IEMs are ruining my headphone experience

i could be totally wrong but I think iem’s take a multiple driver approach due to lacking the space
to have a single massive driver like you would get in a headphone. I think it just turns out that in some designs, they would rather make more, smaller drivers than one small driver in an IEM but in headphones, there would not be much benefit of another driver (also means more housing)

But dont quote me on any of that

Hallelujah…Nail on the head :+1:

Oh and @Antpage2 needs to seriously get on board with his music dowsing stick :smiley:

I’m missing something. Direct me to a thread.

I’m loving the big driver sound these days. Kind of the opposite of IEMS i think

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Are you talking about some of my music recommendations? glad youre liking them if thats it :grinning:


i used to think that the small drivers in iems were what turned me off them for a while. but then i realized it was just my iems that had recessed vocals. maybe thats the issue with u too


@Antpage2 you’d be surprised at what a good iem can sound like, it’s no more of a compromise than say headphones over speakers…speakers = big driver sound, headphones fall short on that but do a pretty good job…IEM’s don’t try to replicate that just give you your music in a more direct and detailed way :+1:

PS have you actually tried any decent iem’s?


Iems have a much bigger market and much more competitive space. More versatile cheaper to make cheaper to tune cheaper to ship this their value is much bigger. Iems just tend to lose out on imo comfort ,Soundstage and imaging. So they kinda fail to outright replace my headphones . But their value ask is much better than headphones


Yeah ive tried a few but i didnt really like them. they were cheapies though. The Tin T1-3 and the Blon 03 and the KZpro 10. I wanted to try a more expensive pair so i started a thread but then i thought what am i doing? I would only use them when im out and about and i dont really listen to music when im out and about :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Its kinda funny how the hype can make you forget things

Same here lol…pretty much use all my iem’s at home.
Reckon you need a trip to the next Canjam and try some in ear jewellery :+1:


I have a pair of Tin 2s that i’ve used maybe 10 times because of the reasons you talked about. I hate all of the tips that came with them. I gave up on iems. What are spinfits? are they a brand or a style of tips? where would you recommend getting them. I should try to make use of the tin 2s since they are just sitting in box collecting dust right now.

they are a brand and have their own unique type of silicone tip. They are available on amazon, just search spinfit eartips. As for size, Im not familiar with all of the sizing. Maybe someone else can provide further details.

Hey that’s what it’s all about. Find what works for you and enjoy the music! Enjoy the chase.

Personally I hate my Tin T2. I HATE the tips. Spin Fits made a huge difference for me. So much so that I am not touching my headphones anymore. You owe it to yourself to find the right tips for your ears and give a good IEM a try. I’d suggest a Starfield if you don’t want to spend much. The Starfield changed everything for me. But you’ve got to find the right tips for you first. The right tips should make the IEM sound amazing. You should be able to hear everything with better extension than headphones can offer. They should also almost disappear so you hardly even realize they are in your ears.

Get some different sized Spin Fits and Dekoni foams to start with. Make sure to get different sizes and try everything. For silicone, I use medium and for foams I use small. Note that silicone will give you a more accurate sound, and the foams will absorb some of the sound which might be good or bad depending on your preferences, but comfort might trump everything for you.

I really hope these suggestions help you. I’d hate for anyone to miss out on what good IEMs can offer to an audiophile.


Yes, me too. I have sold all of my full sized cans with only the Audioquest Nighthawk left. Probably going to sell those too. Just got into the iem “scene/black hole” a few months ago, and haven’t looked back. I say black hole as I still look for improvements, fit, sound signature that I can not only use (small ears, need small iems), but liking what I hear (sound signature). I’ve gone through about 15 iems in 3 months…There was a lot to learn, and I’m still learning for sure (mostly through trial and a lot of error lol). But I am getting closer to the proverbial “Last” iem. I just recently received two pair I ordered at the same time: the ThieAudioLegacy 3 and the Penon Audio Sphere. I opened the Penon first, I never opened the ThieAudio box. Didn’t need to, at least for me that is. I’m sure the ThieAudio is fantastic, but I’m afraid I would like them too much. And to top that off, a few days ago I found (my “dream”? iem) in the DITA Answer and the DITA Answer Truth and both are currently en-route. I have high hopes one of those is the end of my quest. Please make it so…
Don’t forget to Enjoy the Music, that’s what it’s all about right?


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Yeah but if someones tells me “Hey i tried the shp9500 and the koss kphi and the grado sr60 and I think i just dont like headphones” My reactions gonna be “well you haven’t really tried one of the great pair of headphones”

I dont think ive tried a really good pair of IEMS i feel. I would like to get something thats really good, maybe more expensive. I like a more exciting signature. U shaped maybe W shaped. with close soundstage and a lot of detail. is there a IEM like that under 300$?

I’d again suggest the Moondrop Starfield as an entry level IEM that sounds very good. It’s only 110 bucks and it sounds fantastic.

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There aren’t really IEMs that come under the ‘great’ category for under $300.
There is stuff that punches above it’s weight, like the Blons for instance, but they are still no match for pairs costing a grand or two.
It’s the exact same as headphones. Sure you have very good sub $300 pairs like the HD650 or HD58x but they still won’t compare to anything pushing over a grand

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I mean there is debate to be had on it. The definitive sub bass experience to me(outside of a good home theater sub) has and continues to be the oh10 for example. That doesn’t mean that set is immaculate, but it does speak to the fact that you can have best in class in the lower prices. Its just you may have more caveats like weight etc. To achieve it. Or even sonic characteristics that could be unpleasant. If we go by Crinicle’s list etymotic 4s and the EX800st are both under 500 and achieve A status for example…