IEM discussion thread (Part 2)

Makes sense, I will keep that in mind. Thanks for the walk-through, appreciate it!

Avoid this update if you are still on windows.


I created an account just to reply to this because I had the same problem with the P7 TWICE! One of the DDs broke on the left side after a month and I got a replacement, which broke again on the left side after a month. I managed to get a refund after some negotiation with the seller. For me, it was definitely an electrical issue because the broken side made a popping sound when I plugged it into anything. If you look at the Amazon US product page for the P7, the lowest rated review also complains about the same problem. I don’t understand why it would only manifest in the left side though.

Something similar has been happening to the DUSK if you check Amazon’s lowest reviews for the product, and some guy on reddit figured out it was trapped moisture that was slowly building up over time. (reddit thread). It seemed like they were able to fix the problem by letting the IEM dry out with the vent pointing upwards. I can tell you that this did not work for both of my broken P7s, probably because the vent has a different structure or because the crossover circuit got destroyed. Like you, I really loved my P7s but I think it’s better to look for something else at this point.


Heh, Windows decided to avoid this update for me. Download keeps corrupting. done a sysfile scan, cleaned out registry, done every ‘solution’ listed over a number of techsources. Nothing.
The only thing left to do is a full wipe and clean install, which I’m not willing to do at this point.

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Thanks a lot brother

Thank god for Windows Utility tool that I avoid unnecessary updates. If that ever happens to my PC, I think it’s time for me to switch to Linux if I am just overall gotten sick of their bullshit.


Damn, I didn’t know about that issue and that is really weird when it only happens to the left side of the P7s. This might be a QC issue that I never knew before. But yeah sure, might be a good idea to look for an IEM that is similar to the P7s but under a brand that I know when it comes to QC issues, wouldn’t be a thing or at least less of a thing to be. I am gonna wait for my replacements for now but if that replacement lasts longer than the current one and eventually avoids that electrical issue that you have mentioned, then I am all good.

But man it sucks to hear that you had to get two replacements for the P7s for they are really a spectacular set for the price. But if that case of yours happened to me as well, once I get my refund I might consider getting the BinaryAudio Dynaquattro instead or something similar to the P7s which I don’t know for I am lacking knowledge on some IEMs lately, so I am open to suggestions.

Overall, thank you for providing the links that made me learn about this and as well as for the others who might be having similar problems with us.

Switch to linux…microsoft is such a shady company nowadays…


Have about 15 dollars in credit from shenzhenaudio. Any recs on ear tips that they sell on the site that would be worth getting. Considering maybe even the ace 2.0 cable or maybe a iem mag case. But in all reality just curious what you guys would use that on.

This is the only one worth exactly 15. (14.99)

Tang sancai is nice though.


DUNU S&S tips work great for me with a variety of IEMs: DUNU S&S (Stage & Studio) Silicone Eartips


I hear that those are pretty good to use with shallow iems.

Eletech goodies arrived today😊. The community Eclipse cable, a demo companion case and some tips😊


My favourite tips. And these are the best looking 2pin connectors IMO


Got to try the LETSHUOER Mystic8 yesterday, courtesy of a retailer in my country(they got a demo at their store).

Lovely sound, good details and absolutely amazing vocals. Vocals are the star of the show for me. I would love some more mid-bass punch, although the pair has a very refined sound across the frequency range. The design is also quite exquisite with shiny Black metallic shells featuring a Panther design.


its a cat according to shuoer! :stuck_out_tongue:

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You cannot convince me it isn’t a sea lion :laughing:



Actually, maybe that’s what the Chinese meant. :sunglasses:

The Legend of the Seal Woman

“The Big Valley” – this is the nickname given to one of the Faroese islands – Kalsoy. It is located in the north and has only 27 inhabitants.

Despite its small population, the island has a stone church built in 1856.

However, there is a much more interesting legend, in honor of which the bronze statue of “Kopakonan” – “The Seal Woman” was erected.

The statue is the work of Hans Pauli Olsen, who placed it in its current place in 2014.

Designed to withstand a 13-meter wave, it is sculpted from bronze, weighs 450 kg, and is 2.6 meters high.

