JAY's audio memes (and reviews/ranking too I guess)

Whatever floats your boat :+1:

If you think Crin getting paid for a review, or his collabs, does not influence his opinion on his set or others, then you should probably just stop.

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Oh, I don’t care about Crin or his collabs) Don’t like his tuning, you know) I just wanted to see what you have besides your speculation. So far I haven’t seen anything.

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Ok cool. He gets paid for his reviews. He admitted that on video he’s biased and it affects his reviews. That’s evidence, not speculation. Believe what you want to believe I guess, anyhow.

I would apreciate the link.
Does he also admitted that this fact affects his unpaid reviews?

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Search “why you shouldn’t trust me” or something like that, and he mentions it in every one of his collab videos, but it’s more of a deflection than anything (If a killer tells you he’s going to kill you before and then kills you, ya he put up a disclaimer but it doesn’t justify his actions for killing. Just my two cents).

He doesn’t review anything outside the things he’s affiliated with unfortunately.

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Maybe he meant Stan :joy:

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Serious question, why so many upset?, dude’s an entrepreneur and using his reputation (which he has cultivated over the years) as a marketing tool, nothing wrong with that imo. Wouldn’t you be doing the same thing if you had these opportunities available to you?, some people just jealous.

The point is that he never openly talks about any Chifi brands apart from the ones that he is promoting/in business with. This is actually what makes the whole Simgot thing so obviously suspicious, because it is so out of pocket. I looked at his Tweets going back to last ~August, and apart from one tweet/video about the Sennheiser IE200 (which isn’t even Chifi) he does not ever reference or talk about any product that isn’t either his own, or from a company he works with (ie: Truthear, Moondrop).

So again: he never references competitor brands, and the day that he chooses to do so to tell everyone how they’re all “mid” just so happens to be the day that his new single-DD collab magically pops up on Linsoul as coming soon. Oh, and the competitor brand he chose to talk about (even though he otherwise never says anything about competitors) just so happens to be the one that has made its name on its…single DD IEM’s? Oh, and a week before that his underling Timmy just also happens to post a video about how this brand is also not impressive?

Here’s the whole point: if he was actually still a reviewer and actively posting about other brands, none of this would look sketchy. What makes it so obvious is that he IS NOT a reviewer anymore…so for him to be giving his hot take about how the current “hyped” single-DD manufacturer is all mid right as he’s about to unveil his own new single-DD IEM competitor is so blatantly sus.

Connect the dots my guy - the amount of sheer coincidence is overflowing. I found it very interesting when Timmy out of nowhere “deflated” Simgot (he usually doesn’t do that)…then here comes Crin a week later with the exact same opinion (even though he never gives opinions anymore)…then like magic: a new single-DD collab from Crinacle coming soon on Linsoul! Imagine my shock!

Keep in mind that the same pack of reviewers all hyped his previous releases to shit too (Timmy, Headphone.com guys). Remember Golden Ears saying the Zero Red was some god-tier IEM LOL? These guys think they are more clever than they actually are; but it is very obvious who is stanning for who and how they use each other to promote products. Timmy is like Crin’s lapdog; you can be sure that any time there is a new Crin collab about to drop that Timmy will be ready and waiting with his hype-job video.


Him saying that a competitor’s products are all shit is not him “using his reputation as a marketing tool”. It is underhanded, which is why its being called out.

What about this is so confusing? Nobody is mad that he promotes his own products. He should make good products and let his product speak for itself.

But you are going to see more of this from him moving forward because he is desperate. The whole collab gimmick is a relic in 2024, and his shtick is stale. This isn’t 2020 anymore where the market is full of horribly tuned IEM’s, and Crin is out there saving the day with his incredibly priced, well tuned alternatives. Even these dime-a-dozen brands like Pula that pop up like a fart in the wind know how to tune IEM’s. Everything that is released is well tuned now, which means that Crin has no advantage anymore. One thing he can do is try to crap on all of the alternatives…which seems to be the hand he just tried playing.


I was surprised to see Timmy in his video put Simgot technicalities at Aria level. According to multiple reviewers Simgot sets punch above their price range in terms of details and resolution and Aria was always seen as low tier in that area.


Another classic example yup. Totally what is this hobby doing with these collaborations its ruining it! Pitting brands against each other and other collaborators.

Sad to see plain business economics ruining us getting truthful recommendations without blantant bias!


Thank you for helping me understand your point. I can see the reasons for your suspicions.

Thanks. Found it, looks like I watched it a year ago when it was posted. Great video. I didn’t find him admitting to dishonesty. Maybe my language skills are letting me down, but despite the possible bias towards the brands he works with, he has decided to remain honest in all his reviews (it would be funny to hear opposite). Everyone is biased, and nobody is objective though.

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Let’s boycott Singolo boys!

Is it a boycott if I wasn’t going to buy it anyway?


Yup it counts!


Someone will get sent one lol. Going to be fun.

is it really though because the crin tuning in general is bad crowd(including me) was never part of the market to begin with.

The only good crin tuning is the FH:Eclipse and maybe 7z zero 2(this one is more questionable because lul were is muh texture and detail) and maybe truthear zero blue although from what I understand he doesnt get commition from this model.

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I have the FH5S I actually dont mind that IEM

to be honest beryllium era fiio just hit different. Thanks for reminding me of the fiio FH5S. Just pulled it out and the vocals are so good. Pitty most people didnt want to burn it in.


Yes please

We’ll count it