IEM discussion thread (Part 2)

Gotta hand it to American Spirit and his head-fi fans. He did an amazing job drumming up controversy then migrating over here to market the shit out of this IEM. Then dipped to Twitter/X to shill more stuff to his Japanese fans. Admirable pump and dump by him.


giphy (93)

Grand Hustle.
I want me set replaced or refunded and let him and his hustle take their fucucking Carnival tent to the next town.


I wonder if people still believe him when he claimed he got no cut from any of the Butastur sales and that he left head-fi because they wanted to charge him a fee to promote his IEM there because heā€™s doing this for free, out of the kindness of his heart for the audiophile community. :face_with_hand_over_mouth:


Possible but like a lot of the hostility here is speculative. If AS wanted to do a hustle, why offer high-end BAs? Why not just do what Aur & Symphonium Audio does by promoting the tuning? Offering 10 high-end BAs for $600 is definitely better than average value, which many actually got for $520 with the discount, and eats considerably into the margin.

People contribute content for free all the time, especially if itā€™s a hobby. Modding games is a good example. AS could have easily joined the reviewer bandwagon years ago, yet only started this year. Even if he didnā€™t get a cut, he still gains more clout so more likely to get high-end iem review samples, and foregoing a cut on the initial offer could be a smart move, which if I remember btw he implied that subsequent releases he could receive compensation.

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None of it is speculativeā€¦and why are your posts in defense of a hustle?

Itā€™s the same set
And if the guy sending me PM will post his W10 and NO opened we can all move on.
Your kinda outta your mind.
This is a hustle and folks involved are saying as much


AS can clear up any speculation by responding here. He was practically living on this forum (and before that on head-fi) leading up to and a few weeks after the Butasturā€™s release to hype the shit out of the Butastur, then quickly shifted focus and disappeared to shill for other products on Twitter.

He finished his job and accomplished his goal, which was to sell batches of Butastur. Now that sales dried up and some problems arised, heā€™s not around here anymore to answer peopleā€™s concerns and criticisms. But go ahead and keep making excuses for him and fanboying for him.


Yes, he explained that it was prototypes repurposed. The original W10 was unvented and had this spec:

The one you buy should be called ā€œW10ā€*
*It use Sonion 38 *1 (@100 rmb) as low, Sonion E50dt *2 (@100 rmb) as mid, Knowles 32406 2 (@120 rmb) as high
*1800rmb is reasonable price

Yup. weā€™ll see.

Funny how AS disappeared from this forum 2 days after HBB first posted about the messed up faceplates, 1 day after his last post here.

Iā€™m sure heā€™s on ā€œvacationā€ and not spamming Twitter, just like he used to spam head-fi and this forum. Some people are gullible af. Never liked the guy on head-fi and reading his ā€œreviewsā€ on Amazon. Knew he was up to shady shit after not paying head-fi and gathering a bunch of his fans to shit on them here.

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Since you are so vested in this bullshit Iā€™d suggest you are AS or you are talking with him.

You should be ashamed of yourself for ignoring reality

He took his dream to several companies ā€¦rellY? Itā€™s not the W10?
Same specs
Same shell
The day it was announced is the day the W10 was taken downā€¦you just wanna keep piling shit on top of shit?
I want my god damned money or a new set so I can move on from the Carnival baker and his hustle

Read thatā€¦tell me thatā€™s trueā€¦itā€™s not a repurposed W10 itā€™s a project from"scratch" that was rejected by several companiesā€¦
You gotta nutz.
Thatā€™s now how Chifi works.
Thatā€™s Hollywood


It is not my set and this one is in immaculate condition. And no, I donā€™t have H570 tips. But worked really well with TRN-T, Spinfit W1 and Moondrop Springtips. With all of them almost on first try :wink:

[quote=ā€œClick, post:289, topic:40657ā€]
Iā€™m sure heā€™s on ā€œvacationā€ and not spamming Twitter, just like he used to spam head-fi and this forum. Some people are gullible af. Never liked the guy on head-fi and reading his ā€œreviewsā€ on Amazon. [/quote]

Spam head-fi? What was he getting out of it? Has 5000+ posts with just a handful of reviews that he mostly paid out of pocket for.

