JAY's audio memes (and reviews/ranking too I guess)

Hmmm should I make a “better” dark magician :grin: got a lot of ideas running around, but would like some feedback on what people are interested in:

  • Bassy Scooped (first graph)
  • Bassy more mid-bass (first graph but scooped filled in)
  • Neutral/dark magician style
  • Vocal centric (a better MK3/DIVA/RSV)
0 voters

Other suggestions are welcomed :sunglasses:


How about pinna gain peak beyond 3k instead of 2.5k
Edit: That 6k dip looks nearly perfect


Hmmm that might be nice too :thinking: I can add in more mid-bass then and delay the gain so it still doesn’t bleed… thanks for the suggestion :+1:

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Let’s have rumble and slam


Can you make sure to tune this IEM so that I can pick winning stocks when my ears are graced by it’s FR curve as well. thx


Just my 2 cents. :grimacing:


Can we have DSP with a USB-C please…


Ofc man! Would you like a shitty app along with that as well :smiley:



Guys, I think the EW200 might be in trouble… maybe.

So, DELCI, I’ve heard great things about these and… they’re nice. Like most Harmans.

My Delci graphs and sound very similar to my EW200 and Artti R2, and at first I thought the small differences between them really just comes down to QC and unit variance due to my first EW200 graphing pretty close to it, whereas my second unit is a lot brighter, and I’m assuming the 2nd version of the EW200 is what people meant when they said the EW200 is too shout. But after looking at the graphs of the other Delci’s versus the EW200, all of them do have more bass and less bright in the uppermids, so it’s safe to say that with the Delci you will be getting a bassier and warmer version of the EW200 - which I dig.

As for the overall sound the Delci is smooth and warm-leaning, more bassy and less bright than the EW200. The low-end is punchy with a good amount of mid-bass slam, deep sub-bass rumble, the most out of the 3, and it’s got that slightly warm feeling to it without becoming too congested. In-terms of overall low-end emphasis the Delci is more in your face with the bass than both the EW200 and Artti R2. The uppermids is also tamer versus my second unit, less shouty for those who found the EW200 too bright, and everything else sounds correct and good because, well, it’s a warm Harman.

Based on my unit of the R2 the Delci is a slightly more v-shaped version of them, they’re a little more energetic and engaging overall, and I do prefer it as an all-rounder more over the R2, but I do still think the R2 is great if you want something more balanced, not as in your face, a tamer and cleaner sound that’s better for vocals. Tech wise, all 3 are all very similar in-terms of resolution with maybe a slight edge to the EW200 for imaging because it is brighter and the attack of the notes feel sharper. Overall though going off my second unit of the EW200 which seems to be the one that most people are getting, there is enough difference between all 3 of them that it’s still worth it as a sidegrade to the EW200 and R2.

The EW200 in this case would be the brighter and most sparkly out of the bunch, whereas the Delci is the warmest and bassiest, and the R2 sits in-between as the most balanced.

I don’t think any of them are super high-volume sets, especially the EW200, but the Delci and Artti R2 scales decently well and gets you to that volume where it’s immersive enough but not brain blasting.

So, just like the EW200 the Delci is another harman all-rounder… in 2024… but at least it’s cheap right? It’s $75 retail. That’s pretty crazy - but you can get it on sale right now for $59 and I’m assuming it’s just going to be permanently on sale like the P1 MAX, but ya at $75 I would not rec them since they sound and perform very similar to the cheaper EW200 and R2. Now, on sale - is the Delci worth the extra $20? Well yes and no.

Yes because not only is the sound different enough, but the overall packaging is better, you get a case, a nice cable, and the build is made out of metal as well, but most importantly, the Delci fits the best and is the most comfortable for me, but you also get nice accessories as well, and it doesn’t look like cheap plastic like the R2. However, it’s a tough sell given the Z300 exists as they sound very very close, but the Z300 is $35 and this is $59.

Now, the Delci is slightly more resolving and sharper in the notes, but do I think it’s worth paying $20-25 more for a case and slightly better resolution? (Because you know the Z300 comes with a pouch) I’m not too sure. Even though I dig the overall look and accessories of the Delci, build and cable wise the Z300 is just as good or better depending on your preference with the only difference being that the Delci does come with a case. Now, if I were to buy another case for $10 or, then that puts my total combined price with the Z300 at $45-50ish which is a lot closer now, and in this case, the extra bit of resolution on the Delci is actually justified.

However, if you don’t care for the case and you’re fine with the pouch, then the Delci becomes a harder sell. Personally, if I already have the Z300 then the Delci is more of a pass, and I would just save up for something else where the technical difference is more obvious, like the EM6L or EA500LM for example, or the JD7 if you want more bass. But if you’re coming from the QKZ HBB or something under $20, then I would say the Delci is more justified, it is “technically” better than the Z300 and comes with a case, but, the Z300 is the better value overall. I mean if you don’t like how the Z300 looks then that could also be another factor in your decision, but ya, it is a little more tricky this time.

Here is the final Rankings:
Tonality: A- (6/10)
Tech: B (5/10)
Overall: B+ (5.5/10)


the shittier the better :smiley:


Oh yes please that would be perfect…



The only thing that can kill the ew200 is the ew300. XD


Simgot´s biggest competitor is themselves lol.


True not a bad place to be tho!


Thanks for the Delci review. I had been about to order one as the next step on from my EW200 and Artti T10. I like both of them and find the treble on the EW200 a bit sharp - hence looking at the Delci. Your review has got me wondering about the EA500LM again after I previously decided against it as I was worried about the treble. Trying to spend less than $100 on the next step

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Honestly I would save and bump to $200. Especially because it’s not like you could sell the 200 to make up some of the cost

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Teas are home!!! :face_holding_back_tears:
Thank you @ctjacks336 :pray:

And Pandamon 2.0


If you find the EW200 a bit sharp, the same goes for the EA500LM. As the LM is a direct upgrade and pretty much near identical in tonality to the EW200. Consider the EM6L instead of the EA500LM, as the treble on the EM6L is buttery smooth yet airy af.


Save up man, lots of stuff coming out :wink:

If you can’t wait EM6L is good as well, but there’s some unit variance just a heads up


Did you see that they are making a phone now? I can’t imagine a company I trust less on software.