IEM discussion thread (Part 2)

One the one hand, not great! On the other…easy fix?



Oh yeah should just be able to put some zhanlida glue on it which I have plenty. Will glue it later and see how it goes. It has barely any traces of glue on the nozzle, can only tell there was some because it is a bit sticky.


This is something I heard happened with other users (2 afaik at least) so guess it was only a matter of time before it happened to me…just hope this isnt widespread…


Looking back at the photo, that’s more than a bit sticky.



This have happened on both pairs I have had😅


Ziigaat Estrella

Sound impressions can wait to tomorrow, to tired today. Can say they sound good :grinning:



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When did you get them? My unit is from around November last year.

The first was an early unit bought new by me, and the second was a trade I took, and probably early too.

Edit: Checked now, the trade was February 15. So probably bought new late las year.

hmm, all the reports I heard are from units that are pretty old then. I dunno if this was an issue with the early batches or if it is still an issue…

I knew this dude was going to kill it with the photos :pinched_fingers: :pinched_fingers:

this is just a taste. Looking forward to more impressions, brother!


Short answer yes, but it depends on how active you are listening and how much treble you can take, also volume plays a significant role here.

It can be so different from track to track and I did not spend enough time listening to techno yet. (last 1.5 hrs)

But I think I am with Dom here, techno needs to be blasted (reasonable), therefore i made minor EQ adjustments for that scenario

For me not every track needs that adjustment but for some it makes listening much easier.
If i want to make sure that i can have an easy listening throughout my very mixed electronic Playlist i would probably leave EQ on, there´s still plenty exciting treble energy left :sunglasses:

This is one of my critial tracks for example

Bass is very satisfying and definitely not lacking, neither is it overpowering imho


i was playing with different eq settings for fun today and this particular one was very interesting and i had to share it here, its very simple (only 2 inputs) and turns ANY earphone into a boomy dark brain rumble machine( basically hip hop mode). the q values are very low so the boosts or reduction affects a big area and no need for more inputs. don’t expect resolution or clarity of this setting its a fun setting.

30 Hz Gain 3.0 dB Q 0.2
6000 Hz Gain -7.0 dB Q 0.2

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Thankyou bro for taking the time to write this up, I think best bet is to wait for Deuce to show up to make a decision, I just see all the hype and get that fomo.


You are welcome!:sunglasses:
Estrella is a fantastic sounding and technically competent set.
It really can compete with higher priced stuff and does not need to shy away from a comparison against Monarch MKIII for example.
I can only speak from memory but @n00kie will be the next one after me to review Estrella and can chime in to make a direct comparison with Monarch III.
Separation is its strong suit and is on par if not better than my Kinda Lava…stage is also a little larger from first days impression, still need to A/B directly though.
Probably not a bad Idea to wait for Deuce reviews but you can’t really go wrong with Estrella from a technical and value point of view.
If you are someone that uses EQ (just in case) it’s an easy rec


I’ve been seeing this a lot from the EM6L, sound so smooth the nozzle falls right off

on another note, KE4 and Explorer to me are both the same flavors in a way from FR sniffin, so I’m excited to get both at some point and try em since I just donated my Orch Lite to my friend

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please compare with B3 and hype2
i need this view

I can’t :smiling_face_with_tear:

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