IEM discussion thread (Part 2)

My rule for the casino is only bring what you’re willing to lose to the house. Feels applicable to CanJam


Absolute wisdom that will absolutely apply to Canjam hahaha. Just remember that Window Shopping is always free so long as you stay on the other side of the window!


I only intend to spend $30 for the ticket and get out clean. The days after are either going to be filled with lust or appreciation for what I already have… we shall see.


Kinera Verdandi Cosmos Black landed today, what beautiful IEM they have made here. Very hard to capture the depth of shell design, tried my best. Sound impression will wait, so far like what I hear.


My statement has not changed since I first saw the Verdandi’s design, I would kill for those lol


You’re SiriusB? I enjoy your videos. Thank-you.

Have you gotten to compare the Ziigaat Cincotres also?

These IEM’s on Amazon take over two weeks to ship from China… sigh


Beautiful set. Any comparisons off the top of your head? I look forward to your impressions.


Yes and thanks. They’re already waiting for me at my other place where I’ll be in 2 weeks.


Heard beforehand it’s a more relaxed and not overly resolving set. But from trying now it’s quite an energetic one with great clarity in upper mids and treble.

Specially stuff like cymbals or brighter females have plenty of bite, so might be perfect for those who love forward female voices.

I’m not going to say to much for now, I should use them for some time and see how they compare to some other sets I have first. But I like what I hear, and woke up 1 hour early to listen some more before work today.


Is there anyone with experience using nail polish or whatever to change a plain faceplate to something you like?

I’m using my Arias as test subject right now but I wanna mess with the Quintet

I wish i was a tad bit more artistic to try it

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Yeah so far Aria turned out aggressively okay, it’ll be a while before I consider em on my Quintet though

Nail polish should be safe, wouldn’t do it on any expensive stuff :sweat_smile:.

Would keep it away from the parts on the outside of the faceplate, as nail polish is often more grippy or can irritate the skin. But its a nice idea to make something look more artistic and unique.

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Yeah I’m trying to look for an alternative because nail polish is so grippy lol, haven’t begun looking in earnest though


too late. haha! I bought them and if lucky will have mine before your video is up.

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Just saw a 64audio duo sell for 305 on eBay, wish I was awake to get it

Only chance I would’ve heard a kilobuck iem

Ever since I have discovered other IEM brands with the likes of Tangzu and Simgot, Moondrop for me for a while has been quite mid or just overall lackluster when it comes to their releases. Also the fact that the OG Aria is still being recommended to this day, is a criminal for I am more inclined to recommend the Simgot EA500 or other IEMs with the similar price point, and the EA500 imo is 100x better than the Aria and this is a guy who used to own the OG Aria, hell even the Truthear Holas are better and those are much cheaper imo.

The IEM game is still evolving and growing for each passing day and so far it has been good for everyone, and I hope it continues. Though it’s gonna be tough once you have found that perfect set, suddenly there’s gonna be an another set that is like the same price but 10x better than the current set of IEMs you use, activating your neurons to buy that other IEM for the same price. I should have had listened to some of you in the first place and just leave this hobby, for my wallet is still screaming xD


I totally agree the Hola is better than the Aria

My current under $100 favorites are the Artti R1, Olina SE, Simgot EA500LM, and ZiiGaat Cinno


I gotta give Artti R1a check, currently though I’m wrestling with the fact that Plutus Beast on my ears was like a concert and every other iem recently has felt flat lol