IEM discussion thread (Part 2)

So I feel even more confident recommending you the 5ests…the difference between those and the oracles is that the vocals of the Oracles will likely sound “closer” due to the bump at 1-2kHz. Depending on your age and other factors, you might appreciate the top end lift that they have as well. But those deviations will also mean that certain genres of music won’t work as well. Both of these though are flavors of “normal” and whichever choice you make I think you will be a happy camper. Let us know :love_you_gesture::wink:

Oh, and if you don’t have the Qudelix, you should totally invest in one. The amount of functionality it offers for mobile use and the level of sound quality is unparalleled in its form factor.


+1 for the Quedelix. It’s a gem if your IEMs are reasonably sensitive (ie not Symphoniums).


+2 for the Quedelix. Even if you have more demanding IEMs you can easily combine it with something like Topping G5 or NX7


Yep, one of those two are on my shopping list
Works splendidly balanced out to my VE RA2B-FE amp as well.

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Got hit by a shooting star today :dizzy:

Thanks @VIVIDICI_111 for making this possible and providing a demo unit for our review group here in germany :yellow_heart:
Any other Fellow german HiFi Guiders? contact me If you are interested in reviewing these!




Hohohoho both of you eh? Nice nice, let us know your thoughts!!!


It sounds legit, BAs have their own FR curve and you cant really change it too much, you can mostly change in terms of gain but not in terms of overall shape.


patiently waiting to see if this can Techno


Not sure what your tastes are when it comes to tuning but in my opinion, the treble is just a hair too forward to be good for my library of EDM, it’s still really fun and engaging, but I like to crank up the volume when I’m in my dance music era and the treble can get fatiguing after a little while.

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im the exact same, thats why when you mentioned the explorer i was intrigued, still waiting on the Deuce, but man while ur here in my opinion the S12/ Spinfits with the Muse M4 is like crazy synergy for me, if this had a bit more bass decay this would be my reference, just wanted to share

Listening to the entire Oasis studio discography, in order, this week to celebrate perhaps the most unlikely reunion in rock history.

Started with the Kefine Delci yesterday. Perfect for the poorly recorded and mastered Oasis albums.

Listening with the MagicOne today. This single-BA set still kicks MASSIVE ass for all genres for me with Final Audio Type E tips.


Just got the Aful MagicOne and these are some of the most enjoyable IEMs i’ve ever heard. I don’t understand IEM reviews anymore lol, wasn’t a lot of praise for these and I feel like there should have been


AMEN, @Kamron_Howard2! Another singer in the MagicOne choir.

Couldn’t agree more. Have you tried these with Final Audio Type E tips? Brings them to an even higher level.


P.S.: I think people ignored or sh*t on the MagicOne because nobody believed a single-BA could avoid BA timbre and sound this balanced, especially with the right tips. Well, these do. These babies also need juice, probably more than the basic dongle, so that also could be a deterrent.

The MagicOne also was released toward the start of the ridiculous “more drivers are better” marketing fad that still soils this hobby today. The excellent single-DD Himalaya also was an example of this ignorance. “Yeah, it sounds really good and clean, but it’s a $300 single DD, so it can’t be that good compared to nine-driver hybrids or tribrids.” Total horseshit.


alright bois, peeps who own S08 and Aful Explorer, do I lose that much treble on explorer? I love the S08 but man the fit is wild on these bad bois

kinda worried about s12 anni now lmao

I have tried the Final E tips, they have always been my favorite. Unfortunately they come off the IEMs when I take them out of my ears

I completely agree on driver count though, the best IEMs i’ve personally heard have either been 1DD or a 1DD 2BA hybrid set up and now 1BA lol


I’m using the AZLA SednaEarfit tips on my MagicOnes. Still strong bass, but with wider bores that do not reduce the trebles the way the Final E-type black ear tips can. These also grip the nozzles well and don’t come off easily.

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Got the Himalaya on my short list, seems like a fun IEM.

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ehm…so my Simgot EM6L nozzle just detached when I just tried to move the EM6L out of the way (by holding on the tips/nozzle).

Next to no glue in the nozzle


Manhandled Nigh At The Museum GIF

Riku doesn’t know his own strength.