IEM discussion thread (Part 2)

It’s a bit like a baby Storm, but more U-shaped; also like a Prestige LTD with more sauce up top. Some people have found the amount of treble to be too much, and I’ve only found it to be an issue among maybe a handful of songs out of hundreds (and even then, a little volume reduction was all I needed). It’s very neutral in the mids, with plenty of detail while not feeling forced in anyway; layering and imaging is great while soundstage overall is natural but nothing that would wow you compared to sets with a wide casting. Dynamics are great and the bass is tremendous when called for, but it is not a basshead set unless all you crank is sub bass-focused EDM. Overall a very safe pick for an all-rounder, but not for treble-sensitive people IMO; I will try to drop some comparisons once I get my Storm and HSE back.
One particular thing of note is that Crimson makes it easy to just get lost in the music, and that is always an ideal quality forn any headphone IMO. Makes you just listen to an album or playlist instead of skipping around.


I asked (in another place) a comparisong Crimson vs Prestige LTD and a guy replied this:

"The Prestige LTD’s energy is calm. Mids are smoothed over. Lacking the bite and detail. Mid bass and trebel are where they put the bumps. Some genre works well, but others can be a bit boring.

Crimson is high energy and has a much better overall tuning and details which makes the presentation more engaging. On the JVC Spiraldots ++. There is no compettion."

can you confirm or not? Your opinion, thanks!


I would tend to agree with that assesment overall. Crimson for sure comes with some “WOW Factor” where LTD is more of a smooth yet detailed set; LTD is one that most people tend to appreciate more over a long session where Crimson kinda puts all of its cards on the table from the get-go. There’s also the factor of BA bass vs DD, but I honestly don’t feel like you give anything up between them. Regarding tips, I’m still rolling but I actually prefer Azla Soft Shorts to the Spiral Dot ++ atm; just sounds a bit more open and natural to my ears.


Just want to say thanks John! @rattlingblanketwoman appreciate you letting me get a chance to listen to the Butastur. You’re awesome bud🤙. Always a pleasure to talk too!


That means a lot coming from a guy with a heart of gold! Interested to hear whatever you think of them, good, bad… “mid” :rofl:




Elysian Pilgrim. Rockwell75 wrote: “Characteristic Elysian magic up top, best (imho) bass quality I’ve heard yet in an Elysian IEM…Gaea-esque with more meat in the lower mids/midbass and less energy in the upper mids.”. It will be 400 dollars or so.


Wow!! Any info on release date?

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it feels like an eternity waiting right? lol

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yo what 400 bucks, I’m hella in

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I heard Pilgrim today:

Elysian Pilgrim (prototype) - Neutral-warm leaning. Bright vocals. Good technicals. Nice bass slam. It’s fine and I may like it on more things then Anni.

Other thoughts at my thread: Goober's Journey Into the IEM Game or "Why Are You Not As Good As....?" - #1673 by GooberBM


This was not expected… it is not just a retune…

These are for bassheads…


Yeah that’s an interesting config :thinking:


Timmy is working at something…


He did hint…



Maaaaybe there’s a third collab coming out. Maybe! But let’s say I do have a third collab coming out (which I may or may not have in the works), which name should it have? :thinking:

A) DaVinci
B) Aurelius
C) Newton



That looks an awful lot like a mosaic’d Dunu logo to me…


I reckon that looks like Dunu’s logo. I wonder what Timmy has cooking up now


My current take on collabs:



Cool when reviewer has a well known sound preference / ability to convey that sound.

I don’t think there’s anything inherently wrong with collabs. I’d like to think most reviewers are genuine hobbyists to some degree, and who wouldn’t want to tune / spec their own IEM?

It’s gets murky when you give up the integrity that goes hand in hand with your title as a reviewer.


Just experience based not philosophical. The Olina SE was a great IEM in my opinion but I can’t think of a single other collab I’d rec over a standard release, out of all that I’ve tried. So not holding my breath.