IEM discussion thread (Part 2)

Things are tragic with Oracle OG :grinning:


I can confirm, that this is my pair of Monarch MK2s graphed here. My pair does have some QC differences from the promised graphs from Thie. I have a theory that the cable attached does have some effect on the result though. Just havenā€™t been able to confirm it.

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its not only yours that varies, look at these graphs too. Oracle mk1 got less bass than mk2 on hbbs coupler but on the Elise, the mk1 got more bass than mk2.

or on the monarchs, here the mk3 and mk2 graph very differently on elises coupler yet on vsgs coupler they look more similar than different specially on bass area.

they claimed they reduced the upper mids and treble on the prestige Ltd and changed the bass shelf from 300hz to 200hz on the ltd version yet the Ltd looks more forward than the og here with similar bass shelf.

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My AĆ¼R Audio Ascension landed today, another solid performer by them. 1DD+5BA+2EST

For people who have tried the Aurora, here you get similar sub bass but more mid bass, making it have more note weight and stronger slam. Mids are forward and similar but have some extra clarity going on, treble also being more energetic and airy.

Just some early impressions for now, need to AB later with their line-up and some other nice gems like DTE900 and U4s.

The light and angle makes it go from stealth mode on the faceplate to the colorful one.


Small update over at the other place, stay patient for good things come to those who waitā€¦


Niiiice! Thanks for the heads up, much appreciated! :sunglasses:

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Hey all, not sure if this is the right place for it but Iā€™d appreciate some advice about whether itā€™s worth me getting another pair of IEMs, and if so, any recommendations for what they could be. :slight_smile:

First of all, my budget would be Ā£250 (slightly more if in USD) - I couldnā€™t justify paying more than this. My music tastes are probably best described as rateyourmusic hipster - I get a lot of new music from the site and so listen to all sorts, but a lot of my music is singer-songwriter and art pop/rock - Sufjan Stevens, Joanna Newsom, Bjork, Depeche Mode some good examples. But I still listen to prog rock, metal, electronic, and more. Perhaps more helpfully, I really enjoy vocals in music, and much prefer a warmer, fuller sound over an analytical and precise one. Currently, I own the following:

  • Yanyin Canon 2ā€™s - I bought these to replace the original Canons I sadly lost, and both have been my preferred pairs. Really like the overall profile, warm, bassy, vocals sound great (though I am intrigued to know what a more vocal-centric pair could do), decent resolution. Tuning switches make them pretty versatile; I most often go for one up and one down, but do enjoy the other configurations too (adding and subtracting bass).
  • AFUL Performer 5 - the Canons are overall better to my ears, but I do enjoy these and particularly appreciate them for being comfortable and because I got them for a very good price - so I usually take these out and about for fear of losing the Canons.
  • Letshuoer S12 Pros - I think itā€™s the V-shaped tuning, but I really donā€™t like these much. They sound cold, empty and clinical to my ear. Theyā€™re much better after an EQ, but even then, I usually prefer the above. Itā€™s the vocals which suffer the most with these for me. I keep them mostly because theyā€™re good for metal (after EQ), provide a nice contrast and because it is fun to EQ them.

Some earphones I have been looking at, though I am open to any suggestions:

  • ISN Neo 5 - a lot of people recommend these for people who prefer a full, warm, fun sound over analytical, so Iā€™m very interested in them. The big bass might make them sufficiently different to what I have, although itā€™s uncommon that I use my Canons on max bass (both switches up). My main reservation is whether they will be different enough from my Canons, and if I might instead want an IEM with a bit more emphasis on vocals.
  • Dunu Falcon Ultra - seem very well regarded, and I like the idea of the different tips (gold sound like they would be my preference) and the fact people some suggest these are more vocal-centric.
  • Kiwi Ears Quintet - again very well regarded, and the driver variety sounds like it would add something different from what I have, but I have more reservations over these in case their emphasis is on being more analytical and crisp, which is less of a priority for me. My S12 experiences imply that the benefits of a planar driver might not align with what I look for, but I have only tried that one pair.

Final thing to say is that I donā€™t have a DAC and currently listen out of my Pixel 4a or a laptop, so maybe I should be considering that as a purchase rather than another pair of IEMs.

I think thatā€™s everything, really appreciate any recommendations based on the above :slight_smile: Thanks!


I would probably recommend this route before another set, but ultimately up to you. Of the units that you are considering, the Falcon Ultra is the only one I have heard (and own) and itā€™s very safe for getting two different options in one package; blue nozzle is more vocal/upper mids/exciting while the gold nozzle gives it a more subdued, warm feeling. The blue nozzle doesnā€™t measure too terribly far from the Canon II though (a little more pinna gain, slightly leaner in the middle of the mids) so it could very well be redundant for you unless you wanted to have both and sell one off.

Another option that competes with the Falcon Ultra is the Simgot EA1000, although if you arenā€™t in a hurry the upcoming EA500LM looks like a slice of something more different that could be had cheaper (lots of positive impressions but theyā€™re still finalizing the tuning AFAIK).


I agree with Sonofholhorse. However, if you still rather get another IEM, Falcon Ultra, EA1000 or perhaps Juzear 41T/Flame? 41T is less warm, but when you have Canon 2, Iā€™d suggest something to compliment it, and I found it to be quite forward in the vocals. Also it would save you some money to get a DAC/AMP for your setup:)


All you need is something like the Apple Dongle (if you are in the US) or a dongle from Jcally like the JA3, since you definitely want to upgrade from laptop/pc motherboard dac/amp.


Thanks for the recommendations and swift replies everyone :slight_smile: All the names aside from the Falcon Ultra are new to me, so I will look into them all. Agree that there is not much point getting something too similar to my Canons, and going with something more vocal-forward seems like the best route, even if it is less warm (I think I still want some warmth to fully enjoy vocals - although that is only based on my experience with the S12). Couple of questions:

  • Is there a graph of the Yanyin Canon iiā€™s vs the gold nozzle Falcon Ultras anywhere?
  • Does anyone have experience and/or graphs of the ISN Neo 5s as well as the Yanyin Canons iiā€™s, and if so, are they quite similar?

Iā€™ve been shying away from DAC/AMPs because I donā€™t know much about them and it seems a big and potentially expensive can of worms, as well as a potential loss of convenience, but itā€™s obviously something I need to look into more. I use my phone a lot more than my laptop, so I assume you all agree one would still provide a noticeable benefit over just driving IEMs in this range from my Pixel 4a?

Appreciate the help all :slight_smile:


As long as the dac and amp measures well they are all the same.

In terms of your phone I dunno about the P4 but the P1 and P2 are horrible weak (around 10x weaker than 5-10 usd tier dongles) and output impedance is unknown but probably high.

So you just need the jcally ja3 and u are done. It is tiny af so shouldnt be that inconvenient than just using the 3.5mm in the p4.


There is also the JA3T which is the same but shaped differently.


Both have 1vrms output with a very low OI (around 0.2ohm).


Amazing, just looked at the price and looks like Iā€™d be silly not to get one! Thanks a lot, will order it now :slight_smile:

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Yes, the value is great.


And if you want to spend a little more - still in portable dongle world and below the Ā£75 mark

Truthear Shio
Tanchjim Space
Tempotec BHD Pro
DDHifi TC44 (4.4mm & 3.5mm) or TC35 if just 3.5mm (these are the best aesthetically designed)
Audirect Atom 3 which is a more powerful/better measuring Jcally JA3.
Hidizs S9 (Pro) - a much more powerful small form factor dongle if your using headphones also

All are neutral and well measured with low output impedance - provide for 4.4mm as well as 3.5mm and have more power (2vrms from 3.5mm & 4vrms from 4.4mm)

There are other options (Fiio, Hiby, Moondrop, etcā€¦) But these are side grades or licensed copies at a slight premium - for that next rung up value/performance wise from the Apple/Jcally the above are standout and realistically enough for most people to stop at.

There is a rung above this (Caiyin, Questyle, etc) but to be fair itā€™s more for exotic design choices and not really a necessity for most people.


Thanks Kenyon - made a note of them all for reference. Iā€™ll see how I get on with the JA3 which is on order, see how my devices sound with vs without it. Just read some people debating on reddit about whether these cheaper dongles can make music sound a bit bright, so if I find itā€™s not quite to my taste Iā€™ll have a look at these pricier and more neutral options. Cheers!


You should see a definate difference from the phone just with the Jcally :+1: - I have various of them stashed in bags/cars for emergencies.

Have a good Christmas chap


You really seem to have a taste which very closely resembles mine :fist_right: :fist_left:
I had S12, I tested Quintet for a good couple of weeks and while I loved both for what they are I donā€™t think those work best for the music you mention. Donā€™t get me wrong - Quintet is extremely good set, very high res and very clean, but it does not do vocals the justice.

Saying you want vocal focused set is still quite broad description. Male and female vocals live in quite bit different areas of the frequency range.

For example:
Having heard quite a few sets I really like vocals the most on Softear Twilights, especially the male ones or female voices that have some grip and power. Or maybe rather those warm, really full vocals themselves are just a part of a beautiful presentation for vocal heavy music like latest album of Sufjan Stevens or Rhye - Home that make them my favourite sets for such genres.

On the other hand them being very warm do not allow for ethereal/angelic presentation of naturally clean voices of women singers like Lana del Rey or Hania Rani though. For those vocalists you would be better off with something with clear cutoff of midbass - in my rotations nothing beats UM Mest in representing those voices as the cleanest. In general for such I would aim for a set in style of Variations - Hype2 or Chopin, newest truthear etc in your range. And out of them based on graphs the most universal seems to be Hype2.

But as a piece of advice - which may be a bit controversial. As you seem like you are already very well covered in the mid range price category I think (if anything) I would rather try to save up some money, maybe sell a set that you use the least and aim for second hand market for stuff which are a bit more expensive, old TOTLs like Monarch MKII or a bit cheaper apparent vocal king RSV or Thieaudio Oracle. Or my beloved Twilight if there is any chance to grab one cheap. As going in the mid range category may not bring you a lot of upgrade :slight_smile:


I havenā€™t tried these sets but you could try Chopin for female vocals, Orchestra Lite for a more neutral sounding iem to complement the canon II, FU for a warm replay or EPZ 620.

Falcon Pro, same shell as Falcon Ultra, didnā€™t fit very well for me with a fit that holds mostly on the tips.

Iā€™ve heard the Juzear 41T and itā€™s a nice warm relax sounding iem with great fit like the Performer5.


Hereā€™s the Yanyin Canon II up/down against the gold nozzle Ultras:

You can check out all of the configurations of both at

I canā€™t speak to othersā€™ experiences and no one seems to have both squigā€™d in the same set, but hereā€™s a side-by-side with the same target (allowing you to see the specific differences a little more clearly):

The look very similar at a glance (squigs never give the whole picture), at best it would be a sidegrade IMO.