JAY's audio memes (and reviews/ranking too I guess)


VAT is automatically added on ali, so you do not need to pay any fees to postnord afterwards.


Glad you’re enjoying them man! And ya use what @Rikudou_Goku linked :+1:

While the product you link is way below the threshold, I feel the need to make things more precise: on aliE, the vat is included when the product costs less than 150€. After that point, your parcel can still be intercepted by customs and you get additional fees.

Yes, the limit is 150 euro, above that and ali will automatically remove the VAT when you order there, and once it is in your country, you will need to pay the vat (and some handling fees). At least that is how it works in Sweden (and should be for the rest of EU).

I checked on aliE website, and it seems the rule is a little bit trickier than that (how could it be different with the law?): There is no threshold for “foreign” stores that ship from EU based warehouses. The threshold is applicable only for non EU stores that send from non EU warehouses.
Not that it changes many things for chi-fi, though…

yes, this only applies to non-eu stores. (which is probably all of chifi.)

Kailua in :v:




Superfamicom is the best colorway though


:rofl::rofl::rofl: how do they sound though?


And how do they fit?

The unusual 2-pin socket placement and slightly skewed, protruding nozzle look like it’s hit / miss depending on the shape of your ear canal.
It’s a bold design.


Ayo! :rofl::rofl::rofl: this dude said scammed! :joy: you kill me, Jay.

The shell reminds me of the Dark Magician or Olina type but with a longer nozzle which would help tremendously with fit. Looking forward to your impressions, brother


They look like a candy I’d gladly pass up :man_shrugging: But how are those nozzles?! Oh yeah, and sound is kinda important too, I guess


Kailua First Impressions:

They sound really good so far. Very safe tuning. Nothing wrong. Vocals has good weight and enough extension, not super forward but not light. Great timbre and treble is nicely extended (maybe some masking? Need to test more). Bass is solid, doesn’t lack anything but isn’t a bass monster or anything. Mid-range is clean, a little warm. Dynamics are surprisingly smooth, unlike what the graph would suggest with the treble. Ya idk another good all-rounder I guess :man_shrugging: Needs more listening.

Fit is like the Dark Magician for those wondering, so on the smaller side of things.


The angle (facing forward??) of the 2pins is what’s throwing me for a loop

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Ya it’s a bit weird but after adjusting/wiggling it around it fits me pretty nice like the DM.

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I’d have to use a non memory wire cable to have a hope.

All just commentary, this isn’t on my shopping list anyway (list of zero thank goodness)

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Cadenza 12 baby (pre-production unit)
Shoutout to Joseph :heart_hands: @shuoer


Hell yeah!!! I wasn’t sure you would get one. How is it?

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Whooo, but why a pre-production? That’s odd