JAY's audio memes (and reviews/ranking too I guess)

I thought it was the tea pro graph…cause I can’t read lol


Dw that’s on the way as well :wink:


I sure didn’t have Honest Audiophile liking Estrella more stock than tape mod on my bingo card :face_with_monocle::face_with_raised_eyebrow::face_with_monocle::face_with_raised_eyebrow:


Same here - I don’t usually watch Dave all that often but I am surprised at how closely we both hear the Estrella.


Yes, and I think there are two pairs around my office. My wife stole one from me. I like them, but I still think Kailua is a better set, mostly because of the better quality bass. I find the QKZxHBB can bring too much mid-bass at times. The Kailua also avoids ever having too much treble, without making it seem recessed.

As with most of this, the type of music matters, and for hip-hop and EDM the QKZ is better, but if I am going for that I might go directly to Rosefinch or even Hades. For classic and prog rock, the Kailua works really well. The biggest issue with Kailua is the nozzle angle, which isn’t going to work for everyone.

Also worth noting Kailua has been on sale at Linsoul for $29 going on three months now, so I assume they are clearing out inventory.

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Am I alone in seeing that graph for the Tea Pro and being a bit concerned? It seems like it is a bit too bright to have the Tea moniker. The scooped out treble was the signature of the Tea and Tea2.

but…but…you get a special cable!

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I think overall I like QKZ HBB better. It could be down to library.

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Dave (The Honest Audiophile) is one of the really good reviewers out there. Straight shooter. Will tell you straight up if he doesn’t like an IEM and why.

Also have met him – very nice guy.


He does seem like a genuine and nice guy from his videos. I know he and his wife are actual musicians as well which means his opinion usually has a bit more weight for me. The only reason why I don’t watch his videos too often is because his preferences don’t usually line up with mine. Regardless, his thoughts on the Estrella mostly line up with mine to a tee.


He blocked me a long ago from his channel

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Well, what’s the context, brother?

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Estrella measured on Crin’s 5128:

That’s some crazy channel matching good job ZIIGYAAT


Just in time for him to put it on the Hangout?

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I was asking him to try few tips before shitting on Olina ( When OG Olina released )

He took offence and blocked me.


If it was as simple as you making a suggestion, then that’s not cool. Not sure why he took to that degree lol


Because, he might thought I was questioning his judgement I guess.

It was a total misunderstanding, nothing else. Although I value his impressions , he has a good hearing


Tips (aka fit) and insertion depth will affect or change the in-ear treble response. This can make or brake an IEM for me.

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That’s unfortunate. It does seem like a complete misunderstanding. Maybe he was just having a rough day that day and was a little more sensitive than usual to suggestions that he may have mistook has a critique.