IEM discussion thread (Part 2)


It was my first Penon purchase, years ago, something like $130 on head-fi and I couldn’t believe my luck vs the MSRP (so before realizing their retail prices are a fantasy). I was thoroughly disappointed and passed it on straight away, even at $130 it was terrible value.


One thing I noticed about the W10 was that it was being sold in Taobao for 1880 RMB and then out of the sudden when Butastur got released, it`s price increased an additional 1000 RMB to 2880 RMB…


thats still a lot less than i paid for the NOB.

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Taobao is often direct from maker and cheaper. Penon doesn’t make much profit selling it to you at the cost you can buy it direct :pinched_fingers:

Taobao is a b22s platform where many Chinese sellers go to sell there products. The price is so cheap because it is meant for Chinese shoppers. The price increases when you ship internationally.

Penon , Hifigo and Linsoul have all used Taobao and rebranded earphones with new names and markups.

It’s the business.


Audio Lokahi and Hekili come to mind but those are just the famous / known examples… You’d have a better idea than the average buyer on just how many are Taobao gems resold.


If Aliexpress is a forest, Taobao is a jungle.

You have cases from brands renaming themselves when coming to the international market, to resellers rebranding existing products for themselves. Not to mention just how much more stuff is being sold there compared to Ali.


Aye gotta keep smart ChiFi…


Courtesy of @paulwasabii over on FB, this graph looks pretty damn phenomenal imo. Unsure of the driver config but I’m sure someone on here has that info.


I believe Eric Lab said it is planar + PR config, so the latest trend


Price is apparently $330.

I’m out



What the fuck :rofl:

I’m out too.

Planar w/ PR is interesting I guess but doesn’t a planar move a far less amount of air compared to a DD? So how the hell would the PR even work properly at that point? And that’s assuming the PRs in their other sets work as intended too, which I don’t believe they do considering what HBB had to say.


They do not. PR in iems are a complete joke.


I love Letshuoer on the whole, but yeah, that price is a pass for what I have seen so far on this model.


If anything that looks more like the HDSS tech that Intime uses.

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Listening to KZ DQ6 this morning, and it made me realize, after all this time, I would have absolutely no idea if you told me this cost $300 or $30. I’m terrible at this hobby. :slight_smile:

I wish I could rebadge the DQ6 as the Moondrop Moonshot at a cost of $350 and see what reviewers say about it (would need to upgrade the cheap cable though.)


Hi, can you please make a thread for Bqeyz Wind? I would like to discuss it (possibly at length) having owned it for 2 days, but preferably in its own thread to avoid cluttering up some other thread. Apprecate it.

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There’s no shame in just enjoying a headphone. I’m not so different, and that’s one of the reasons why I don’t do full-on “professional” reviews; I just enjoy a lot of stuff so I’m a terrible critic.

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I think I’m just having buyer’s remorse because I purchased an expensive-for-me earphone on the last day of 11/11, and I probably won’t notice a difference compared to my budget earphones.

Anybody know of some specific songs that would help to show a clear difference between a top-of-the-line earphone & a budget earphone?


This probably should be in a topic that addresses what constitutes as technicalities and performance at certain price ranges (which itself can be a bit of a wash), but I’ll include stuff I typically keep an ear out for:

  • A significant chunk of my listening is busy contemporary jazz and jazz-fusion, so I’ll put something on like Snarky Puppy and sus out the individual instruments/lines and listen to how clear they come across. This can be applied to orchestral music or field-recordings as well.
  • The timbre of percussive instruments like drums, I notice, varies by driver type and tuning. It’s also beneficial to understand how you hear instruments in a real-world scenario to compare to how a recording sounds on headphones/iem/speakers.
  • If one set has a certain type or any combination of treble, mid, and bass characteristics, tinker with EQ if you can with the cheaper IEM to see if you can get it where you like it and then do some additional comparisons. Also if you have different sources on hand, try the IEM on each of those as well.
  • It sounds weird, but one way I evaluate stage and clarity of images is to put one of those “8D Audio” tracks on YouTube which is just stereo panning and some eq effects. For something more comprehensive, Abyss has that “Ultimate Headphones Test”.

At the end of the day, what matters if it gels with your existing library of music, so put on your favorite music. Just because something is detail-forward doesn’t mean it will always be the best match. There’s a reason why I keep mucking around in chifi when I’ve largely wrapped up the headphone side of things :joy: , either that or I’m a terrible spender (more the latter, lol.)

Also, in true audiophile test-track spirit, listen to “Hotel California” enough times to gouge your ears out.