That is exactly what our story today is about.

In the past, people believed that seals were reincarnated people who had ended their lives themselves and the ocean sheltered them.

However, the gods allow them to go out once a year and they take off their skins to have fun like humans around a campfire.

According to legend, a young local farmer from Mikladalur once saw the seal people. Among them was a girl with whom he fell in love. He hid nearby and at a convenient moment hid the girl’s skin in a chest.

Thus, the girl was unable to turn back into a seal woman and could not return to the sea. She lived with the man, they loved each other and had children.

Time passed, and the two lived peacefully and happily, But the girl did not stop longing for the sea.

The man did not destroy the seal skin. He locked it in the chest, and the key to it was tied around his neck.

One day, the seal woman stalked the man and took the key from the chest. When she opened it, she saw the skin. At that moment, the sea attracted her so much that she put on the skin and returned to it. She abandoned her children, her home and her husband.

One night she appeared in her husband’s dream. In the dream, she warned him of a danger looming over him and their children, but the man did not attach importance to the warning.

Local fishermen often caught seals for their skin and fat. Soon after the dream, local men found a cave in which there were small seals. Delighted by the easy catch, they killed them.
At that moment, the seal woman emerged from the sea and transformed herself into a fearsome troll. Enraged, she cursed the men of Mikladalur to die in the sea or fall off the steep banks. All the men were cursed, and the victims were to be countless.

The curse was to last until “the dead become so numerous that they can walk hand in hand around the whole island.”

After uttering her curse, the seal woman, named Kopakonan, disappeared and was never seen again.

And in Mikladalur, men still drown in the sea or fall off the steep banks from time to time…



The Penon Turbo ($550) features 4 Sonion and 2 Knowles balanced armatures in a 3-way crossover configuration, with 16 ohm impedance and 107 dB/mW sensitivity. Four switches allow bass level adjustment. Thanks to the AudioGeek EU tour group for the chance to try these!

I listened with the switches in the recommended 0-100 position. The Turbo presents a tuning with extra mid-bass warmth and nicely focused vocals, particularly female, that’s a particularly good fit with pop, rock and electronic music. Detail retrieval and vocal track separation are solid. The bass delivers satisfying thump, with emphasis on mid-bass rather than sub-bass extension. The slight mid-bass warmth suits my preferences well. The tuning doesn’t hide sibilance on tracks prone to it.

Compared to the TSMR X, the Turbo offers more natural vocal timbre and better mids balance between male and female vocals, though with much less sub-bass emphasis. From memory, this vocal timbre sounded more natural to me than the ISN H60 which I found a bit too warm/dark when I listened to it a few months ago.

The Turbo has good detail retrieval and separation between vocal tracks.The two are hard to compare, since the tuning is so different, but I’d say the technical performance roughly matches my Kiwi Ears Punch, showing good separation across frequencies and handling complex passages well. The small shells are comfortable, also a plus over the ISN H60.

A note on BA versus DD bass: Having tried several BA bass implementations (including Symphonium Crimson, SoundRhyme Prado, Dunu SA6est), dynamic drivers seem to provide a unique edge to bass impact that BAs can’t quite replicate - the BA presentation feels comparatively soft or pillowy, even when elevated. It could just be placebo though. Regardless, the Turbo has good bass performance, period. The best I’ve heard thus far from an all-BA set.


Guys, here are the screenshots that I have sent back then to them in regards to the AFUL Performer 5+2s that I ordered on the listed designated date. They said that the order will be shipped or maybe it’s just me that I misinterpreted it due to the clear language barrier.

And here is the recent update, and I am afraid that this result that I got from the seller is not something for me to be happy about right now, for I clearly sent a video that my left ear piece is not sounding right. Also are they also correct that I need to return the item for repairs? Like I need to go to a local courier service here in order to that? I am lost right now guys, for I don’t know what to do about this.

I am so sorry for the many screenshots I have sent here, for I need to provide more context about the current situation that I have right now with my P7s. If they are right about me that I have to return the item to them, please tell me, otherwise I don’t know what to do right now.

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