IEM discussion thread (Part 2)

fingers crossed it’s not as bad as that one then, that shit made me consider going to an ENT

The ANC I tried from samsung and Sony (not the latest flagships though), in comparison to ventless iems barely feels anything lol. I dont mind using it (ANC), but ventless iems makes me cry after a few minutes.


I think I had a weird reaction to the buds 2 pro since Sony’s is fine, the ear pressure kept building up and coming down over and over that entire day


It’s funny, I’m the opposite! ANC makes me nauseous whereas ventless IEMs I’m fine with (if they’re all BA) if anything I just need to readjust them every 40 minutes or so.

But yeah, in general, ANC is good for constant low frequency noises, so think airplanes whereas ventless IEMs are better for… All other noise lol

Big difference though if the hole vents only the back of the driver, or if it also vents the front of the driver (ear canal) so YMMV by just taping over that hole, depending on how the drivers are damped.

Yes of course. I meant more that if someone just wants to experience ventless iem pressure build up, they can simply block ALL the vents of an iem they already have.


I think living with the Mext which oddly had pressure build up for me, ended up being my savior. I’m so used to the Mext that the Orchestra Lite is no probs for me
not used to not having as much bass but it does slam well and rumble nice

If I’m having no problems with Orc Lite then I definitely can handle Cantor :moneybag:

edit: planning to 5db of LSQ at 45 herts at .5 to make it meaty, will see how it goes, for now im still goin vanilla

edit 2 edit harder: I removed some parts because this is a special set to me now lmao


Hi boys, looking for reccomendations for an all rounder iem, don’t need it to do everything spectacularly just needs to be a good EDC iem, I have about $750 to spend. Currently Looking at the AFUL Cantor (really unsure on this), the noir (will sell cable), and the oracle mk3. If anything else comes to mind pleaset let me know!

for reference I have the penon fan 2, and a modded glam x (tuned to raven graph, by mike bruce) as my current iems

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@Sonofholhorse since I’m not allowed to say “he who shall not be named”…:rofl::joy::rofl::joy:


Hmm, Oracle mk3 is probably a safe bet but if you could find a used Prestige LTD or Monarch Mk 2 or 3 around that price it may be a better buy. Noir kinda seemed like a toss up with the normal Pilgrim for some of those that tried both (I have tried neither) so unless you want the extra warmth and/or the colorway you may be able to save some dosh. I’m still in my “honeymoon” period with it so take it with a grain of salt for now, but honestly Jay’s Estrella is really good for the money and at LEAST a bit above ($299); between the stock and tape mod, it’s played very well with everything I have thrown at it so far.
I know that you said you just want a good all-rounder, but is there anything that you feel you are lacking with between the Fan 2 and Glam X? That may be the key to what you need.


the fan 2 is fun but its tuning is very unique, the glam x is INSANE but i dont want to carry around a modded set with me day to day, i dont feel its lacking or anything just time to a change to something built a bit nicer.

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All rounder for up to 750? I see no reason not to go for the Mega5est. Bout as all rounder as they come, and you should have just enough left over to buy a Qudelix 5k for a very nice Bluetooth audiophile setup. But it does also depend on what you like and dislike about the sound signatures of what you’ve already heard. The 5est is tuned to sound very “normal,” maybe you actually want spicy normal. What is your flavor?


Both Pilgrims and the Oracle Mk3 measure very similarly, so if you pick one you’re safe anywhere in that range. @anaveragebear 's suggestion of the Mega5est would be like the Raven with a 3k peak and less upper mids, which should still be exciting but better for long listening sessions so also a great choice.

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totally forgot about the mega5est, that is on the list too, right now im looking heavily at that and the oracle. i think the custom version of the mega5would be interesting but i really like the look of the oracles as wel…

i think at this point i just want something near reference, with more bass and midbass ofc, close to hbb target

heres them all layed out


The scooped-out area around 2k does not look appealing to me on the Hiseniors, that’s for sure.

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I thought so too, but it sounds great. Natural timbre. No issues on vocals. I think I prefer 3kHz peak for upper mids now.


Exactly, when I ordered a custom tuning with bass, this was my big concern, then 5 weeks later , they said the driver handling the mids was limited and they weren’t able to boost it how I wanted….but, and this is kinda funny to me, “professional reviewers said the mids were already perfect, so please don’t worry”
So a 50 dollar rebate was offered.
They arrived at my home a few days back, won’t get to hear them till end of next week….
This is the graph of my set vs stock, mine is gold line. I think it’s gonna be pretty great!


Happy listening, man. I hope they sound kick ass for you!

The increased bass levels look fantastic to me, in my head, you can seldom have too much bass.