JAY's audio memes (and reviews/ranking too I guess)

Indeed they do. Thank you.

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I want one of those. If even just for the appearance

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They better have not copy and pasted the fuckin loosey goosey pins. I wanna send mine for repairs but I don’t wanna pay however much it costs. I’d just buy a Hades at that point and experience something else even if I did love Pula lol

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I have no issues with any of my sets.
Juzears or SLIIVO

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Will give em a look after trying out the Ziigaats


pulamulasliivomliivo bambambambamboomboom hahahaahah :rofl:



I can’t wait for the next video. I like crin enough but throwing shade on simgot and having his ugly collab show on one day is a perfect storm.


Deleted tweet.


what is bro doing? LOL


@VIVIDICI_111 @Jaytiss

Now you know you have made it…


What actually hapened between you and Crin guys? What made your chairs burn? :slight_smile:

Is it just that “someone on the Internet is wrong”? Is that a brand war? Or there’s something more interesting and private? (=

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If you’re a musician, you’ve made it when Weird Al calls up to ask if he can parody your song.

If you’re an IEM reviewer…


Quite weird he got that deleted, I don’t think any part of this statement is inherently wrong


But that is what he is saying if I understood it correctly. That he got backlash that his opinion does not align with opinion of other sources and he thinks that it is purely subjective and he has full right for that. And I think it is fair

The moment of the opinion being released aligning with a leak of singolo release is questionable though


The only reason I found Crin was because his main channel got shut down. Not from his huge archive of measurements.

Crin was already too deep in his measurements with his rig that there was no way he could or would ever re-do his life’s work.

Why would he review in ears when he has a store to take care of.

When is the last time yall have used his archive as a reference point?

Shit like this happens because there is a bag and people are not as transparent as they like to look. A lot of echo chambers in these hidden away communities.


:100: % agree…some folk want to listen to music and some folk like a graph and banter…trust your own ears coz that’s all you’ve got at the end of the day…


I now have coffee in me. Crins statment he shouldn’t have deleted this now makes sense!

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Hoping to have a conversation with Sharur soon. I was just talking to him about it, seems like he didn’t check my graphs because they graph less than the EM6L in the treble.

He’s a salesman that needs to be stopped.

I do NOT care how you feel about SIMGOT. If you think it’s mid, that’s cool. The point of the video was to address his dishonesty and ill intentions behind that tweet, which he was clearly doing to silence another brand in order to push his own collab that was dropping soon (but which is now pulled out). The timing cannot be anymore perfect.

Video on this later.


Dont bother with that piece of shit.