JAY's audio memes (and reviews/ranking too I guess)

Dude has bills to pay, leave him alone :rofl:


100% it is obvoious to anyone who has been in the hobbie for a bit.

He is not the only guity one.

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His collab is a single DD. Simgot is known for their single DDs. Simgots are popular and is in direct competition with his collab. He dropped the tweet right before his collbab. Put these together it’s not that complicated. The guy doesn’t even review anything outside of the sets he gets paid for/affiliated with. I’m addressing the dishonesty behind the hobby that affects everyone but if you want to chuck that up as hype then that’s on you.

@ToneDeafMonk yup


Love measureabators who actually dont listen to anything and go off of measurements.

100% pile of worthless time watching this video.


Eh, we’ll see how it goes. He seemed alright when I was talking to him. I think he just does that for hype for his channel. But him saying EM6L>LM for the treble without hearing the LM is still crazy :joy: especially after I showed him this graph:

My EM6L is noticeably brighter and you can hear this if you actually listened to both of them lol.


Dude has been making videos talking shit about others for years. He is below you…dont bother with him.


Ya we’ll see if I get any good Q&As, if not I’ll prob pass

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He has a fan base like Trump! He should make hats that say “Make The Measurements Great Again”


I cannot condone the shit that he does.


He’s always been a troll.


Its hilarious how blind and tone-deaf Crin’s fanboys are.

Nobody gives a shit whether or not he thinks Simgot is good or not. The problem is the utter convenience of him making that statement right as his own single-DD competitor is about to drop, just like you correctly pointed out. To go even further into the convenience of it all, how about Timmy releasing his own almost identical statement just ~7-10 days before Crin? For those of you that don’t know; Timmy basically started out as Crin’s errand boy and they magically agree on almost everything.

It looks and smells like a coordinated attack to downplay Simgot right as he’s about to launch his own alternative single-DD that I’d bet plays in the same pricing market as the EA500LM. Crin doesn’t even do reviews anymore, which makes it even more hilarious that he just magically found the time to “review” the entire Simgot lineup right as his own single-DD collab is about to hit the market. He posts a review every few months and its always about whatever the latest Moondrop crapware budget IEM release is - because he’s obviously paid to promote for Moondrop. He otherwise NEVER says anything about any new release nor does he update his website for new releases.

What’s even more sus is that Simgot’s general tuning isn’t even that far off from several of his own collab tunings. So what doesn’t he like about them? Simgot’s “flaw” is overly peaky treble, but Crin generally never had much problem with this sound profile in the past. He in fact pioneered the 7hz Timeless hype, and it still ranks among the best IEM’s on his tier list.

Its also lame as hell how he always immediately points to his “herr durr don’t trust me” video as if it just absolves him of ever being called out for doing anything sketchy. It reminds me of the movie Inception where one of the “strategies” of the dream-thieves is to admit to the target that they are actually in a dream.


Are you calling me a fan-boy of Crin’s or your words poorly chosen?

Couldn’t have said it better.

@ToneDeafMonk Pretty sure he’s just replying in general

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I trade marked that shit! :laughing:
And am very defensive about my intellectual property.

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Pen pineapple apple pen. Yeah, that wasn’t complicated at all, thank you. But I still haven’t seen any direct evidence of dishonesty. Only your theory. And I don’t believe that one tweet could cause so much “righteous” anger of yours. Maybe I’m late to the party when Crin behave not so well, but for me all these posts above and your video are surprising.


Why why why … Why would you inflict this on humanity again after all these years…

It’s the beginning of a new week and I am going to have this shit playing in my head as my live action personal soundtrack


If that’s not evidence of dishonesty then idk man



So? If I had my own business, I’d probably spend my time on something that was profitable too. I can’t say how valid the strategy is from a hobby development perspective, but that’s not the point. He’s sharing his opinion just like the other reviewers here. He may get paid for a review, but not necessarily for an opinion. If you have direct evidence to the contrary, please show it.

This one is more or less valid. His older models like Chu and Zero are bright as EA1000. But newer models like Red and Zero 2 have tamer tuning as I see from Squig. I wouldn’t call Timeless bright though. Here I would ask Crin in detail.

I wouldn’t trust anyone on the Internet that I didn’t know well in person.

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I’ll take this as a lack of argument.