Introduce Your Pets!

one of our cats (we’ve got 8) just cost me $3027.00! he’s terrible for chewing on plastic bags and when he started throwing up (for 2 days) and not eating, drinking or using the litter, we took him to the vet. they said his stomach was a bit distended, so took an x-ray which revealed a blockage of some sort. they kept him overnight on an IV to re-hydrate in the hopes that would help him pass whatever it was, but that didn’t happen, so yesterday they did some exploratory surgery and found…a big ball of impacted fur jammed up in there. so, they removed that and let us know what was what.

they ended up keeping him overnight for one more day because he wouldn’t drink or eat after everhthing was done. called us yesterday morning saying he’s used the litter, but still not eating or drinking and advised we can come and take him home to lower his stress and help him along. wife gives him some pain meds and something to encourage his appetite every 12 hours, but he’s still not showing any interest in food or drink. wife kinda forced fed him a tiny bit a couple times with some diluted mushies in a syringe.

poor guy is in a jumpsuit instead of a cone of shame and is very happy to cuddle and purr loudly. Whittaker is a drooler, so he’s constantly slobbering himself hes purring so loud / hard / fast.

here’s a pic of him contemplating whether he will destroy the world or not…


The little jumpsuit is adorable but I’m hoping the little guy has a speedy recovery!


Wishing the little furball well, hope he recovers soon! :pray:


I hope he is starting to feel better and eat again. What a handsome guy!

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he’s doing better…wife said he joined all the other cats at breakfast time today, first since he’s been back, which is 3 days now I think.


haha…wife was going through kitten photo’s from 7 years ago…

damn, if cuteness was a WMD, we’d all be dead! this is Masala. :smiley:


Love Crested Geckos. They have interesting personalities.


I always forget about this thread…I need to post our three fur babies