JAY's audio memes (and reviews/ranking too I guess)

The issues with the Aria are the kinds of issues that happen when you bring and IEM to market without having given a few out for people to use as daily drivers for at least a few weeks. Just that one simple step can sort out a lot of basic design flaws that aren’t exposed by only testing in the lab and measuring the IEM. They likely would’ve caught both the chipping paint issue and the filter/condensation/channel imbalance issue. I think it’s also likely that someone would’ve told them that the ergonomics on the stock cable are terrible and other user experience upgrades as well.


I do agree, I feel like there’s a lack of QA and day to day testing. Cable is bad as well. What baffles me most is that they continued releasing same model “special editions” of Aria in spite of the channel balance and paint issues.


Tanchjim Tanya DSP Impressions (vs Quarks DSP):

  1. Very very similar in-terms of overall presentation - still the clean signature you’d expect from the Quarks DSP
  2. Tanya feels like it has more sub-bass and overall more grounded in its note-weight/not as light
  3. Treble on the Tanya feels sharper, giving a sense of overall improved “resolution” to notes
  4. Stage feels the same - dunno if the open back is doing anything, but will have to come back to it with more time
  5. Vocals pop out more on the Tanya and feels more forward and overall sharper just like the treble
  6. Sharper notes on the Tanya never gets fatiguing and overall feels like an improvement from the Quarks
  7. Resolution of the Quarks is “softer” when switching back and forth
  8. Tanya feels less floaty/soft with the imaging
  9. Separation/layering is similar

Sounds like the Tanya DSP is overall better


So far, yup. Crazy what $24 can get you these days… guess it’s time for another budget list with the BLON x HBB coming up as well


Blon Z300 & Tanya DSP review done :sunglasses:


@VIVIDICI_111 I’m wondering if you have the chance to compare the vocal quality and forwardness of RSV and 7th Acoustics Supernova? I heard that it sounds almost the same as RSV

Haven’t heard the Supernova but my friend has:


Thanks Jay! Seems like your friend prefers Supernova for vocals on his video, although sounds like RSV is more vocal forward but vocal quality seems to be better.

It’s just strange that he prefers Oracle than RSV for vocals and Variations as fun sounding (cause of base) hmmm.

I might give Supernova a try, I couldn’t think of getting mediocre technicalities in the $700 range


Supernova is probably the best all-rounder under $1K, but vocals wise I’d take the RSV anyday :stuck_out_tongue:


I can agree with you, I think I know that feeling. I found Tea2 vocals forward than my usual fave EJ07M KL and I have been reaching for it on my shelf from time to time when I listen to acoustic/vocal centric sessions.

My only struggle with my Tea2 is after a few mins are the lack of nice technicalities, this leads me back to my KL because on how smooth the vocals are. I think I’ve been poisoned with good technicalities that I struggle to enjoy anything below Fan 2’s quality :joy:

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Welcome to the club :joy: OG Tea on vocals tracks are even better - tied with RSV for me probably as best vocal sets… until I get my Diva maybe :stuck_out_tongue: I think you’ll really like Supernova then, not too forward and very smooth. Better treble than 07M according to my friend.

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You know what I might get a set of Tea OG then to test how good the vocals are.

They are still on sale on Xenns official store in Taobao.

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Honestly, me too. I might just re-buy them :joy: Wait do you need to make an account? Uh oh

Edit: Nvm all g

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Yeah you do, I used google translate to make one. It’s laborious but gets the job done

What’s surprising is Tea2 is cheaper than Tea OG. Maybe it wasn’t selling enough in China.


OG reigns supreme :sunglasses:

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Tea OG was never perfect for my library, but it always had something that other IEMs didn’t, regardless of price. Unfortunately the DD driver on my Tea OGs died twice and now I don’t have them in my ears anymore! :pensive:

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@VIVIDICI_111 Thank you for the oppurtunutiy to demo and graph the Diva for you.

For anyone reading this I mentioned this last night to our group. Diva might be the most pleasing vocal presentation I’ve heard. Which is funny because it’s the first set for songs where I usually focus on and crave the rhythm section that Diva pulls them back and shifts me to the vocalist. Never had a set that made me not miss the authority of the midbass and get sucked into the lushness of vocals.


250 Mesh Filters: These are interesting because the graph doesn’t display much of a difference if any. My ears though hear a very distinct difference. They make the set go from fatiguing really quick on stock to a much more pleasurable session with the upper registers of guitars, trombones and trumpets. It can still approach fatiguig but, allows for a louder volume or longer session on mid volume.

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Cunning, seems like RSV 3k is just slightly elevated.


The Freq. Range before these 3k are way different though. I guess the more gradual lift of the diva makes the 3k peak way less noticeable.

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