Is Balanced Better? Pros & Cons of Balanced vs. Single-Ended

think like wave said the “depends” answers is also applicable here

  1. did you have long cable runs between dac and amp → balanced preferred

  2. is your amp primarly desinded to be used balanced and the singlended is only here for convenience sake like the schiit magnius for example

  3. do you have a headphone that needs a powerplant to drive it proper, than most amps give you more juice on the balanced output

  4. some EMI problems

otherwise for most users there no need to buy balanced options but if the gear you have does have the option to use balanced why not build some cables as a little hobby project and see for your self if you can hear differences between single ended and balanced


I have and I can’t hear any real discernable differences…

:joy: :rofl: :joy: :rofl:

I couldn’t agree more! The way balanced is being pushed in the market right now I feel like it’s almost entirely a gimmick - a way to get people with “only” single-ended gear to want to upgrade and buy more gear. (“I only have a Magni, so I need a Magnius!”)

That doesn’t mean balanced is bad in any way. I think amps like the Erish, Magnius, and Jotunheim sound perfectly fine. And I think DACs like the J2, Modius, and LA-QXD1 sound perfectly fine. There’s no reason to avoid them at all. Just don’t “upgrade” thinking they are a silver bullet to sound quality, because they aren’t.

Balanced isn’t inherently better in some way (practical situations like ground loops or long cable runs aside), it’s just a different architecture, and as such may sound different. The designers have different options and different tradeoffs to manipulate the sound. But in general it’s just another architecture (kind of like THX feed forward and Topping nested feedback).

I currently have a Jot2 and LA-QXD1 by my listening chair. But it’s not my best sounding setup. My single-ended only Allo Revolution DAC into the Lake People G111 sounds significantly better. Price isn’t that different between the two setups. But the $$$ went into better components on the single-ended chain, and into doubling the number of components in the balanced chain.

For me, in the end it’s just something different to try. And different is good - otherwise this hobby gets boring.

An interesting new product that shines some light on how much marketing buzz is behind balanced is the Schit Lokius. It’s balanced in / balanced out. But to keep cost down it does all of its filtering single-ended. The input signal goes through a balanced to single-ended conversion before the filter stage. Then after the filter stage it is converted again single-ended to balanced. Schiit explicitly says they did this to avoid doubling the cost of the device. It’s really a single-ended device, just with balanced connections. This isn’t bad at all. Just an architectural / cost choice.

It turns out all THX amps (that I’m aware of) with balanced input/output do the same thing. Balanced input, converted to single-ended for the THX magic portion, then converted balanced at the output.


Wow, that sounds like something’s broken, not just “low quality”. You could check if it’s the FiiO’s fault using a male-to-male stereo jack and a multimeter set to DC volts, see if the muted channel has any voltage fluctuations vs. GND when playing music (millivolts, microvolts, however low your multimeter can go). If it’s not the source it would have to be the connectors or cable. Then you could try cleaning both connectors on the FiiO and the cable to make sure it’s not a contact problem, and if that doesn’t fix it you could still improve it a lot by recabling the headphones to 4-wire-but-not-necessarily-balanced (though since you already have the BAL-out on the Q3 you could just go for the full TRRS recable at that point). But if it’s the cable’s fault that you can hear 10% crosstalk when muting one channel, it would mean (Mass)Drop has messed up bad on this delivery.

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Yep, likely the cable then. As you can see below the wiring post I linked, someone else also found ruined staging on a Drop-made Blon B20 and fixed it by replacing the cable. Looks like Drop might have a general problem with the quality of their SE cables that’s going unrecognized (you know, unless they’re doing it on purpose to get people to think they “need balanced”).

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Honestly I have always wondered about this. In my case I prefer balanced for various reasons, mostly personal. I like the way balanced cables and interfaces look. I like the feel of a balanced cable and how they connect to the gear. And I love how balanced output sounds. To my ear, I think balanced sounds just a little bit better than SE. Just a little bit. And for me, every little bit means a lot.

So that’s my take. Not very scientific, I know! A lot about this hobby goes beyond the science, though. And that’s OK. We like what we like.


Before you buy something…look at the specs and see what the power outputs are etc…
Knowledge up front can be very enlightening!



That seems a little underhanded. They wouldn’t do that, would they? :upside_down_face: :yum:

Phenomenally useful and enlightening article and thread. Bookmarked for future reference.

Now here’s my question.

Let’s take this rig for example, but it could be any rig of a similar build.

This DAC/Amp all-in-one is balanced internally, but then the designers opted for single-ended RCA Aux ins + outs in the back for piping in an external DAC or running in DAC mode to an external amp.

My question is, why not be balanced in the back too? Space constraints to keep its footprint small? Cost? Or, they tested a balanced AUX In/Out prototype and couldn’t hear enough of a sonic difference? Something else?

By the way, it’s a nice little :headphones: rig.

I would pose this question to Apos…

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Does anyone know where I can find an adapter to turn a straight 2.5 balanced connector into a right angle one? Everything I found converts from one size to another instead of keeping the size the same

if you don’t care about looks I found a couple with a quick google search
if you care about looks I’d suggest asking places that do custom or DIY it

XINHS on AliX maybe?


Can you share what you found? I couldn’t find anything via google

Ahh yeah I should have specified I’m looking for one that doesn’t have a cable attached

odds of finding that are slim
custom order could be done with a short cable

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ddhifi might make such connectors:

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I have a 4.4mm cable I like but only have 2.5mm balanced on my ES100. Big to small is not a common connector I’m finding… and when adapters are available, they cost the same or similar to a cheapish cable anyway.

Yeah I’m starting to notice that as well. I ordered a new cable with a straight connector cause it worked well with theBBtR3K but the Q5K jack comes out the top which pokes my neck which is why I am looking

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