JAY's audio memes (and reviews/ranking too I guess)



Hahahha. Looks like i was right lol.
He post a spoiler back then and the shell shape, the font of the serial number looks so much like Ziigaat’s lol.
Congrats Jay


I find the bass to be on slower side, my unit has more extension in treble than your unit. But attact seems to be good on my unit. Maybe you’re unit has less bass as timmy mentioned in his video 5 way crossover at this price have manufacturing difficulties.
If you have time this is my written review of davinci - dunu davinci written review - Google Docs

I reviewed Crimson on my channel as well, man it’s fun. The bass is the most unique part for me. The best BA bass i have ever heard, it has textures and rumble of a dd and speed of a BA.

I tried explored, it’s bassy and laid-back. Bass texture and dynamics are good only issue is treble extension for me.

And just saw the graph of your collab, man it looks solid. Congratulations on your first collab :fire::handshake:


That being said:



Couple things

Davinci being unique to literally the singular example of isobaric in the entirety of the earphone hobby musta been a typo?
As of July 12 2024 there is only 64 audios set. It’s the opposite of popular. It’s a 1 (Exactly…1).

Also, Crinacle, He did a vid years ago…maybe 6 or 7 years ago??
Said the bane of the hobby seemingly were failed writers and their prose. “You can’t help but…” “I’m sure you…” and assertions that unknown reader would agree with xxxxxxx. With no music, no specifics.
Have you ever seen that video?
You should check it out
I’d link but can’t find it


Only thing I can say to that is probably unit variance and coupler difference:

I hope ZIIGAAT didn’t mixed up the tuning in production :joy: :joy: :joy:

Thanks for bringing this to my attention, ima go talk to them and see what’s up


“Davinci is using one of its drivers to produce 10-100hz and other DD driver to 100-400hz”, that looks like it’s just a regular crossover no? hahahaha

Not sure if I can say the bass is addicting… but it’s a good warm set if you’re into that (my unit at least)


The Davinci bass, i feel like it’s more than the graph suggested. I like the bass as it tinkles my eardrums lol.


I can’t believe you read my review. I have been a fan of your channel since a very long time. It’s an honor that you took out time and gave me feedback.
I want to add, I said in the review that davinci is not an isobaric configuration, instead of 2dd isobaric it is having the 2 dds crossed over to produce thier own frequencies. This is the most unique thing I find about this iem.
And the feedback you gave in the next para, is very valuable. I will watch the video and implement it in my furure work.
Thanks again :handshake:. I wish you watch and read my future content and give me feedback so that I can improve exponentially.


That’s what i want to convey that davinci has 2 dds crossed over to produce their own frequencies.
Atleast my unit’s bass has good amount of punch in the mid bass. BTW which tips are you using, i used dunu s&s?

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That makes sense, I thought they were doing isobaric, but it looks like it’s a traditional crossover, checks out. I tried different tips, I like divinus and sancai the best, dunu S&S does not like my ears :joy:


You are unworthy of dunu s&s’s love :joy:

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Its better than a black background at least in terms of being able to read the actual graph. :joy:

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It is the same for me. I hear noticeably more sub bass than mid bass. I have smaller ears and smaller ear canals. Maybe this is the reason?

I think Jaytiss was a little confused between Sub-bass and Mid-bass. He has a couple of videos on YouTube calling the Sub-bass the Mid-bass and Mid-bass the Sub-bass. I’m assuming because he sees the dips in the bass region on a graph and called it sub? This isn’t a knock on him at all. He’s one of my go to reviewers. He has the Action Bronson voice working for him (I dig it) and overall very knowledgeable. I been working in audio for decades but fairly new to IEM’s so I rely on his feedback as well as others in this space.

I actually sold my Davinci set. If I could hold on to a handful of IEM’s I would had definitely kept it because what it does, it does very well. I don’t have the cash to have the luxury to have many sets. I need all arounders sets because of my personal taste in music.


Thanks. I get them confused sometimes. Davinci does graph well, but I have issues with the bass. My current thought is Too much Mid- Bass and not enough Sub bass.

It could be more complicated than that. I might need to remeasure my unit but it’s out on loan atm. It’s a good sounding iem, but the bass is an issue. The Juzear has better bass to me, like the Davinci is weak in the bass, despite me not hating it, it’s one of it’s flaws.


The Juzear has better tuning in the bass region. Where the bass starts and rolls off sounds better to my ears. The Juzear set I received had faulty BA drivers but the DD’s were working fine. The Davinci overall has a better “quality” in sound. Although I did receive a bad 61T set.

Ended up returning the 61T, hitting the abort button. Between the issues I had and apparently HBB has some inconsistencies with his set. There might be QC issues I don’t want to deal with. Maybe it’s just an unlucky few sets.

Just to add: Looking at that graph, it seems like the Davinci Bass region is a bit flat in the transition from SB to MB.

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I’m loving the new blue


Think the major letdown was poor separation and syrupy sounding mid-bass. Kinda made female vocals a bit too husky. This is all amplified by its slow decay too imo.


Dunu x Gizaudio DAVINCI REVIEW: Maple Syrup without the Maple

So this is Maple Syrup you can buy at your local store (well, in Canada at least):

Very sweet and maplely, and there’s a clear difference when I compare it to regular ol, syrup (Maple is clearly superior you can fight me on that)… But, why am I telling you all this in an IEM review? Well, it’s because the Davinci is a perfect example of what happens when you come in expecting to get maple syrup, but instead you just get regular syrup… Plus the mid-bass is thick and syrupy, hence the analogy.

