IEM discussion thread (Part 2)

Ah good point, hopefully as reviewers continue to get recognized by manufacturers we’ll see some more interesting standalone / new collabs vs. Revisions.


With most collabs being on the “safe” side, I was hoping more brands would try and see what sticks as experiments

I don’t mind collabs because most collaborators don’t stray from their preferred sound and don’t offer a variety of tunings. So, I know what I’m getting based on their sonic preferences.

For example, Crin tends to lean Harman, with treble roll-off. HBB loves bass. Neither is my jam. But I like a lot of Timmy’s tuning preferences, so I keep an eye on his collabs.


I’ve never been one to dislikes collabs in general, I just think to myself, hey more IEMs that will sound good

I’ve been buying iems for as long as I can remember on amazon so my ears have been trained to enjoy whatever ungodly iem I bought that’s wack so seeing the hobby as it is now, man it’s nice knowing I can buy something random and genuinely not have to dupe my brain anymore


As an iem buyer, I just bought the KZ Symphony and it was total garbage. Not even KZ levels but just sounded underwater and terrible. If Timmy, Chris, Crin, got a hold of it it would have been better, I’m certain of it.

Are collabs always better? No, as I think there is a ton of crap out there. But I think it allows you to know that for whatever reason the collaborator likes that tuning a bit and that is important. It’s not a guarantee an iem is good, but I think a better chance in general like an additional level of QC.


I go back and forth on collabs. I do think historically they have pushed the industry forward in a positive way, however I haven’t heard a single collab that I would put as the best in their respective price range. Hell, if you look at the Top 5 thread, most people don’t have a single collab in their list


in some weird way I enjoy that they usually end up that way, they play like 2nd or even 3rd fiddle to the actual best and the choices is up to the consumer on what you lean towards.

It’s nice that it makes you go back and forth, if it becomes stagnant where they’re always just “eh” or always the best, that’s when I’d be very worried


This sums it up for me too. I’m not against them, but experience has taught me not to be excited about them.


Hmm that could be because we’re in an echo chamber :sweat_smile: cause most places have at least one of 7hz crinacle and truthear crinacle as daily driver especially in lists under $50


haha true true. I guess its not the best sample to use


Haha it’s all good. I make the same mistake using like my city’s Reddit for political stuff. Like you’re telling me you DON’T know this about our politicians? And the person on the other end is like no…? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:
But actually to your point I don’t see any other collabs recommended though I would have expected some hbb collabs since he’s been in the game a while as well. And of course in real life whenever I ask someone about IEMs they’re like “oh you mean like airpods or Sony’s?” Sigh :pensive: lol


Just got these, they sound great, a tad “sibilant” but otherwise it’s honestly really good, good enough that I’d pick it up over Vari or Up. I’m gonna figure out what’s making it sound sibilant to me and see if I can touch it up, I am also using Velvets on em lol so I should probs give non wide bore tips

They’re really light, people kept saying they were dense and all that but they’re still light lol. I am comparing em to Variations though so my opinion is moot.

They’re super hella crazy pretty and they looked different than what I expected shell wise but that’s a positive because these are just gorgeous

I’m gonna live with em for a while, so far I enjoy em more than Quintet

someday she’ll get more recognition


Nice, where did you order from? I picked up a set from the company and am waiting on shipping.

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I was trying to get it from them directly but ended up grabbing from Musicteck instead since there’s one an hour away from me so I figured once they got shipment I’d only have to wait a day to get it. Which was spot on since I got it today at around 6:28pm eastern NY

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@Sonofholhorse jinx!

Congrats @Timmy-Gizaudio


Galileo to DaVinci, eh?


Certainly appears so - I’m waiting for someone to name an IEM the Michelangelo!


Galileo and DaVinci are very commercial names for IEM and whatever, but Timmy knows best, we don’t. :wink: :nerd_face:

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If someone brings out a TMNT set they have my full backing.



“Samael” would be fine :ok_hand: :slightly_smiling_face: