Okay boys. This is going to be a long one and I wasn’t sure where else to put it so here it goes:
I’ve been a bit sentimental the last week with the new year fast approaching.
I can’t help but to fixate on how fast time has flown by for me the past 4 or 5 years. I have memories from then that I can still feel so strongly, my brain is tricked into thinking it was last week. It’s a strange phenomenon to say the least and I’m not sure how to feel about it all. What I am sure of is 2022 and how this year, with all things considered, has been an amazing year all together for me. Some negatives for sure, just like anything else, but my audio journey has been catapulted into the outer reaches of space and truly, genuinely, it’s all been thanks to this website and all the beautiful people I’ve had the absolutely pleasure of meeting, speaking to, and most importantly, connecting with. Really short backstory - I’ve been in this hobby (Audio, IEMs specifically) for about 11 years now. I made my Head-Fi account back in 2014 when I was 18 years old. It’s crazy to think about. I was beyond a novice, incredibly naive and shockingly uninformed about audio in general. All I knew was that I loved music and I wanted to enjoy it to its fullest potential. After a few runs with VSonic, Shure, even beats, I went through phases. Being hooked, buying 2, 3 sets at a time, enjoying the hell out of them, then breaking them by accident (the wash machine was my arch nemesis) and getting discouraged and not thinking about headphones or Audio in general for months and sometimes even years.
2021 was different. I finally had a well paying job. The bank account was looking might hefty, and the car market was booming. I got the itch again. The Timeless was stealing everyone’s hearts and wallets and I wanted in. So I bought them and… wow. Where do I even begin? Went ahead and started to buy tips, cables, another IEM the Ety ER2XR, then a small source, BTR3K by FiiO … Then, I found HFGF.
The rest is history. I have been able to demo and try so many IEMs this year that I would of never even dreamed of hearing but not only that, after 6 months with the Timeless, I was finally ready to go full lunatic mode and drop a Kilobuck on the Monarchs MKII. Since then, I’ve heard and owned more IEMs than any one person needs, admittedly. I have learned so much. It is all thanks to the generosity and kindness within this small circle here. It’s all thanks to you.
I couldn’t be more grateful. My audio experience this year has improved my life dramatically and I mean that. That includes you guys, so thank you. A special thank you to everyone who I’ve personally connected with - my experiences with you all cannot be valued. They are priceless to me.
@GooberBM @nymz @MMag05 @JAnonymous5150 @rattlingblanketwoman @Rikudou_Goku @Sonofholhorse @VIVIDICI_111 @cal_lando @hawaiibadboy And so many more. I can only tag 10 people at a time but there are 100% a lot of people missing.
Thank you all.
Here’s to 2023, guys