Testing is done with TOPPING G5, S&S/Sancai/Divinus tips, stock cable
Note that there are unit variations, so the Davinci you got may or may not have more or less bass


The slam and noteweight on the Davincis are very enjoyable, the impact in particular from the low-end is heavy, and very satisfying, especially the drums - I found the rhythmic section very engaging, drums are thumpy, and hits pretty deep, giving you a fun low-end experience. They work great for hiphop, rap, R&B, and some rock tracks - and I say “some” because even though the slam and energy is there, again very thumpy - the decay, speed, or how fast the drivers pull back after slamming seems to be a little slow in comparison.

On the plus side this heavier feeling gives the Davinci that thicker, warmer, and syrupy feeling to the sound, but this also means that instrument separation like drums and bass guitars for example are not as clear and textured because the attack and decay is slower while have the bass more forward, taking up more headspace which as a result makes instruments feel closer together and you hear less of the individual details.


Vocals are also affected and coloured because of this slower, boomier presentation from the mid-bass that spreads out into the rest of the sound more. Female vocals in particular are huskier and warmer, they’re not as sparkly and detailed, open, or extended, and some people might find this a turn off on the Davinci, but I think they’re fine, it’s definitely coloured, but it’s not overly bloated or congested - if you like huskier vocals, these will be very enjoyable for you.

Treble extension is, also, ok, again the Davincis aren’t sparkly or airy, or excel in the micro-details, but you get enough of the highs to not lose information, and there’s no major roll-off in the treble to make it dark sounding.


Now, based on reviews and comments from other Davinci owners I came into this expecting the Davinci to be very bassy, you know almost like a basshead set, kind of like the Doscincos but… it’s not a super bassy set, which is both good, and maybe disappointing depending on your preference. The Davinci definitely has a good amount of bass, the sound is tilted towards the low-end, warm leaning with enough extension to the vocals and treble to not get entirely buried by the bass… although I’m not getting the same intensity as I did with the Doscinco’s slamming bass texture which is more basshead, and “Maple” flavoured.

In other words, tying back to the analogy, the Davinci is just regular thick syrup. IMO the low-end texture and slam doesn’t stand out enough to be its own unique flavour; my unit of the Davinci is actually fairly balanced and all-rounded compared to my Doscincos where the Dos leans more into the basshead side of things, making it stand out more:

Because currently the Davinci doesn’t have enough bass to be basshead, or “Maple flavoured” like the Doscincos, nor is the texture a stand out (the slam and weight is nice tho), so, it ends being just another good, warm-leaning set with satisfying hard-hitting thumpy bass, and there’s nothing wrong with that.

There are also some unit variations on both the Doscincos and Davincis, you know just chifi things, so depending on the unit you get you might get more or less low-end depending, but overall, if you’re looking for a very bassy set with a really heavy slam, then the Doscincos would still be better in that scenario, it’s just more different, and it has its own flavour… But for the average audiophile I think they’ll find the Davincis to be more palatable and enjoyable because the Doscincos, or “Maple syrup”, is more of an acquired taste, whereas regular syrup, well, most people will probably like it no problem.


Resolution wise the Davinci is fine, I would say it’s ok for the price, low-end texture is a bit smoothed out, the attack is slightly blunted, again the impact is there, like I enjoy the slam, but I just wish the bass was tighter, and better separated in the bass notes, you know more resolving. For example on HULU and 360 the bass notes on the Davinci feels like they’ve fused together into one note, and it feels a little blunted in the attack and not as sharp/punchy.

vs HYPE 4 & 2

Now, that’s fine if you like a warm smoothed out sound to the low-end as the Davinci gives off a thick but still fun and engaging feeling to the sound because it has good extension in the uppermids and the treble… however, when I switch over to the Hype 4s the separation and reverb of the bass and drum notes are noticeably better - which is weird because you’d expect the low-end to sound similar because they graph almost the same, but in reality that’s not the case.

This is also similar with the Hype 2s. If you’re ok with EQing the low-end on those (because they’re using the same isobaric design as the 4s), after a bass boost the Hype 2’s low-end sounds better textured and separated than the Davincis. The attack and decay is quicker, bass notes feel more resolving, and very similar to the Hype 4s after EQ - just not as airy in the treble, but pretty close. And even though both the the Hype 2 and 4 have more forward vocals and more treble energy, they actually sound smoother than the Davincis.

I’m guessing this is because #1, driver differences as the Davinci is using custom BAs, whereas the Hype 4s are using sonion and knowles - and #2, complications in production for the crossovers because the Davinci is using 5 crossovers vs the 3 on the hype series, so, more things to adjust which can affect qc - and most importantly, I can’t really tell that Dunu is using 5 crossovers… because in-terms of overall refinement and detail, both the Hype 2 and 4s are smoother and a little more resolving, so, idk.


If we’re strictly talking tech alone, value wise the Supermix4 and Nova are both better and half the price at around $150, even Timmy’s other collab, the Chopin is more technical and it’s $100 cheaper…
But I will say if you enjoy a warm and fun sound with a good thump to the low-end, then that’s where the Davinci shines, and that’s who I would recommend them for.

They’re not quite an all-rounder because it is a little bit bassy, I think the Hype 2, Nova, Supermix4, Quintet, or the Cincotres will all be better in those scenarios, they’re just cleaner, and better balanced in the uppermids and treble, and a little more resolving. Likwise, the Davincis doesn’t quite lean towards a basshead sound either like the Doscinco or Legatos because my unit at least doesn’t have enough bass to be considered so.

But that doesn’t mean the Davinci isn’t a good IEM because it is, it’s still solid with its warm, fun, thumpy bass, and the wood plating is also very beautiful… but just know what you’re getting yourself into - because even though the wood might be maple, the sound however is not quite “maple syrup”.

Here is the Final Ranking:

Tonality: A+ (7.5/10)
Tech: A/A- (6.5/10)
Final: A (7/10)

Thanks for reading :slight_smile: