IEM discussion thread (Part 2)

Quick reviews

Got 7hz Zero 2 that I ordered half-asleep at 3 A.M. Excellent the first time pulled straight from the box with the red tips already on them. Excellent for good and bad recordings alike where treble usually drives me nuts on cheaper sets. Honestly would just recommend these to most newbies for sub-$300 to avoid budget hell and tip swapping + mods.

Got some Delta Complimentary Buds. Sounds like ass. I cut the front, cut the hole in the back, stuffed the back with tuning foams and a ring to hold it together, resealed the back with micropore tape, threw on foam tips. It sounded slightly better, but still trash. I don’t have any reasoning for my methods either. Somehow harder than the Susvaras to get to proper listening levels at that point. Got my foam shit back, threw out buds. That was fun.


does good hybridwith 300-500€ with 6-8ba,1dd tubed with EQ to monarch mkiii cirve will soind same?

does fiio improoved fx15 vs fh9 in bass,mids and from we see on highs 4est improved well. . does 1DD and 1BA can sound better vs fh9 in bass-mids region?

Does anyone own the Dunu Mirai? I just bought them, but people are telling me they’re ass so I might just cancel :joy:


I have them. I’m still evaluating them. But there is a lot of upper air energy….


Do you have Monarch MKIII? If yes can you compare them to Mirai? The price is near.

Edit: I can past some impressions taken from headfiers (canjam socal 2023):

"Soundwise though, it wasn’t my cup of tea sadly. It sounded U-shaped to me with an emphasis somewhere in the 9-10 kHz region to make it sound too crispy. "

“I only wrote one work next to these, “Great!”. A very inoffensive tuning that everyone seems to like. While not my over show favorites there was a lot to love about these. I do feel that they’re prices just a bit high, but time will tell.”

“Neutral (for me) tuning. Surprisingly detailed at times, also slightly hazy at times.”

“I owned the SA6 OG and loved the sound but I couldn’t get the fit right. These sound like a SA6 with better bass and better timbre. Great all arounder. However because Precogvision collabed on this I was expecting more bass volune and impact. Not to say it was lacking. It was just more balanced than expected. Slightly V shaped. Best sounding DUNU for my taste. Safe bet at about $700 ( I don’t know the price).”


The issue is I have family over right now and I don’t want be too hasty. My mk 3 is with a friend right now which complicates a full clear comparison. My best advice is to wait for the full review. Suffice it say I’m torn on if I like it or not.


Maybe is better if you wait? In 2024 comes out also the Dunu Glacier (their new flagship).


Gotcha, thanks for letting me know :+1: Was really helpful


does anybody have an invite link for shortbus’s discord? ive been trying to get a link from him for a few days but it seems he doesnt see youtube comments often.

Try messaging @paulwasabii , I believe that he can hook you up

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got an insane deal on these holy hell we moving up


Heard it at CanJam SoCal, more impressed with Crimson.


Precog is a BA lover. I suppose calling MMK3 bass “poor” was just out of context / exaggerated by him.

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Shell design is really stunning but maybe it sounds too harsh. But yeah such a pricetag is definitely a pipe dream :smirk:

harsch you mean bright ?

Yes exactly.

Did you hear also the Monarch MKIII ? If yes the Crimson are better for you?

im assuming it has to do with speed more than anything

I don’t get your point. Mmk3 has 2DD. So it should have good bass.

BA typically are criticized for their soft bass. So if I follow your reasoning, precog being a BA lover has a low criteria for bass. So mmk3 must be really bad in terms of bass quality if he was so inclined to say it in his summary on his ranking.