Nah, Iā€™m hardly a fanboy. I questioned him on why he changed his previous opinions on reviewing. Not that I really care ā€“ lots of people want free samples and get them. I do care if he leaves you hanging, and find that disappointing if he had an ulterior motive for this project.

That passage ending in ā€œthe design phase with proof of conceptā€ for the blueprint to various companies is pretty ambiguous. I took that as his talk about wanting a 10-12 BA TOTL he expressed on head-fi. He even states that he hardly brings anything to the table when he partners with Jinny, ā€œJinny Tan, accepted this project and worked hard with me to build Butastur from scratch, from basic CAD drawing to driver selections [ā€¦]ā€.


W10 looks vented on pics to me as well. However it would be best to be clarified more by either @AmericanSpirit_JP or this legendary Jinny. Or as @hawaiibadboy suggested to be opened and cross compared.
But story aside I think this set is good enough on its own and should not require anything which is not true to be receiving praises. And handling QC claims like Chrisā€™ (which are not uncommon in any manufacturing businesses) correctly would be all thatā€™s needed to keep this project up and running. And there is probably where it is lacking the most, as marketing bullshit - well it is nothing new :person_shrugging:


Iā€™m an owner of NOB, and itā€™s impossible to deny the myriad of bullshit floating up.
Mine was sent back immediately for a QC issue and Penon sent anotherā€¦never to reach my door, it was sent to a remote island with no tracking. AM I fucking pissed about that? Of course. Penon is arranging another shipment. Not feeling hustled thoughā€¦not yet, Iā€™m calm but there is still time.

I cannot for the life of me understand why you havenā€™t got a replacement. I would feel hustled in your positionā€¦as I know it.

As for the back story nonsenseā€¦itā€™s just that. Who really gives a fuck about some story. Anyone bought a bottle of bbq sauce lately? Truth in advertising is a fucking fairytale.
I donā€™t have all the intel, but from the get go I was under the impression NOB was a repurposed hand built W10. If the drivers and sound donā€™t match what was promised, well hustle it is.

There are lots of post here showing all kinds of flowery hyperbole for other top brand IEMsā€¦what matters is whatā€™s delivered.
Iā€™m curious how many folks here are still happy with NOB?
I was very happy while I had itā€¦520 bucks wasnā€™t too much.
My set sounded like your graphs. Damn near perfect for me cept for the lack of some lower sub bass.
The lack of QCā€¦which brings me to Penon, thatā€™s where the shit goes wrong imo. If they were part of this project then where is the quality control? Top dog tells TDM to walk away? Why? Is it really true, or we lacking context?
Penon, over the years has come through for me when there were issues. Obviously not everyone will make that claim. From what Iā€™m gathering in the threads, my gripe will be with Penon if no resolution develops for youā€¦and for me.

I just wanna know when is Jupiter? Iā€™m ready.


twas ambivalence if ye likeouth :scream:

Hope it all works out. :call_me_hand:
Just played w/ my Son and kept working on Christmas decorations.
This stuff kills my joy so Ima take the ā€œLā€ and move along.
No more energy for thisā€¦there will be another.
Sorry for spam raging :sweat_drops:


Itā€™s all good here, the way you present is what keeps a lot of us coming back.
Just not sure if I should tell you I wrote that post listening to the blue whaleā€¦MP145ā€¦ :sweat_smile:
Truth in marketing ā€¦huh. It is however, a great sounding planer.

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I do remember the question of the W10 cropping up in august on the NOB page. AS responded to the W10/ NOB issue with & i paraphrase - the NOB is a retune, W10 doesnā€™t have venting; ā€˜BRASā€™; sounds bad. as a NOB owner i am happy with the performance, but canā€™t help wondering if in fact i have been conned? has anyone compared the W10 & NOB back to back? + how much did the W10 retail for?


Anyone heard or have any opinions on the Penon ORB?

Very badly tuned. Bassy with zero details.

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Shame as it looks sexy AF lol.

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