IEM discussion thread (Part 2)

Looking forward to hearing your thoughts.

Gotta name it pls :pray:


FH1 Pro


Thanks Bro. As luck has it have the PA02 same as D41.

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Curious if anyone would have any input on the Tempotec v3 blaze dap.

Great breakdown! Sounds like the V16 really steals the show—tight bass, clear mids, and that natural treble. Prestige LTD seems solid but not quite all-in. That EST treble gap you mentioned is interesting; sometimes well-tuned BAs just do it better! Also, totally feel you on the midbass bloat with Archspire—when technical death metal loses precision, it’s game over. If you had to rank them, where would they land? And does the Cadenza 12 still reign supreme in treble?

Just posted my review of the Truthear Zero: Blue 2:

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Can iems be transformed by a cable rolling… well its a loaded question. What I’ve just experienced tells me for certain iems absolutely. The Heartfield Silberia is an iem that has Treble lots of treble and when I got it I could see there was quality drivers but the lack of bass over emphasizes the upper mids and treble leading to fatigue. Not giving up I slipped on some sedna earfit max tips and a 450 density filter paper still wasn’t there, then came to magic transformation the Effect Audio Cadmus S 8W and everthing fell into place the bass was highly detailed with more body the missing slam was there, mids warmed up still spacious just now with natural tonality and superb latering and atmosphere. The treble smoothed out still ultra detailed with a fantastic 3d Staging and superb layering freaky deep imaging with vocals moving around the staging. So the Silberia has moved from risky treble head only that was perplexing to genuine top 20 iem in my collection.

Listening to Steve Stevens band version of the Sweet classic Action the vocals come from left, right. Above, below infront its crazy.

Then Marc Coen and the Blind Boys of Alabama Baby king the harmonies are super separated all the voices separate but blending to perfection with wonderful timbre and tonality.

Heartfield Silberia 1DD+2BA+Mems

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I am biased as i own and love C12 but imho the treble on C12 is still better

V16 is more dull in comparison and C12 got that little extra shimmer, the BA´s in there are highly resolving.

Some people say C12 is missing air but i can not really attest to that…I´d say it largely depends on your hearing capabilities as the treble rises pretty late again but if you got older ears (no diss) you might not be able to perceive what is going on between 13-15k Hz

I still eq C12 a bit in the treble as i also raise the bass a bit

Ranking IEMs is hard i can just tell you how i feel about them and V16 is technically very capable (especially stage depth) and imho at least on the level (If Not better) of Grand Maestro which is twice the price.
Tuning comes down to preference


I agree even with old ears I didn’t detect a lack of air either :man_shrugging:


that does make sense. Does EQing the treble change the overall presentation of the set, or does it just add some sparkle without affecting the tonality too much?

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The stock tuning can be overly smooth in some cases

The added uppermids and treble just make it a bit more incisive, the slightly lowered fundamental tone also contributes to that and lends a bit more clarity.
The subbass lift is tastefully done and not overbearing.

I’d say the character of C12 remains the same it just gets a bit more exciting


try this eq preset specifically for the archspire relentless mutation album and tell me how it sounds like on v16, and is it still muddy or not.

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Unfortunately V16 left me again :smiling_face_with_tear:

then use this eq on your cadenzas for that specific album, tell me do you like the default tuning more or this eq.

is this a command sir? (I don´t like commands :wink: )


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nah, but if you don’t do it ill bomb your house within 3 days :grimacing:
jokes aside i just wanna know what kind of sound and tuning do people prefer on this album, because its one of my favourites.

The EQ is very good :wink:

Especially for the rhytm section.

I also played more with my EQ profile and like this a bit more as it is even more aggressive without being harsh

And while testing i discovered this…holy baby jesus…sweet


vile genesis from that album is the catchiest track, the production quality and the treble extension and smoothness yet brightness of the cymbals is excellent on that album. top tier for modern metal songs.

It is really quite bright without being annoying…but does this still sound natural though?

Btw thanks for you EQ suggestion, it made me realize i needed more 4 kHz in my life :grimacing:

(corrected my profile to +4db at 4400Hz though and 43Hz +3db)

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