bro I have no fucking clue what’s going on
Your brain needs to be studied, John. Idk how you come up with this stuff
Is that with or without the adapter?
Bro they didn’t give me the adapter
Only the case, IEM, and 1 pair of tips
Oh ya and the card, can’t forget about the card
Bruh Duh, I’m the ultimate brick, my fault LOL
Honestly, the bass does look nice even with out the adapter…
Aight, I can’t believe I’m saying this, but the Letshuoer x Aoshida E20 ($25?) EQed is better in most areas, and trades very close bass wise. That one dude wasn’t joking lmao
The bass is quicker while maintaining the slam, stage is more open, vocals are clearer, imaging is sharper, and overall resolution is better on the E20. I will say the Deuce feels heavier and deeper in the bass when it comes to the decay, giving it a better prolonged/reverb feeling, but overall value wise the E20 EQd is crazy good.
Can’t belive what I just read
Try it yourself. E20 is insane. I was surprised too. They’re both 2DD with the E20 having a berrylium one. Stock wise it’s a clean/balanced sound, but with some EQ…
Who was that one dude? Rip deuce
which one bro lot’s of victims with this one
The dude that wasn’t joking about the Aoshida E20
Think he may be referring to the dude that made a video saying “anyone who buys the deuce is a moron”
Is that the same guy? Didn’t watch the video just saw the title.
That’s crazy Yo!
Folks piled on the “Dude” who shared the same sentiment.
Perhaps it’s because of the beryllium coated drivers?
Ok. So does anyone own both sets that can actually confirm this? Has anyone tried to “eq” other cheap sets to make them sound similar to the Estrella or the davinci?
One person saying it does not mean it’s a fact. I want to see what others say. I don’t think anyone should base a decision on ONE person’s input. Furthermore, people constantly say don’t go just based on a graph. Sorry.