IEM discussion thread (Part 2)

Listen at high volume


Are you saying you’re listening to sound demos on YouTube?

If so, that’s not going to give you the full experience an IEM has to offer. I’d even say not even 50%. It’s a totally different experience when you actually have them in your own ears.


They are recessed in the mids, which gave them a subdued feel bordering on muffled for me combined with the characteristics of the bass so I can get that.


Unfortunately in my country I can’t test IEM’s and I can’t return them if I don’t like them and I should by from Amazon and it takes between 1 to 2 months to get to me because of sanctions :smiling_face:.
So YouTube demos are the only way I can hear what they sound like

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if you have a good quality hybrid iem with smooth graph and good 10-20khz extension just use auto eq feature of squig to eq your current iems to others with around 80% accuracy sometimes lower sometimes higher, also when auto eqing normalize the graph at 200 hz that give me the best results. this would be 10 times more useful than youtube demos.


Thanks man I have 1more triple drive can it handle it?

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the graph looks weird and janky, what else you got even single dd doesn’t matter at this point.


That’s the best I’ve got and before this moment I thought thay were great :pinched_fingers::sweat_smile:

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use them but normalize the 2 graphs for eq at 1000khz instead of 200hz , also don’t eq treble past 10khz because the treble looks un eqable with so many high q peaks also most measurements are shallow fit so upper treble is not 100% accurate with measurements.

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Thank you it means a lot🙏I will do that

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Welcome here.

YouTube is shitty, compressed sound. Plus, you have no idea how the person conducted the sound comparisons.

Not the best way to learn of an IEM’s sound signature. Probably would have better luck comparing frequency curves to IEMs you like through SquigLink.


If you must get something new, the top contenders under $100 for single Dynamic Driver sets, (since you have a hybrid), are the Kefine Delci AE and Simgot 500LM. If you want to get 95% of their sound quality for under $35, TRN Conch. All three have changeable tuning nozzles for customizing sound. Bang for the buck is the Conch, also in the running is the Simgot EW200 $35, no tuning nozzles.

That aside, for hybrids, overwhelmingly the Aful Explorer has received high praise from postings here.

I don’t like to EQ. Own the Simgot EA500, red nozzle and vent tape mod for additional bass. My top hybrid is the Pula PA02 so not looking to get the Explorer. While always looking decided to not purchase anything additional until next year, (have aprox. 10 IEMs)


Thanks for the tip of lining up the graphs at 200Hz! I tried it and it gave some more sane results.


happy it worked better for you.


Bad news, without the filter meshes on each vents, the left ear piece sounds very low now and no longer produces the sounds that I want as same as the right ear piece. But, covering the vents with a tape restores the volume and sounds that I want from my S08’s left piece, which is weird. Also the driver flex is just gone, more odd indeed.

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Thank you I will try it :pray:

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In my research I find these to get the most recommendations under 100 :

Delci ae

But since it’s a blind buy I don’t know which one is better

blind buy is Simgot EW300, it’s the most well rounded out of all the ones you listed

Get the DSP version and then buy another 3.5mm cable on the side (or if you already have a 0.78mm 2 pin) and you’ll get 4 different tunings with the nozzles since the DSP cable and 3.5/4.4 are different :+1:


Blind buy? don’t do S08, it’s got overpowering bass for most I think, along with a more relaxed treble for a planar so I’d remove that one

I got the Explorer and love em as well but wanted to ask if you know like something close to it but with more treble extension?

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Kiwiears KE4 :+1: