the rest of the video but now they put 2 annoying long ads every 2 mins so youtube is basically unusable without an ad blocker.


You just need ublock origin and sponsorblock.


It’s probably only a feature for creators beyond a certain threshold (subs?).

I use Brave, I never see ads. On mobile I use GrayJay, I never see ads.

When I do pay creators, it’s directly or via my Nebula subscription.


thank you, added these 2 as well. they work well

ill get it today though i rarely watch yt on phone, still handy so thank you.


:+1: if you end up using it, please pay FUTO for it (like $10). They do good work and are advocating for good software that you pay for ONCE, rather than BS ad or SAAS business models. Okay, getting off my soapbox now, back to the IEMs pls :sweat_smile:


Simgot sure loves undercutting themselves lol.

EA500LM → EA1000
EW200 → EA500/EA500LM
EW300 → EM6L


Are they undercutting, or convincing people to double/triple dip? :joy::rofl::joy::rofl::sob::sob::sob:


Haha good question.

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Apologies; I don’t want to get too off-topic, but I watch a lot of YouTube and recently they implemented some kind of anti-AdBlock measure that doesn’t let me watch until I disable my adblockers. Sounds like maybe you guys have a solution? I promise I’ll whitelist the IEM review channels :grin:

I don’t think LM sounded better to me than Fermat.

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thanks for that EW300 > EM6L connection thing, I was thinking of buying an EM6L too lol

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EW300 and EM6L are both different so its fine to have both.


I’ll give em a wide berth, see if I like EW300 before I dive for that

rn I’m interested in Aful Explorer because of my S08 lol

Recommended. Although the EW300 is different enough that if you like it, it is not a guarantee you would like the EM6L as well as the EM6L has both more treble quantity (and is a bit smoother) and tighter/faster bass with less texture (kinda more BA-ish bass compared to the EW300).

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sounds good then, ever since S08 I’ve been starting to check out smooth treble lately since I think they’re good fun. Their reputation for being bright used to be okay with me but now I like more muted stuff so I’ll be grabbing an EM6L on sale when possible, I also love QDC so I can side sleep with em. If I end up loving em, I might have to sell Project M but the cable oxidized so it’s a crapshoot lmao

although my wallet is on warning watch now that I read somewhere that Cantor is vented, I dunno if it means no pressure build up but all I know is now it’s something I’ll be looking into as well


You will appreciate the EM6L then, the treble is implemented REALLY damn well there, it has lots of treble quantity but it is buttery smooth. Very similar to the sony tuning in that regard.


Only one i can see is that one, and for my ears at least that does nothing to prevent pressure build up but it does help lower the max pressure I feel compared to ones without a single vent.
If you are unsure if you can handle pressure build up though, you can simply tape the vents on the iems you got and try it that way.


I haven’t heard a single sony lol but someday I might, I’m excited to hear the EM6L then which is weird since I’ve never been a fanatic for them, Truthear though and Kiwi Ears I blind buy all the time lmao

hmm that’s not too bad then, I can put it on the backburner for a long time, I got the Orchestra Lite coming so we’ll see if it demolishes my ears like the buds 2 pro did with its ANC lol

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The pressure from ANC feels very different from the pressure in ventless iems iirc.