@Radic’s was a non graphed and personal opinion, Jays was a graph so make of that what you will…no skin in this fight brah but the whole Deuce fiasco is IEM soap opera worthy
I hear you man. I was just looking for further input. I am sure anyone would be frustrated to spend cash on an iem only to find out you could have saved a lot of money.
Not long ago we had drama based on the Estrella iem because a few reviewers didn’t like it. And people got defensive about it because I can only assume they spent a lot of money on that iem.
Getting over this one and preparing for the next Fatfreq release …
At one time in the future when you, (hopefully), get the rest of the Deuce package you must try the impedance adapter on the E20😄
they have a problem with shipping. Facts.
Sound. Still wanna hear others input that actually own both because if I can save a bit of cash I am all for it.
Can’t argue with that.
You save money but the itch remains… Your brain starts to gnaw and at some point the money flies in one direction or another. Enjoy the music and your IEMs, life is short. I guess nymz is the most cunning…
I am very wise today
If you want to save money in this hobby, you buy something good & cheap or endgame-tier and you turn around and leave forever. What you don’t know can’t hurt your wallet and you can spend all of that energy you would have used to chase gear on searching for new music instead.
Estrella drama was because of inconsistency in their reviews. I do NOT care if you don’t like the set. I have no issues when other reviewers like Crinacle, side salad, Mike Bruce didn’t vibe with it, it’s all good, but just don’t lie about it like TDM.
As for the E20. It’s a really good IEM. The drivers in that thing is legit for the price. Deuce still works better for bass heads, but for most people the E20 is a no brainer if you want something bassy and you’re ok with EQing.
I def have the itch and these iems are going to get me into trouble eventually with the misses. Especially with all these new midfi ones coming out
Not questioning just inquiring, you’ve listened to the E20? opinion not based solely on graph?
Sonofholhorse speaks truth bombs. You can’t own them all, just enjoy what you have. Enjoy the hobby as you can, because in the end… it’s your ears, your music, and there isn’t really a right or a correct.
We look for a truth a common ground, and it can’t be found. It’s about your personal experience and if it satisfies you. We are all at different spots in our journey. Main thing is to just be truthful of what you like and don’t, as sometimes differences in between 100 dollar sets and 1000 dollar sets can be quiet minor.
Some 20 dollar sets are better than multi thousand dollar sets.
I can also attest to this, as I sit here listening to a pair of Titan S2 while my Europa and STORM sit unattended. I could have walked away happy with any of the three of them, prices be damned. If you have to stress over squeezing every last penny out of price/performance, then you’re in the wrong hobby and you should take up day trading or the like. Learn to rock with who you rock with, and enjoy what you stick in your ears. If it stresses you, leave and save yourself the heartache. You can find people with similar tastes or budgets but at the end of the day you have to be the arbiter of what your ears enjoy.
I agree with all of that. But I and I am sure others that are new to the hobby would want to get best bang for your buck type of iem. Who wouldn’t want that? Especially if they can get it at a fraction of the cost?
Maybe like jaytiss just did with the deuce he can do it with other iems. Put midfi and eq budget iems to show consumers what is available for them. Just an idea
See this is what I am talking about. You share your input and while others end up saying “leave the hobby and enjoy what you like” when new people come into the hobby they don’t want to feel like they got scammed and people would naturally think they will get something better if they pay more. Not everyone can try a bunch of iems and if a reviewer wants to eq one set to compare to an expensive set it would be helpful to do that for other sets as well. It would be extremely helpful.
Ya I have both of them
Hahahaha I think Deuce is still a good choice for bassheads since the E20 isn’t as bassy
But price to performance isn’t its strong point, I’ll agree with you on that
The thing is, even if the E20 is technically better, it just doesn’t go as deep in the sub-bass, the decay in the rumble is faster, but that also means it’s not as enjoyable if someone wanted more linger to the bass notes
There’s really no other IEMs at around $200 that fills that gap, so until something does, the Deuce is still competitive because it’s the only option for hardcore bassheads
Are those cases the glcon cases from amazon or did you end up finding a more direct source on ali? I have extras and dont need more, but you know how it gets.
A couple or problems with this premise: Not all IEMs EQ equally and not everyone wants to EQ everything they get. Our ears are all anatomically different so you ALSO have to EQ specifically to your own ears given a PEQ and specific IEM, unless you just shoot for a target. There are also already people who do this (Sharur, Oratory, etc).
It’s a nice idea to have one-size-fits-all options or “start here” for beginners, and lots of reviewers actually DO have lists of “start with these if you aren’t sure or think you prefer X tuning” but at the end of the day it is a subjective hobby. There will be trials and errors, and some people will stop at their first unit while others chase the dragon forever until they are broke or eternally upset. If you are the type that can’t enjoy the chase, you need to find another hobby or learn to settle and temper expectations. Very few reviewers are going to tell you “you’re just fine with this” because the nature of the hobby is that there is ALWAYS something new and shiny to chase.
@givemebeer GLCONs from Amazon indeed! Some purchased as singles, some as those two-packs at a minor discount.